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Harley and I moved in two days ago, moving was so boring. I barely saw Harley all day and I missed him, not like he missed me though.

today is our first click video. I'm so excited! we all meet in the living room at 3:00. Grace shows us our seating chart, and I'm right next to Harley on the end of the couch. we all sit down and Lannan spreads out as much as possible, purposefully pushing us closer together.
I whisper to fresh, "hit him with a pillow once we start filming." he nods.
Cray screams, "hello gamers! welcome back to another click video!" Harley interrupts by hitting Lannan with a pillow. Cray continues, "um, excuse me! anyways, today we have our two new members with us, mrfreshasian and y/n!"
Harley and I wave. Cray keeps talking, "we're going to be doing a q&a to get to know us better and since fresh and y/n are new!"
first question is for Marcus, "do you know Prestige Clips?"
he laughs, "no I do not! maybe I'll meet them some day."
there's one for Lannan about his videos getting demonetized. then one for Bazza asking why he's so tall. finally Harley and I get some questions.
"for fresh, are you dating y/n?" Grace reads it to us.
"well, I don't know." fresh smirks, "y/n?"
"what?" I smile, not really sure where this is going.
"would you like to be my girlfriend?"
I lean in and kiss him, "does that answer your question?"
"yes it does."
everyone in the house goes absolutely crazy.
"well, we can use that in the wedding video!" Lannan jokes.
"who said we're getting married?" I laugh. "we just started dating 30 seconds ago!"
that whole situation distracted us so much, we didn't even finish the video. I think we got enough content though.

this book is only going to be 20 chapters, I already have another book planned, hopefully it's better. also someone asked for a heartbreaking twist for this chapter, but I couldn't do it. sorry. also also it's currently 2 am on a school night lol I wake up at 6... kill me now! as always, love y'all

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