Chapter 8: Recruitment

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(Y/n)'s POV

"So you wanna become a member of the Black Bulls?" Yami dropped his newspaper to the table and stared at the three of us with his stoic face.

"Yes," I felt a heavy tension like from before. It made me swallow the bile forming in my throat. My mind started playing some possibilities of what might happen next. Will he reject me? Should I prove myself to him? Am I supposed to bring him an offering?!

"Alright, you're now a new member," he stood up, took his paper and left us all stunned, "I'll be announcing your mission later."


Before we can endlessly scream the captain angrily destroyed the wall near him, "You all better shut your damn mouths or I'll sew them shut myself!"

"S-sorry cap..."

I couldn't believe I got the job so easily. I was thinking he'd make me do some difficult things in order to be crowned as the new magic knight. Placing my palms on my cheeks, I slapped myself to test if I'm dreaming. Yes, it was a dumb thing to do but I just had to. Who knows... maybe I'm not in reality and all the people around me are just some mental image I created with my mind.

"Am I really a magic knight now?!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes. Yes you are (y/n)," Luck replied, "So quit slapping yourself and let's fight!"

"Luck, noooooo..." I said, "Besides, I can't really harm you physically plus I don't want to use my abilities against you."

"But when will you actually fight me?" he asked. His ocean eyes were staring straight at mine; a glimmer was very visible that signified his determination to pick up a fight with a ghost.

"One day I will but not now," I said. Yes that was a little lie that I just did. But a real woman should fulfill her promises so maybe I'll take him on... when I become a full-grown woman of course!

Luck did a pout that made him look more childish than he already was. Thinking I just got his spirits down for a moment I opened my mouth to speak but didn't bother to say what was on my mind cause his friend showed up at the very right time when I needed him.

"Oh! You can fight Magna over there," I pointed to the mohawk dude who was eating a pudding. He stopped on his tracks and faced me with his teeth gritted.


Making a sadistic grin, I pushed Luck to go at Magna. Then I fled away from the two so I could talk with the other members of the squad.

Noelle's POV

It was still terrifying of having a new ghost as a new recruit for the Black Bulls. What was Yami even thinking?! He should've checked her first if she had unfavorable intentions or if she could even fight.

While I was minding my own business, some loud thud disturbed the comforting silence. The sound was definitely coming at Asta's room. Due to curiosity (not concern), I approached his room and pushed my ear to the door. As I leaned on the door, I found myself leaning even further than I intended. The door opened, leaving me falling on the ground.

'Stupid door! Why would he even leave it unlocked?' I was ready to get out of Asta's room but before that could even happen the short boy was already flying right at me. We crashed and got rolled out of the room. Because of Asta's almost statue-like body, the impact on me was painful like I just hit myself with a boulder.

"Dumbsta! Watch where you're going," I pushed him, or more like sent him flying with my water magic.

"Sorry! It's my fault for throwing him," I heard a familiar voice. (Y/n) ran to Asta and stared at his drenched plus unmoving body. After a second, Asta came to life again due to his loud screaming.

"NOELLE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BLAST YOUR MAGIC!? YOU COULD'VE JUST PUSHED ME AWAY," Asta shivered because of his soaked clothing that caused a mess on the floor.

"W-WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO REACT WHEN A PERSON IS BEING SHOT RIGHT AT ME?!" I stomped my foot, unable to believe that Asta just bumped into me.

"Wooh, I was surprised you still made it despite Noelle shooting her magic towards you," (y/n) said, her face holding no concern.

"What were you doing to Asta anyway?" I asked her.

"Oh, I performed my abilities as a ghost and Asta requested me if I could make him fly," she said.

"And it was awesome!" Asta added.

'Really? He thought a simple ability like that is awesome?' I felt a bit jealous of (y/n) getting a compliment from Asta. But I already got complimented by him several times so I shouldn't be selfish over this...

"I guess I better go now, have fun guys~" (y/n) said, making a small wave to us as her body disappeared in a second.

(Y/n)'s POV

I knew Noelle's gaze was a bit wrong. Her expression didn't look right when I was speaking with Asta so I thought maybe she was a bit jealous. To separate myself from the awkwardness I decided that I should go and leave the two alone. I teleported into the mess hall of the base where the small girl with an endless pit of a stomach was located.

"I waaaaant your fooood!"

"No, you've already had too much!"

"There's no such thing as too much," little girl said to a guy who's nose was bleeding. Their quarrelling only stopped when both eyes landed to me.

"Oh, it's the ghost..."

"Do you want food ghosty?"

Eliciting a small laugh I replied, "First of all... I'm (y/n) and second, yes I would love to have one but I can't."


"I'm a ghost. And ghosts can't eat human food."

"That's a bummer," that small girl replied, "Can't you do anything to eat?"

"Nope," I simply answered, "But it's okay cause ghosts don't starve anyways."

"Hey, you!" the one - eyed guy spoke. He brought up a picture of a little girl and more blood came gushing down his nose.

"Don't you ever haunt my precious sister, got it?!"

My lips formed into a straight line as I silently nod to his request or probably command. This guy really likes his sister too much...

For that, I got to know them more and the things that they usually do. The Black Bulls do a lot of things during their missions and most of it involved getting bruised and broken but in the end, they managed to get even stronger than before. That's when I thought, maybe I should get my first mission.


I didn't expect this to be published wayyyyy too late. School bombarded me with a lot of projects and I'm struggling to sneak in my Wattpad stories right now.


I think I can get on to writing this book (maybe) as soon as we get our Christmas break then I'll have lots of time for updates. So imma cross mah fingers together and I wish you all a great night/day /afternoon.

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