Chapter One-Who?

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"Magnolia..." A woman muttered, her golden blonde hair flowed with the wind. Her outfit conspired of a tight jacket that outlined her abbs. One of the jacket sleeves was missing and were replaced by bandages. A belt went around her waist, on the belt was a sword holster. The sword holster was decorated with three dragons, a red dragon, blue dragon, and white dragon. Around the dragons were surrounded by fire, ice, and water. Around her neck was a dark blue In front of the woman was houses, shops, and more that made the town/ Magnolia lively. A smile made it to the woman's lips as she examined the people walking by her. All wearing smiles, lively talking, or walking with shopping bags.
"Such a lively place huh Lucy?" The woman or Lucy looked up at her shoulder with a chuckle. On her shoulder was a female cat standing on her hind legs. She had black strips over her midnight blue fur.
"Yes it is Star. The map on here says that Fairy Tail is about five blocks away from here. Let's get going!" Lucy shouted as she started to run with excitement. The cat or Star laughed before wings sprouted from her back. Star smirked before starting to fly head of Lucy who laughed and picked up speed.
"You can't beat me!!!"
A white haired woman yawned as she stretched out her arms above her head. Her white thick hair flowed down other than her bangs put into a small ponytail on top of her head. The woman stood behind the bar of Fairy tail. The infamous guild of destruction and chaos, but also enjoyment and laughter. The woman smiled as her mind started to wonder back to every time a fight or a party started in the guild.
"Hey Mira! Another round of booze please!?" A person screamed from one of the guild tables. The woman or Mira shaked her head to stop her day dream before grabbing two mugs of booze.
"Here you go boys." Mira said softly as she made her way to the table and gently put the drinks onto the table. The boys smiled and paid Mira before she went back to the bar. Today was slow, none of the crazy guild members were here, which made it kinda boring and bland. Mira let out a small sigh as she leaned against the bar once again and started to examine the guild. There was Erza, she was an s-class wizard that was all to no hell stubborn. She had scarlet flaming hair that went with all of her personality. Next there was Gray, a man with pitch black hair that was spiked up. He had a problem with... stripping so he had no shirt but luckily he still had his other clothing on. Natsu, he is the cause of most of the chaos that happened in the guild. His pink flaming head was raised by dragons, or so Natsu said. And there were so many other guild members that were unique in all their ways. It was a relief when Natsu and Happy, his exceed, left to go fishing so that should last all day.
Mira quickly shaked her head before moving over to start cleaning the dirty dishes in the skink. Minutes passed bye as Mira slowly finished the dishes. Slowly the guild hall doors opened making Mira looked up to see a blonde haired beauty. Than the woman started to speak making everyone in the guild stare at the beauty.
"Is Natsu Dragneel here?" The woman sounded like an angel as she spoke calmly. That's when Erza stood up, she had a slight blush on her face but stood tall.
"No Ma'am. I can take a message for him, all I need is what you want and your name." Erza said strongly making Lucy smile and chuckle.
'She's.... Really pretty...' Lucy thought with a blush creeping up her neck only for her to shake her head.
"Oh! Um my Name is Lucy, Lucy Dragneel. You see, I have come to talk to Natsu because he is my-" Before Lucy could finish her sentence she was interrupted by a shaking breath.
"L-Lucy?" Natsu said in a hushed voice making Lucy perk up and turn around to see the salmon haired boy. A smile made it to Lucy's lips as she walked closer to Natsu.
"The one and only!" Natsu suddenly tackled Lucy to the ground with a hug. Lucy gasped for breath as she was slammed to the ground by a crushing hug. Natsu who only hugged tighter did his best not to cry as I inhaled Lucy's sent.
"I-I'm so sorry I left!! All I remember was going to f-find some food and I got lost!!! I have been looking all over for you, dad, mom, and aunt!!! I-I started to believe that you were dead and and and...." Natsu shuddered out as tears fell down his face. Lucy smile turned soft before she pulled Natsu closer to her and hugged him softly. This made Natsu choke out sobs in his sister's chest. Lucy hummed softly as she pulled Natsu closer to her as she did her best to hide her tears.
"U-Um, mind telling us what is going on?" Lucy and Natsu looked up to see Erza, her face in scorn and her arms crossed.
"O-Oh I'm sorry!!!"Lucy quickly got up after moving Natsu off of her. "Like I said before, my name is Lucy Dragneel. Me and Natsu are brother and sister! We got separated when our dragons disappeared around 15 years ago!!" Lucy said with a bright smile as she wrapped her arm around Natsu. Natsu sniffled as he quickly wiped his tears and side hugged Lucy back.
"Anyways, how have you been Fire Spitter? Looks like you found a nice guild to stay in." Lucy smirked as Natsu chuckled and smiled brightly.
"A million times better with you here now!!! This is Fairy tail, my family! After I couldn't find you in the forest, I went into this town and stumbled on Fairy tail! I joined here when Master welcomed me with open arms!" Lucy hummed as she pulled Natsu closer while her hand ruffled his hair.
"Natsu, you should introduce me to your friends. So they can stop staring..." Lucy muttered the last part to Natsu making him chuckle when he realized everyone staring at the two.
"Lucy I would like you to meet Fairy tail!!!! That is Erza, Gray, Levy,-" Natsu went on as he pointed people out in the guild to Lucy. Once Natsu was done with saying everyone's name he turned to say more only to see air.
"So you're name is Erza? Like the Erza Scarlet!!!" Lucy said with a bright smile and her handheld out. Erza chuckled a tiny bit as she shaked Lucy's hand.
'Dang... she is cute... wait what!! Shut up gay brain!!!' Erza thought before clearing her throat and letting go of Lucy's hand. "That's me, and so far you've told me is that you're Natsu's sister?"
"Oh yeah!! Me and Natsu were both raised by dragons when our parents passed." Erza nodded as curiosity started to take over Erza's mind.
"Why don't we go sit down at the bar and talk more!" Lucy was about to say something when Natsu suddenly jumped onto Lucy's back.
"Ah!" Lucy grabbed Natsu only to slam him hard against the floor causing a dent in the wood flooring. "I-Im so sorry Natsu!!!" Lucy said as she bent down to check her brother. Gasps could be heard around the guild, even one escaped Erza's mouth.
"He was dumb to scare you like that." Someone said behind Lucy making Lucy look behind to see Star.
"Star!! Use your healing magic please..." Lucy used her puppy dog eyes as she made her lip quiver. Star sighed as she slapped her paw into her face out of annoyance.
"Fine..." Star muttered as she walked up to Natsu, suddenly a light emanated from Star's paws. Once the light disappeared Natsu was slowly waking up to no injuries and no pain.
"Oh thank the dragons... are you okay Natsu!!" Lucy yelled in a concerned voice as she lifted Natsu off the ground.
"Well what was that for!!" Natsu yelled back only to get a frown from Lucy.
"Maybe next time not to scare me. I thought I taught you a lesson last time you did that. Do I need to teach you another one?" Lucy said in a deep dark voice that sent shivers down everyone in the guild backs. Lucy's face was dark and almost miradouros with a tilt of her head.
"N-No ma'am!!" Natsu replied as he put his hands up making Lucy smile and return to her happy demeter.
"Good!! Now where was I... Oh right!! Can I join Fairy tail?" Lucy said as she looked up at Erza. Erza shook her head from her thoughts before letting out a small smile onto her lips.
"You would have to speak to master, but most likely he'll allow you to join! His office is upstairs, I'll show you." Lucy smiled brighter as she started to follow Erza upstairs.
"You know Erza, you seem really nice!! A lot more nicer than the articles I have read about you." Lucy chuckled when Erza rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Don't believe everything you read Lucy."
"I don't."
"Then why did- You know what... nevermind." Erza sighed making Lucy laugh softly as a small blush started to form on her face. 'Dang... she even has a cute laugh... ugh stop thinking like this!!' Erza herself started to blush as she turned away and made it up the stairs. In front of the two stood a door blocking the way into the office room.
"Well I'll see you when you come back downstairs Lucy. And then we can talk more. And maybe meet some of the members... properly." Another laugh escaped Lucy's throat as her smile brightened.
"I certainly will Erza!!!" With that Lucy knocked on the door as Erza walked down the stairs back to the group.
"Come in!" A man's voice came through the door making Lucy slowly open the door and close it behind her. In front of her was an old man, he was around 3 to 4 feet, and had some white hair.
"You must be Master Makarov, It's nice to see you again!" Master Makarov looked up only to have a smile make it to his face.
"Lucy!!! It has been too long! Did you finally make it out of the grasps of the magic council?!" Lucy laughed at Makarovs excitement as she sat down in front of the old man.
"I don't think I'll ever get away from them. But I finally found my brother, it's Natsu. You should have told me he was in your guild!"
"Well, you never told me his name and what he looked like. Anyways, what are you doing up here? Just come to see me?" Makarov smirked making Lucy giggle before shaking her head.
"No Makarov, The reason I'm here is because I want to join Fairy Tail." Makarov blinked, before blinking again before chuckling softly.
"Well how could I say no to you huh? Where do you want your guild mark?" Makarov pulled out a stamp that had the Fairy Tail emblem on it. Lucy smiled softly before turning to her side.
"On my shoulder and... how about blood red." Makarov nodded before stamping the emblem on Lucy's shoulder making her smile brightly.
"Thank you so much Makarov or should I say Master Makarov." Lucy quickly hugged the old man before leaving his office. Makarov laughed softly as he leaned back against the chair he sat on.
"This is going to be hectic..."
"Natsu, Erza look!!!" Lucy yelled as she ran up to the two pair. They turned around and both smiled at Lucy fangirling about her new guild mark. Natsu laughed at how childish his sister was acting while Erza laughed at Lucy from how cute she was acting.
"Nice color you chose there." Erza commented out making Lucy smile and sit in between Erza and Natsu.
"Red and Blue are my favorite colors. I always wear blue so I thought red would make the guild mark pop out."
"That is smart." someone with a silky voice said behind the counter. Lucy looked up to see a pretty woman with silky white hair that flowed down her hair. Lucy tilted her head in confusion making the random woman chuckle. "I should introduce myself, my name is Mirajane Strauss. But you can just call me Mira." The woman or Mira spoke softly as she held out her hand. Lucy smiled and quickly shooked Mira's hand.
"It's nice to meet you!! I'm Lucy Dragneel."
"So Lucy,do you use fire dragon slayer magic like Natsu?" Erza asked Lucy who chuckled and turned to to Erza.
"Yes I do, but I also use water and ice dragon slayer magic."
"Well me and Natsu lived with more than one Dragon. There was Igneel the fire dragon, Glace the ice dragon, and Lapis the water dragon. Natsu being younger than me didn't start his training till later with me. So he wasn't able to learn any other dragon slayer magic than fire dragon slaying magic." Lucy explained as Natsu sighed and stood up.
"Seriously why are you talking about boring things, I would rather talk about your journeys and how you've plummeted people to the ground." Lucy just rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Erza and Mira about herself. Natsu tsked as he walked away from the three girls talking about boring stuff.
"So what happened to you after you couldn't find Natsu after your dragons disappeared?" Mira asked making Lucy sigh, her eyes dropping and so did her happy demeter.
"I don't really like to talk about that stuff. Let's just say it wasn't pretty." Lucy muttered making Erza frown.
'What made her like this...' Erza thought only to shake her head and put a gentle hand on Lucy's shoulder.
"It's okay, We've been there too." Erza said softly making Mira nodded and put her hand on Lucy's.
"Thanks guys... means a lot." A smile returned to Lucy's lips making the two girls smile in return. "Anyways... changing the subject, do you guys know a place I can rent?" Mira suddenly brightened at Lucy's question as she smiled brightly.
"Of course!! You can come and stay at Fairy Hills with me and Erza!! There are other girls there but we are there too!! It would be so fun!!! It's pretty cheap and-"
"Calm down Mira." Lucy said in a laugh as she stopped Mira from her rant section.
"But Mira is right, you can rent out a room at Fairy hills." Erza added making Lucy hum before putting her head on her hand.
"How can I say no now?"

Lucy, Star, Erza, and Mira stood in front of Fairy Hills that was on top of the hill. After Lucy said bye to her brother Erza and Mira dragged Lucy and Star to Fairy hills.
"Woah..." Lucy muttered as she stared at the building in front of her. Fairy hills was huge with that stretched from one side of the hill to the other. Once the four girls entered the main hall to fairy hills Lucy eyes widen and a gasp escaped her throat.
"It's so beautiful!!!!" Lucy exclaimed as she walked around with stars in her eyes. Mira, Erza and Star laughed at Lucy as they followed the fangirling Lucy. As they walked through the building a small old woman walked up to them. A frown was plastered on her face and her eyes were dull from age.
"Erza, Mira." The woman greeted in a dull voice making Erza and Mira bow a tiny bit in greeting.
"Good afternoon Ruchio." Mira said making the old woman or Ruchio turn to look at Lucy.
"Ruchio, this is Lucy, she is new to fairy tail. She came here to get rent a room." This caught Lucy's attention as she turned to Ruchio before smiling brightly.
"Hi!!! My name is Lucy Dragneel!! It's nice to meet you Ms, Ruchio!" Lucy held out her hand to Ruchio making her narrow her eyes.
"So you're here to rent a room, that'll be 100,000 jews every month. Means if you're renting today you have to pay that much to get the room." Ruchio crossed her arms without shaking Lucy's hand making Lucy feel a bit hurt. But Lucy kept a smile on her face as she pulled out a pouch full of Jews.
"Here you go ma'am!!"

"I'm kinda shocked you had that much jews on hand." Erza commented as she sat down on a random couch in Lucy's new room. After giving Ruchio the jews for the room, Lucy and the other girls made it to the new room. It was big, the living room had a long couch with a tv in front of it. Next to the living room was a kitchen full of everything someone would need to cook with. In the next room that was blocked by a door was a king sized bed with red covers over them. On both sides of the bed was an end table that had lamps on them. The bedroom also had a bathroom with a huge tub that was serapted from the bedroom by double doors.
"Well I just came back from a job and haven't been able to turn the jews into my card." Lucy said as she put her luggage she left behind in the hotel she was going to stay at.
"Well you're all set in your new room!! Me and Mira should let you get settled in. See you tomorrow at the guild!" Erza said as she grabbed Mira and dragged her out of Lucy's new home.
"Bye guys!" Lucy waved the two out of her home before sighing softly and landing onto the couch.
"Man they are hard to keep up..." Lucy muttered to herself making Star laugh.
"You're the one who wanted to join the guild with your brother." Lucy just rolled her eyes as she slowly sat up.
"What ever Star... Let's just get to bed... I'm exhausted..." Lucy slowly stood as she changed into her pajamas. After that she plopped into her bed with Star.
"Goodnight..." Lucy muttered to Star before her eyes slowly started to close.

Erza sighed softly as she slowly closed the door to her home behind her. Her mind was hazy and her body was shaky.
'Damn.... I can't stop thinking about that new blonde haired girl... ugh... Of course I would get a stupid school girl crush on her. And I barely even know her!!' Erza groaned as she rubbed her temples in irritation. She can barely think about anything else other than Lucy. Erza kept asking herself why, why couldn't she stop thinking about this woman. Erza sighed again before walking into her bathroom and turn on the water for the bath.
"A bath will probably help..." Erza muttered as she started to strip of her clothing.As Erza looked at herself in the mirror she suddenly froze and moved her hand in front of her. On her hand laid a mark of a dark blue and bloody red dragon. Erza's blood ran cold as she slowly touched the mark making it shine in color.
"No way...." Erza muttered as she brought her hand closer trying to inspect the mark more. She has only read about this, marks that are from your soul mate. They are imprinted onto your body wherever they have touched. And only two people are technically dragon related.... And she has touched Natsu before and this never appeared. That leaves to the person she meet that is also related to a dragon....

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