Chapter Seven- Scares

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Chapter Seven-Scares
  Lucy sighed as Natsu, Erza, and Gray followed Lucy to the guild. Lucy was exhausted as she tried not to fall asleep from the journey. Lucy limped slightly as she twisted her leg saving Gray from Leon. Erza quickened her pace to meet up with Lucy’s.
   “You feeling any better?” Erza asked as Lucy nodded while yawning.
   “Yeah, My hangover has passed but I’m exhausted and my ankle is irritating me.” Lucy answered Erza before sending her a quick smile. Erza nodded and smiled back.
    “Were almost to the guild, Miragine should help with the ankle.” Erza replied before freezing to see the sight in front of her. There was the guild, it had metal poles running through the guild hall as it was destroyed and mantled. Everyone quickly ran to the guild hall to see if everyone was okay. There stood Miragine outside, she looked tired and upset.
    “Mira, What happened!” Natus yelled as the temperature started to rise around him. The four wizards sat in the basement before Master as he was drunk out
of his mind.
    “Natsu, you are in big trouble stealing an S-Class mission.” Master said in a threatening voice as Natsu quickly gulped. Suddenly Master smiled before shrugging.
   “But who caressssssss” Lucy sighed before standing up from her seat.
    “So your telling me that Phantom Lord attack at night and did this to our guild hall?” Lucy asked Master only to get a nod. Lucy let out a frustrated grunt before punching the barrels next to her. Everyone looked at Lucy in surprise as she was pissed.
     “Lucy calm down.” Erza said but Lucy shaked her head in frustration.
    “Why don’t you care! We should do something about it! It’s not right that they get to tear up our guild hall for no reason!” Lucy balled up her fist as her eyes started to glow red in anger.
    “It’s very low of us to attack them for such a silly reason. We could always rebuild the guild hall. They are just trying to get an action out of us.”
Master explained before Lucy stormed out as around her it was a million degrees. Erza sighed and ran after Lucy to help her.
    “Lucy! Wait up!” Erza yelled to catch Lucy as she started to storm all the way to her house.
     “Leave me alone Erza.” Lucy said in a frustrated voice as Lucy tried not to light her hands on fire. Erza didn’t listen and got closer to Lucy before
grabbing Her arm.
    “I said get back!!” Lucy yelled before flinging her arm around and hitting Erza with her fire. Erza gasped in pain as it started to melt her armour. Erza quickly changed into her fire armour and drawed her sword. Lucy’s eyes glowed more red as the flames around Lucy started to turn blue.
    “Lucy calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.” Erza said softly making Lucy’s eyes slowly go brown before going back red.
   "G-Get back!!” Lucy sent a blast of blue flames, hitting Erza’s side as it started to eat away her armour. Erza quickly transformed to her black wing
armour. It was shining black as it had two wings coming out of the back of the armour. Lucy shaked her head before sending another blue flame making Erza quickly jump.
    “Lucy, tell me what’s wrong. I want to help!” Erza dogged another incoming flame before she knew, she was iced to the floor.
    “I will not tell you again Erza, Leave, Me, ALONE.” Lucy screamed before running off before Erza could get out of the ice.
Next Day
Lucy sighed as she sat against the door. Lucy was exhausted from taking out her rage. She was ashamed that she attacked Erza but it had to be done. Lucy closed her eyes and laid down sideways as she tried not to cry. Lucy didn’t really care about the guild hall, but the people who destroyed it. She
knew that Phantom Guild did anything for money and many thoughts thatscared Lucy went through her head. Suddenly there was a knock on the door
making Lucy sigh and stand up. Lucy opened to the door to see Erza and Star. Lucy opened her mouth the speak but was stopped by Erza.
    “It’s fine, but… something happened that will make you really angry” Erza replied making Lucy nod.
   “I’m sorry Erza... I-” Erza put her finger over Lucy’s mouth and smiled softly.
   “It’s okay, I understand.” Erza said softly as Star rested on Lucy’s shoulder.
    “Don’t you ever leave me again!” Star yelled making Lucy wince and nod.
     “You got it Star…” With that Lucy, Star, and Erza started to walk to the park as a crowd surrounded a tree. There Natsu and Gray stood there as Natsu
was about to explode. Lucy gasped at what she saw. There, Levy, Droy, and Jet were chained to the tree as they were beaten badly. Lucy closed her eyes and shaked her head while biting her lip to stop the tears.
    “I don’t care if they mess with the guild hall, but my children is out of
limits. This Means War!” Master screamed making Fairy tail cheer ready for battle as they all start to head to the guild hall of Phantom Lord. Erza tapped Lucy’s shoulder as she noticed Lucy wasn’t coming.
     “You coming?” Erza asked only to get a shake of the head.
    “No…. I know some healing magic that might help them.” Lucy replied as Erza smiled before running off to catch up with the guild. Lucy looked up as she could feel a tear slowly fall down her cheek.
    “I’m so sorry guys….”
Lucy sighed as she walk back to the hospital with a bag of supplies. Mostly was full of herbs but magic spell books to help Lucy heal her friends.
Suddenly it started to rain making Lucy fold the top of the bag so the supplies don’t get wet. As Lucy continued to walk the rain grew harder. Lucy suddenly could see a girl, she had blue hair and a dark blue outfit. On her chest was a weird looking doll that had a sown in face. Lucy felt chills run up her spine making her walk faster but froze a bit when the woman spoke.
    “Are you Lucy Dragneel? Drip drop.” Lucy gulped down air as more chills ran up and down her spine. “No, Got the wrong girl.” Lucy choked out making the woman nod and open her umbrella.
   “Well than, sorry for the disturbance. Drip drop drip drop.” The woman kept
saying as she started to walk away. Lucy sighed in relief and turned back to see an empty road.
   “What?” Suddenly Lucy’s world went dark. Lucy grounded softly as her head pounded. Lucy tried to move but realized her hands were tied to her back making Lucy grunt and slowly open
her eyes. Around her was stone, Lucy could feel the breeze from the big window
right in front of her. Behind her was a big metal door that had some bars so you could see into the cell. Lucy sighed and closed her eyes as she tried to
concentrate on something else than her beating head.
    “Look who’s awake.” Someone said making Lucy open her eyes and looked
at the door. Suddenly the door opened wide to show a creepy weird looking man. He wore a purple outfit as he also had a purple wizard hat. He had a mustache making Lucy slowly sit up.
    “What the heck is going on Jose!!?” Lucy leaned against a wall while trying not freak out. Jose chuckled as he smirked creaply.
   “Well, you have been kidnapped of course. You know, a bounty has been put
out by the dragon lord. And guess who they want. You.” Jose said making Lucy freeze in terror. Everything around Lucy stopped as tears started to fall down Lucy’s face.
    “N-No you can’t…” Lucy choked out as she held back a sob.
   “Oh yes I can, and after I turn you in, and kill all the fairy flies, I will be the most powerful guild in the world!!!” Jose yelled as he smirked and a dark shadow was casted over him. Lucy shaked her head as she started to remember the memories of torture. Lucy started to stand up and back away from Jose.
    “Get away from me… Y-You can never take me back there!!!” Lucy yelled as tears stung her eyes before she took a step back only to put it back forward. There was the ledge as it leed down 13 flights. Lucy gasped as Jose moved closer.
    “You will never be able to leave, you go back or you die.” Lucy sighed before holding back the tears.
    “I chose to die.” Lucy said before falling off the ledge backwards as Lucy lost her breath.
  ‘I’m sorry fairy tail… Natsu…. Erza… Star. I’ll miss you…’ Lucy closed her eyes and waited for the pain of death. Lucy didn’t feel anything only the feel
the wind rush by her. Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see that she was flying in
the air. Lucy started to freak out while thrashing before she heard a familiar voice.
    “Lucy it’s me Star!!!” Star said as she started to fly back to the apartment.
    “Star…” Lucy said before she started to break down crying.
Star flew down into the basement of Fairy tail. There the guild members plan out there next attack as they were all chaotic. Everyone was everywhere as master was gone into the forest healing with Porlyusica as he lost his
magic in the battle. Everyone was trying to recover from the last attack as they had to retreat. Star makes it to one of the corners as there is Erza with her face stern. She has her arms crossed as it looks like shes upset.
    “Erza.” Star said while shaking Erza. Erza looked up at Star before hiding her angry expression.
“Well hi Star, why are you here? And where's Lucy?” Erza asked only to Star to shush her. Star quickly pulled Erza outside before sighing.
    “What's wrong?” Erza asked Star only to get a sigh.
    “Something happened to Lucy, she was kidnapped by The Phantom Lord. And it has to tie something to her past. I think I have an idea but I can’t get her to calm to down. So I need your help.” Star said quickly before starting to leed
Erza to Lucy’s apartment. Once Erza and Star made it to the apartment the door was open as inside was a reck. Everything was all over the floor while her papers were scattered.
    “Lucy?” Erza asked as there was no answer. After being silent for a few seconds there was a sound coming from the kitchen as Erza hurried over to the kitchen. Once Erza made it there, Lucy was sitting on the floor, her knees to her chest, and crying. Erza quickly hugged Lucy and pulled her close.
   “Lucy… It’s okay, I’m here. No one's ever going to get you.” Erza said softly as Lucy cried in Erza’s shoulder while holding onto Erza tightly. After a few minutes later Lucy started to calm down as she coughed and sniffed.
    “Erza…. W-Why are you here…” Lucy whispered as she quickly wiped her face and looked down.
   “Because Star told me that there was something was wrong… so what is it Lucy?” Erza asked as she gently held Lucy’s cheek as she made Lucy look at her.
    “I-Its all my fault Erza… everything… t-there looking for me... T-To take me back..”
   “Take you back were?” Lucy could feel tears sting her eyes as she tightly held onto Erza.
   “Dragon Force.”
Erza sighed as she watched Lucy sleep on her bed as everything Lucy told Erza processed.
    “I’m sorry Lucy, about everything that happened to you…” Erza whispered as she kissed Lucy’s forehead.
   ‘I’ll never let them get you Lucy. You are not them, you can fight, and you are stronger than any of them. Lucy, you’re amazing and you can’t let those memories eat you away. You’ll never forgive yourself when it comes to an end.’ Erza rolled up her sleeves to show scares. Lucy sniffed and traced Erza’s scars with her finger.
   “What happened…?” Lucy asked as she looked up at Erza.
   “I was like you Lucy, I was kidnapped from my home as they forced me to work in a tower and torchered me. But Im not letting them take me down. I’m with my family and I’m not going to let anyone get to me.” Erza said with a small smile as Lucy blushed a bit before nodding.
   “Okay… thank you.” Erza smiled a bit as she recalled what happened. Even though it might hurt to think about what happened to her she needs to think about the future. Erza shakes her head as she tried to keep her eyes open. Suddenly Erza was fast asleep in her chair. Lucy yawned as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. Lucy saw Erza sleeping before smiling.
  ‘Never give up Lucy.’ Lucy’s heart warmed up at the words that Erza said to her. Suddenly Star bust through the door in a panic.
   “ERZA LUCY COME TO THE GUILD!! There all panicking and it is a mess!!” When Erza and Lucy made it to the basement of the guild, everyone was a mess. Some were fighting each other as they all were on high fuse.
   “LISTEN UP!!” Lucy yelled as she stood on top of a table.
   “What are you doing!! No wonder Phantom wants us gone!! Look at us, were not ourselves. We may not have our master and a person to lead us! But that doesn’t mean we have to act like this!! We stick together not tear eachother apart. We are family!!! I may have done bad things and been punished for not doing them.” Lucy showed everyone her scars as everyone gasped and looked in shock.
    “I became apart of a guild that forced people to do bad things and punish you for not doing them. They took advantage of me and.. I regret and sulk on what happened, But we are not them!!! We are fairy tail, we bring light to where there is darkness! We can’t let Phantom tear us apart and make us into who we
are not. We are number one and we will stay the number one!!!” Lucy finished her speech as everyone cheered and clapped making everyone smile. Lucy smiled as Erza fistbumped Lucy.
   “Told ya it would work.” Erza said to Lucy, Natsu hugged Lucy from behind.
   “You never keep anything secret from me ever again.” Natsu said as Lucy smiled softly and hugged Natsu.
   “Okay, I promise Natsu.” Lucy said before kissing her brother on the forehead. Suddenly the guild hall shook making everyone in the guild run
outside the guild. There stood a huge robot as it was the guild hall of phantom. Lucy gritted her teeth as she stepped up as her eyes started to glow red.
  “Fairy tail, If you love your guild hall, you give me Lucy Dragneel, or I will
destroy all of you all with my fusion cannon!” Jose yelled from the speaker of the guild as the guild start to scream no.
  “Never! She is our family!! She stay with us!” Erza yelled making Lucy look back at Erza and smile as the guild yelled in agreement.
“Fine then, you give me no choose.” Jose said before the cannon started to warm up as a ball of power grew. Lucy gasped before pushing the sea water up and freezing it. Lucy added more ice to it as the cannon started to fire.
   “Lucy!!” Erza yelled once the cannon hit as cracks made its way throughbthe wall of ice. Natsu tried to run after his sister but was held back by Gray and Star as Natsu screamed at Lucy. Lucy grunted as she tried to repair the cracks only having more cracks appeared. Erza started to run after Lucy as she gritted her teeth as she felt the wall start to break apart.Suddenly the wall shattered. Lucy gasped before screaming out in pain as
she took the rest of the blast. Erza ran over to Lucy before falling backwards and hitting her head hard. Blood trickled down Erza’s head before she passed out as dust filled the air. Once the dust cleared and the cannon stopped there stood Lucy. Burns, cuts, and more covered her body as she panted heavily. She could barely stand but she kept standing.
   “This is what it means to be fairy tail… we take sacrifices for our loved ones... w-we never give up and… we care for one and other…” Lucy whispered before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she slowly fell backwards.
Natsu broke away from Gray before running and quickly catching Lucy. Natsu growled as he held his older sister close to him. Star held onto Lucy while tearing up.
   “Your two best wizards are down. Now, if you don’t give me Lucy Dragneel, I’ll fire the cannon again. I’ll give you 15 minutes.” Jose said over the speaker with a smirk.
   “You Bastard!!! I’m going to kill you for this!!!” Natsu screamed as fire started to make his way up his body. Gray suddenly touched Natsu’s shoulder to cool him down.
   “Natsu, you destroy that cannon while Elfman and me attack from behind.
For your sister.” Erza laid in the guild hall as Lucy laid next to her. Marigane quickly picked up Lucy before putting her inside the back of a wagon. Star joined as she held onto Lucy.

  “Take her to the safehouse.” Marigane told Reedus as he nodded before hopping on the wagon and took off.

   Natsu screamed as he slammed his fist against the cannon making no dent. Natsu growled as he hit hard, only to get nothing in return.
   “Natsu!! Why don’t we try inside!!” Happy suggested as Natsu nodded.
   “Good idea pal.” Natsu said before going through the cannon. After walking a bit he came to a room with magic stored in glass sphere to see a huge sphere in the middle. Natsu smirked before his hands lite on fire before moving to punch the glass. Suddenly Natsu was on the ground groaning as he rubbed
his cheek.
   ‘I hit myself?! How!’ Natsu thought before looking around to see a man. With on side white and other black hair. A black strip went through his face as a smirk appeared.
   “Wow, the all great fire dragon is confused.” The man said as he grabbed the katana resting on his side. Natsu huffed as he sent a blast of fire at the man only to be deflected to the side. Natsu looked shocked as he deflected his
   “How!!” Natsu yelled angrily as he lit his hands on fire. The man only laughed before bowing a bit.
   “My name is Totomaru, the fire element in phantom. No fire can hit or pass me.” Totomaru said as he suddenly sent a flame at Natsu. Natsu smirked before eating it and smirking.
    “I’m the fire dragon slayer, and no one gets in my way!!” Natsu yelled as he lit himself on fire. Suddenly the fire went out making Natsu sunned.
   “I-Impossible..” Natsu thought before he gritted his teeth.
‘“Never give up Natsu!! Soar till you can’t!! If not for you, than for me and father!”’ Natsu remembered his sisters words when Igneel left. Natsu gritted
his teeth as he watched his sister take the blast for the guild in his mind. Suddenly the flames around him started to build more as the magic started to fill the middle sypher.
‘1 minute till launch.’ Someone said as Natsu teared up as he suddenly started to scream in anger. The flames around him grew hotter as he put hishands up making a huge thing of fire. Totomaru tried to disable the flame but couldn't stop them. After that Natsu threw the fire hitting/ destroying Totomaru and the huge sphere causing a huge blast.

   Natsu groned and sat up as Happy laid in his lap. Rubble laid on the ground as a huge hole was leading outside.
   “Finally, get up Natsu, we have more work to do.” Someone said. Natsu looked up to see Gray and Elfman smiling with a thumbs up. Natsu smirked, stood up and slammed his hand into his palm.
   “For Lucy!”
Lucy groaned as she slowly started to blink to gain focus. Lucy went to go sit up before hissing and laying back down while holding her stomach. Lucy looked down at her body to see her skin burned, clothing was torn, and her wounds bandaged up. Lucy laid her head back and closed her eyes, feeling a headache coming to haunt her with more pain. Lucy sighed before slowly
sitting up and trying to focus on something else then the pain. Lucy looked around to see she was in a old warehouse that was built in splintery wood. Lucy frowned to see no one in sight making her grit her teeth.
   “Star? Where are you!” Lucy yelled to hear and see nothing Lucy sighed heavily. Lucy slowly stood as she gasped and bite down on her lip to hide the pain as she stood. Lucy leaned against a wall as she breathed heavily before wiping her sweat off of her face. Lucy started to walk but

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