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Breathing the air as he feels free from everything for a moment. For a moment, he feels alive, and free like he wants to be. Slowly looking at his palm that was covered by enemy blood, he wiped it near a wall while looking at the sunrise while admiring the view as much as he could since he knew moments like this were very rare sights to get without being disturbed.


Footsteps can be heard from behind as it slowly comes toward Y/n. Without looking back at them he can confirm who they are.

Y/n: Did Theresis send his army again?

Theresa: No.

Y/n: Is that so? Good, more time to rest. It makes me sick seeing his face.


Theresa went beside Y/n as she watched the sunrise. Theresa looks at Y/n as she feels very sorry for him. She even feels huge guilt inside her growing up every day she sees Y/n.

Y/n is a good guy, but all of it turns him into a bad guy to win a war between her and Theresis because of them. There so many operators had the sacrifice to minimize the chance to lose, and in the end, they gained a victory against Theresis's army.

Because of her, and others, he became like this after he was forced to be a battlefield operator against his will. She doesn't have another choice, she chooses Y/n as a commander of the battlefield itself since he is very strategic at everything he does… except when he eats ramen at 3 AM using his mouth to cook the ramen. Awesome right?

Y/n: Don't worry about me, Theresa… I'm fine. There is nothing you should worry about me. It is my fault I don't keep myself in check to prevent I'm becoming what I am right now.

Theresa: I apologize Y/n for forcing you to become commander of the operator.

Y/n: No… no need to apologize. I choose this path myself. Not you or others.

Y/n turns to her as he sees her face as both of their eyes meet. Y/n brown pupils meet with Theresa's diamond pink pupil as both of them stare at each other without blinking.

Y/n: Right now, you and I have our role. You know what your role is right?

Theresa: Yes. I remember my role clearly.

Y/n walks close to her, closing the gap as he seems taller than her by a few inches. Theresa looks up to Y/n as he stares down at her while smiling.

Y/n: But… you are still incompetent… and naive. Killing your kin is not that hard.

Theresa: It just… I can't bear to see my people get killed by me. You are fine since your race… is unknown yet mysterious. Only you and the Priestess are of the same race.

Y/n: “This woman…” The Operator is the one that kills your people, not you.

Theresa: I know… but still the Operator is just following the order that you give. While you are giving the order because of me.

Y/n: Don't overthink it, we are at war right now. For now, focus on winning, nothing else. We can't lose at any single operation right now. Just forget the past.

Theresa: But the feeling I go through that time I can't forget.

Y/n: “My sanity…” Can you… at least be positive for a while?

Theresa nodded her head as she looked at where Y/n looked, sunsets. Looking at the sunset reminds her of Theresis, her brother. In the past, she always watched the sunset with her brother to forget the pain they received from uninfected people.

Y/n: I'm very ashamed to tell you this… but this is my first time seeing the sunset. Never knew it was so beautiful.

Theresa: You have never seen a sunset before?

Y/n: Yeah, I am always at my home to do some research for a cure. Despite everything, it manages to create a serum that can slow the Oripathy infection by 80%.

Theresa: I see, so did you continue searching for a cure?

Y/n: No… not yet, I still need to find new material for it. Maybe there is some material I have never seen before out there, but I can feel I will meet them on this journey.

Theresa: I wish you would meet that material sooner. Who knows how this world will change if you find a cure?

Y/n: A lot… but there will be conflicts… a lot of conflicts. You already know why.

Theresa: Indeed, the people that despised the infected, I'm sure the former infected will pay back what the non-infected did to them before.

Y/n: Well, what can I say? It's the truth. But I'm sure you can try to use your art to calm down the former infected.

Theresa: I will, but I can't do everyone at once. I will choose the one that is in a critical situation only.

A sound of footsteps can be seen slowly coming to them. The person tugs Y/n's coat as the said person looks to see who the one that did it is.


She has two long ears pointing to the sky and hair that looks like a hentai protagonist style. She abandons children that Y/n found on a wrecked ship which he takes under him.

Amiya: D-dokutah… T-theresa...

Hearing this Y/n raised an eyebrow at her while Theresa smiled at the small cactus.

Y/n: Oh~ What does the Hentai protagonist want from us?

Theresa pinches Y/n's side as he smirks. Amiya tilts her head to the side as she tries to figure out what Y/n means.

Amiya: Hentai Protagonist? What is that?

Theresa glares at Y/n as he smiles innocently. Sighing, Theresa pats Amiya's head before crouching to her head height.

Theresa: You… you will know it when you are older. So, what do you need, Amiya? Do you need sleep? Or are your toys missing? Do you want me to read another story for you?

Y/n: You sound like a mother.

Theresa: I can't deny that since I see her as my daughter.

Y/n: So, what do you need Amiya? Did W steal your toys again?

Amiya: Well, it's important. And W has nothing to do with this.

Y/n: What is it?

Amiya: Wake up dumbass.

Y/n: Rud- Wait who teaches you that?! “Wake up? What does she mean? But that not important right now, who teaches her to talk lik-”

Suddenly, Amiya and Theresa turn into dust as the dust fades away making Y/n raise his guard thinking it is an enemy mind manipulation mind. But then he realized what situation he is in right now.

“A Dream.”


In the present, Amiya can be seen shaking Y/n's body trying to make him up because the Reunion is close to their location. Y/n slowly opens his eyes while looking at his surroundings until his eyes meet Amiya.

Y/n: What the matter Amiya?

Amiya: The enemy is heading toward this road! We need to move to another location right now!

Y/n: Let's go.

They then begin to move in other directions to avoid meeting Reunion. Sundely Amiya transmission device make a sound as a voice can be heard from it.

Ace*Transmission Device*: Ace here, where are you Amiya? Did you finally meet Y/n?

Amiya: It Ace! *She answers back* Amiya here, we finally manage to rescue Y/n, and we are at the building at a crossroads. Where is your location Ace?

Ace*TD*: Thank God, anyway our location is near where we split up, meet you guys there.

Amiya: I see, we meet you there.

Ace*TD*: Wait! Can you hand your transmission device to Y/n?

Amiya nodded before she tried to task her transmission device but got stopped by Y/n's hand.

Y/n: Just say I will talk with him when we meet face to face.

Amiya nods before telling Ace, hearing this Ace chuckle at the other side.

Ace*TD*: I see, see you guys later. Be careful.

The group began to move again inside the building to meet any Reunion members out there.

W: You have no guts Y/n, why hiding? Aren't you a tactical battlefield commander? Why so weak? Gonna cry? Or are you scared you will lose? Did you have your sanity after waking up? Why just why? Tell me your dumbass.

“With Theresa back then, W is a quiet girl. Now Theresa is dead, and W is a noisy girl. I wonder what W saw in Theresa? I don't see anything interesting other than she can copy other people's art.”

Nearl: Can you quiet a little? The enemy will hear us.

W: I miss the part where that's my problem.

Y/n sighed before crouching and grabbing dirt at a broken flower pot before throwing it at W's eye.

Y/n: Have some DIRT.

W: AR- *mouth gets shoved by her grenade* HMMM!!!

Y/n smirk as another facepalm at him. Amiya grabs a handkerchief to wipe DIRT at W's eye. Doberman goes to Scout to question him about Y/n.

Doberman: Is this the infamous Dokutah you talk about? Are you sure you are not mistaken for someone else? Why does he act like that?

Scout: He is, he acts like that when not in battle. “To relieve the stress he is having after battles. Glad he still likes that after changing into someone that is feared by everyone.”

Doberman nodded her head before continuing to look around to spot any enemy.

Doberman: “Weird, the situation… so calm. Pretty sure there will be invisible enemy shooting right now.”

<MCijam: Armor plot.>

Doberman: *look at Y/n that walking in the front of the group without raising his guard* “Is it because of him? Even Amiya will be cautious and raise his guard for an ambush, he just… chilling?”

Meanwhile Y/n, he can be seen having a serious face. What is he thinking? Does he already know there is an enemy around? Or is it something else?

“Is my throat strong enough to handle the heat again? It's been a few years since I slept at the sarcophagus. I will eat instant noodles in my mouth later at the base. *notice something* Ah invisible enemy.”

Y/n then changed his direction to the left as the group didn't hesitate to follow him. But then he stopped, making the group stop. After a moment, he begins to move again, making the group move again to keep up with him.

Y/n: 20 invisible ranged enemies right there, pretty sure they will alert their boss if they spot us before they start attacking us. One enemy had a powerful weapon on floor 37th at building 3 o'clock. Scout, focus on this person. He is probably the leader of ranged enemies. Shoot him if he spots us. I will detonate the bomb now.

Scout: Affirmative.

W: What bomb?

Y/n: This. *holding W remote bomb as he pulls it*

An explosion can be seen at the place they were resting for a moment not long ago. Scout uses his sniper to look where Y/n tells the enemy's location as he sees a blue-haired enemy laying on the floor that is aiming at the explosion place.

Amiya: *Awed* “Dokutah is cool as always like in the past!”

Nearl: *Confused* “Since when? I don't see him putting any bomb while he walks in front of us”

W: “Somebody shows off”

Doberman: “Ho-”

Scout: You get used to it if you work with him for a long time. He is full of surprise.

Doberman: Ah… I see. “I wonder if I can keep up with this infamous person.”

Y/n: Your explosion is kinda weak W… anyways, let's go.

As they begin to continue following Y/n, a clap can be heard in front of them not too far away. It revealed a sassy lost child holding a cane in his hand.


Mephisto: Such a good strategy to bait us while you are running away. Just to say you have a good leader that makes strategy. Kinda odd since suddenly there are explosions while our troops are roaming the city searching for you. Luckily I'm not stupid like others.

The group raises their guard ready for upcoming attacks.

Amiya: This is probably one o-

Y/n: I know. Let me handle this. *walk to Mephisto slowly* What do you want, KID?

Mephisto: *analyze Y/n* You… Talulah said he wants you alive. But she doesn't say what condition you should be in right?

Y/n: “No enemy nearby, he probably wants to buy some time for reinforcement.” Hey… ever heard of the circle button on top of people's heads? Because I can feel j see one in the top of your head.

Mephisto: What?

Y/n: *gasp* I see… I pity you because you don't know that reference.

As Y/n slowly walks toward Mephisto, Amiya doesn't hesitate to go beside Y/n to protect him from any surprise attack, but a hand prevents her from doing so.

Scout: Relax, look at that kid's movement. He slowly steps back as Y/n walks toward him. Just leave this to Y/n.

Amiya feels hesitant, but she nods her head and lets Y/n handle this. She had never seen Y/n fight before, except a few hours ago when Y/n killed a few Reunion people and beat W like a ragdoll.

She just sees him giving an order to a fellow Operator, that's all.

Amiya: “Kal'sit never tell me he could fight.”

Well back to Mephisto, he can be seen having sweat dripping on his forehead while he tries to maintain his position to not show fear toward the man that is walking toward him slowly.

Mephisto: “What was this man thinking?! Isn't he supposed to protect the group instead of facing me? Where is the reinforcement when I need it?!” My name is Eno, everyone calls me Mephisto. So what is your name?

Y/n: Some call me ‘Commander’, some call me ‘Captain’, some call me ‘Leader’, some call me ‘Ghost of Babel’. I have a name, but I don't think it's important at all because people keep calling me ‘Dokutah’.

Mephisto: That is s- *neck get trapped by Doberman whip by Y/n* Huh?


Y/n pulls him as hard as he can as Mephisto floats in the air while choking because of strength being put into the pulling. Y/n then takes a Nearl weapon, a mace that smashes Mephisto's head as blood spreads everywhere. He then hold the mace on the air again before smash Mephisto till it just a piece of crushed meat.

Y/n looks at the blood on his coat as he sighs. He then turns into the group before handing the Whip back to Doberman while facepalming inside his hood.

Y/n: Here, your weapon. Thanks you.

Doberman: *slowly takes back while making a disgusting face as she looks into her weapon condition* Urgh… your welcome.

Then he does the same to Nearl, handing her weapon back.

Nearl:… *take the weapon slowly* Better ask me beforehand.

Y/n: Sorry, Scout shoot.

Scout nods his head before fusing his art into his sniper as he fires it. The bullet pierces Faust's head, killing him instantly.

Y/n: Two leaders down… *look at W* I forgot to ask, what are your positions in that group?

W: Mercenary.

Y/n: I see, let's go then. Do what this group called again? And who is their leader Amiya?

Amiya: Reunion Movement, commonly called Reunion. A non-governmental military organization formed by persecuted Oripathy victims. They rebel against the non-Infected and their oppressive societies. The leader of this group is a female Draco named Talulah.

Y/n: “Talulah… I'm pretty sure I heard that name somewhere in Lugmen. Never mind, she is Wei's nephew. ” So they like protesters right that do something stupid because they think it right ways while sane people find it nonsense.

Amiya: Something like that. I heard that Talulah wants you alive. Have you had any connection with her in the past?

Y/n: No. But I know her background. She has a little sister Draco named Ch'en. Her parent status is unknown, but from what I heard, Wei Yenwu states that her parents are dead.

Doberman: Wei Yenwu? What is his connection with Talulah?

Y/n: Her uncle. Anyway, she probably is like this after being announced as Infected. Both she and her sister don't want to part away, but the situation is dangerous because people at Lugmen will shoot her if she doesn't want to. A man named Kaschey, known as her other uncle, takes her with him. That's what I know so far… oh she has fire art by the way. But remember, her fire is pure fire since she is Draco. So your chance to fight her is low since she can burn you into ash… Ok time to go. We take too much time. Talulah will notice something odd if Mephisto or those sniper guys don't give her a report of their situation.

W: Why bother to go? You don't even have a reasonable purpose for being the commander of the battlefield.

Y/n: You have the guts to talk back W. Pretty sure back then you swore on your name that you would listen to whatever I said. You like a dog that needs to


Amiya: Dokutah! You can't say that to W! It is very rude, I can feel her heart so sad.

W Heart: I'm sad.

“Her personality is like Theresa… but more naive… I can feel Theresa scold me right now even though she is dead.”

Y/n sighs before they continue the journey to Ace's pinpoint location.


Arriving at Ace's pinpoint location, they spot Ace on guard as he looks around them to make sure no camouflage enemy spying on them.

Upon seeing Y/n arrive along with the group, he let go a sigh of relief after seeing every operator coming back in peace.


Ace: Dokutah.

Y/n: Seeing you still alive is good.

Ace: You should change the ways you greet people.

Y/n: I don't want to.

Ace:… Anyway, how are you feeling after sleeping for a long time?

Y/n: Feel weak.

Ace: Hmmm, maybe you need time to recover your full strength.

Y/n: Indeed. So how was the situation?

Ace: Everything is good. No casualties for… now.

After he said that, Y/n just rubbed his neck in discomfort. Well, for every operation that has an amateur operator, there must be casualties. The only way Theresa prevents casualties is by putting an elite operator on every operation.

Don't blame Y/n for the death of the operator that went with him in operation. Y/n just wants to win.

Y/n: You make me look like a bad guy.

Ace: Are you?

Y/n: A little. So where is the transport that will bring us to Babel?

Scout: Rhodes Island.

Y/n: What?

Scout: Babel already disbanded a long time ago after your… you know it. Rhodes Island is an organization that was created as a gift to someone.

Y/n: I see. It's probably not

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