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Naruto woke up to sun hitting his newly developed senses. The light seemed to shine brighter and the birds seemed to chirp louder. Then he remembered back to last night. Inari said that he would become beautiful and be able to bear children, he didn't say his senses would heighten. He concluded that it was because Kurama was inside him when he came into his inheritance. He shrugged and showered, he didn't take long a simply 20 minute shower because any longer and the landlord will turn the cold water on. He went to the sink and looked at his reflection. It took him all of 5 minutes to finally blink himself out of a trance.

He was beautiful.

His sunny blonde hair was to his shoulders, his bang was still spiky. His face was round and feminine, it didn't have the appearance of being fat, it was just the way it was shaped. His ears were pointed at the tip of the ear. His whiskers marks faded, and they looked like little pencil scratches but what made him stare was his eyes.

They were the normal Azure blue but red tinted it, but they didn't mix. His eyes were seemingly two colors and he had to say that his eyes made him who he was, he didn't care how anything else looked, he believed eye held the truth.

He looked at his wardrobe. It wasn't anything he wanted to wear. He tossed clothes around and slammed things and tossed things out of his window. He was upset and was on the verge of angry tears when he heard that same chuckle from last night and then something fell into his lap.

He smiled and thanked the Kitsune and put on the Kimono. It's was black and long. The sleeves were short and it was made out of what Naruto could conclude was silk. This fabric made him want to purr in enjoyment. He put it on and loved how this dark color offset his tanned body. He walked out the house and made plans to go shopping after school. He smiled as he saw the looks on the faces of those who come to beat him every year, he saw the look of revelation on some villagers faces and it only made him want to smile even more.

He then realized, how much he hated this village. These clans were nothing like how Inari described the Uzumaki Clan. He frowned as he finished the walk to the academy, and he was only 30 minutes late. He walked in to see Mizuki, he smiled and waved and ignored the glare Mizuki shot his way and continued to his class. He knocked and waited for the teacher. The teacher glared at him, he thought it was because he held the fox but he was surprised when he was scolded because he was late.

"I don't suppose you have a valid reason for being late?" The mocha colored man with a scar on his nose said.

"I couldn't find anything to wear." Naruto answered and the man only sighed.

"I'm Iruka your Sensei. Come and introduce yourself." Naruto nodded and smiled at the man, showing him that Uzumaki smiled and he was rewarded with a ruffle of his hair.

"Class, please welcome him, you all will be comrades for the next 2 years anyways." Naruto walked in and smiled slightly.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto. My likes include reading and learning." Naruto Said and the class was quiet.

"Why are your eyes two different colors?" A boy with pineapple hair Said.

"Why are you just starting? We are half way through this year?" A boy with duck butt hair said.

"You like reading? What are you a Nara?" A boy with triangle marks said.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" A gruff voice rang out and Naruto wanted to laugh as he was bombarded with questions.

"One at a time, Shikamaru first, Sasuke, Kiba then Shino. Don't overwhelm the boy." Naruto held up his hand.

"It's okay Sensei, I have a photographic memory I remember all of their questions." Naruto smiled and looked to Shikamaru.

"My eyes are two different colors because of my inheritance and my tenant. You're a Nara figure it out."Naruto smiled.

"My birthday was yesterday. That's why, I passed the proficiency test. That's why I can start this year and not next."

"Unfortunately I'm not a Nara, however my IQ is on par with a Nara. I like reading, Kurama tells me it's because of who my father is."

"And I'm a boy, a cute boy, but a boy nonetheless." Naruto smiled at the four.

"Okay Sensei May I take a seat anywhere?" Naruto turned and Iruka nodded.

Naruto chose to sit by the Hyuga Heiress. She was the only one not looking at him. He sat next to her and smiled. She meekly gave a smile back and he wondered. Why is the queen of the Hyuga clan so shy. He didn't dwell too much on it. He just chose to listen to what Iruka was saying.

Even if he already knew what he was saying.

The Nara heir didn't like puzzles, or anything troublesome. So when he saw the blonde haired beauty named Naruto Uzumaki he couldn't help but wonder just what he was all about. He knew that the blonde wasn't going to make it easy for him. He wasn't sure he wanted it to be so easy anyways. When he saw those eyes he felt like he was in a trance. He felt like those eyes needed to be on him always.

This was troublesome.

Choji knew the many emotions rolling off his friend. He knew that he was intrigued he just didn't know how in depth his friend was intrigued, but he didn't mind. His friend needed someone like him, minus the laziness and he felt that the Uzumaki was the one for him.

The other kids didn't think twice about the Uzumaki heir beside Shikamaru, Sasuke and Sakura.

The Haruno heir was beautiful in every way shape and form. She was the class crush, but she only had eyes on the Uchiha heir, but the Uchiha heir was staring at the Uzumaki. She was upset and sent a glare his way which he seemed to not notice. She cursed the new beauty who seemed not to notice her.

Everybody noticed her.

Sasuke was thinking, how this nobody, could be as smart as a Nara. He felt the needed to beat him, he needed to show him who was the alpha around here. He was the guy everybody looked up too and the one who would kill his brother and return to rebuild his clan. He was the one the council loved.

Naruto was simply talking to the heiress, she was nice and good company. She reminded him of a mother. Kind loving, gentle and patience. She was what Naruto aspired to be as a mother. He wanted to be like her, minus the shyness.

Class ended and when Naruto was on his way out he was stopped by a pink haired girl and her companion a blonde. Naruto could feel the attitude rolling off the pink hair in spades.

"Just who do you think you are." The pink haired Said and the kids surrounded to see what was happening.

"I'm Naruto. I don't like how you approach me." Naruto said and then the other blonde decided to chirp in.

"You give Sakura the correct answer."

"Yeah, Me and Ino want to know, why you're here stealing what belongs to me." Sakura voiced and Naruto sighed, looking around and connecting the dot, he could only assume she meant the Uchiha heir, which he wanted no part of.

"I don't want Sasuke. Sasuke isn't on par with me. Quite frankly I'm insulted. If you want to pair me with somebody pair me with the Nara heir." Naruto said flatly. Sasuke glared at him and Choji chuckled as he saw his friend sigh.

"What's a dobe like you know? I'm the smartest student here, it would be an honor to be with me." Sasuke Said confidently. Sakura and Ino screeched and held the arms of him.

"The only reason you're the top of your class is because Shikamaru couldn't care less because his team is already set." Naruto Said and Shikamaru chuckled.

"Troublesome blonde, it's your first day and you're already starting trouble?" Naruto turned to Shikamaru.

"They started it, I'm just finishing it." Naruto said giving him a small smile, and Shikamaru's heart started thumping, then he heard Sasuke scoff.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke Said and Naruto laughed. His head was thrown back and people actually wondered if this beauty was insane.

"Ino Shika Cho, dumbass. Their clans Jutsus have mended well for two generations you think they're going to stop that? Shikamaru, Choji and Ino fates have been sealed the minute their parents enrolled them in the academy." Naruto said as he began to talk loudly again.

"And if by chance, they aren't together, and I say the chance is slim they aren't together. I can assure you, you aren't the smartest person here, actually you're like the 6th smartest person here. Sakura actually has you beat." Naruto Said and Hinata giggled.

"You're a nobody. It doesn't matter what you
Say." Ino Said and Naruto shrugged.

"And yet, here I was being bombarded by questions by a hopless fan girl,  her sidekick, and an egotistical bastard." Naruto Said as he walked away.

The civilian kids followed suit and followed him out. Sasuke sat there brooding while Hinata chuckled at him, but left anyways. Shino walked out intrigued that someone finally stuck it to those three. Shikamaru and Choji walked out, they were heading to the library, Shikamaru wanted to know everything about he blonde haired now. Sakura and Ino stomped off angry and upset. Sasuke just say there, letting hate and revenge overtake him.

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