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Cray's POV:
it's been 5 days and Y/n hasn't woke up yet. on day 3, she thrashed around a lot. it was scary, but the doctors said it was a good sign. I made fresh go home for one night, and I'm going home tonight. her sister came to visit and it was quite awkward. Melissa tried to visit but fresh kicked her out, which was fine with me since I didn't want to see her anyway. (a/n melissa give me some clout)
Fresh brings some food into the room for us, y/n is on a feeding tube right now.
"she's gonna be okay fresh," I reassure him after seeing the look on his face.
"but what if she's not?" he sighs. "then it's all my fault."
"no it's not. it's hard to accept, but she did this to herself."
"I guess."

y/n's POV:
I hear talking, but I can't respond. I know it's Harley and Nathan. I think they're talking about me. I move my hand to grab at Harley.

Harley's POV:
Y/n just moved her hand to me. I grab it.
"Y/n! Y/n can you hear me? squeeze for yes," I shout because she might be waking up!
she squeezes lightly, but it's definitely a squeeze.
"Nathan call a nurse! she's moving! and she can hear us!" I start asking Y/n more questions and she answers them with squeezing. then, her eyes flutter open.
"hi Harley." she smiles, like nothing ever happened.
"hi princess," I joke since she's been pampered all week.
"hey Cray," she says when Nathan walks in.
"hey," he answers not paying attention. "wait what? Y/n!"
"yep. I'm back in business baby!"
"let's get you home, girly." Cray grabs her clothes. "the doctor said we were free to go whenever you woke up."
"let's bounce boys."

super short. I started school.
would you rather have
A) one long chapter every two-three days
B) one short chapter everyday
comment what you want

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