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"So any questions?" Anko Said and one Genin raised his hand.

"Yes sound Nin?"

"I'm happy that you found a lover but what does that have to do with this round of the Exams."

Anko chuckled and smiled, she always did stray from the topic easily.

"So you will start with a scroll, either a heaven scroll or a earth scroll. Your objective is to grab the scroll opposite from you and make it to the tower In five days."

"What about food." A grass nin said.

"Your food is in the Forest, but I'd be careful, the animals in this forest is 10x bigger than their normal size. You may just end up Snake food." Anko smiled.

"Oh before I forget, sign these waivers, any team that doesn't sign them will be barred from the test, and sent back to their respective village." A helper passed out the papers and all the teams signed it.

"Now pick a leader to get your scroll and go to the gate with the number on the scroll." Kiba and Naruto both looked to Shikamaru And he sighed.

"What a drag." Naruto smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Go get it sweetie." Naruto said pushing Shikamaru along. Kiba looked around for Kankuro and saw his standing outside the tent while Gaara got the scroll.

"Kankuro." Kiba called walking to his mate. Kankuro smiled and kissed his pup.

"You all doing this quick?" Kiba shrugged.

"Most likely, Naruto and Shikamaru most likely want to cloud watch. So you should too so we can cuddle." Kankuro laughed and nodded.

"Kiba, lets go." Shikamaru called and Kiba gave Kankuro one last kiss.

"See you at the tower, follow my chakra." Kiba ran and Kankuro looked as his mate ran away.

"You love him." Temari Said as she chuckle, Kankuro blushed and looked away.

"It's okay to, it doesn't matter that you've only known one another for a month, you know the one for you as soon as you see them. Plus you talk about Kiba all the time." Gaara chuckled as he walked out the tent.

"You're following him to the Akatsuki, you already have the robe and ring, it's okay to admit it." Gaara Said patting his brothers back.

"I just want him to love me back, before I tell him I love him. He's says I'm his mate so I know he won't leave me, but Shikamaru and Naruto have been together for two years and Naruto just said he loved Shikamaru back."

The sand siblings reached the gate and Gaara and Temari smiled at Kankuro's problem.

"You don't just love him Kuro." Temari said softly.

"You're in love with him." Gaara finished and Kankuro, smiled slightly.

I'm in love with Kiba Uzumaki."

"As soon as your doors open, head into the forest , Good luck."

The doors open and Team ten walk in. They didn't sense anything Amiss so they tree jumped.

"I noticed that they laced chakra in the scrolls, can't Akamaru sense chakra." Shikamaru Said and Kiba nodded.

"He can, but only if he knows what to look for." Shikamaru nodded as the reached a river, Naruto was off, something was making his fox anxious.

"Stop." Naruto stopped his team and whipped his head.

"Shikamaru." Said boy nodded and drew his sword knocking the incoming Kunai's.



Akamaru ran to where the Kunai's were coming and peed on the group. Kiba smiled and formed the necessary hand signs, for fang over fang. Knocking out the team Akamaru fishes for the scroll. Shikamaru sealed his sword away and picked up the scroll from Akamaru.

"Let's head to the tower, we have the scroll." Naruto nodded and walked to the tower with his team.

They reached the tower and was the first team to, it was only the first day. Opening the scroll Asuma appeared.

"I knew you all would be done soon, but the test just started 2 hours ago." Asuma said smoking a cigarette."

"It was easy, they came to us." Kiba Said yawning." Asuma nodded.

"Up the stairs are the rooms, food in the kitchen, don't go in the restricted area." The team nodded and Asuma poofed away.

"I'm heading to bed, I'll be alright, Kankuro should be finishing up soon." Naruto nodded.

"We are going to cloud watch on the top of the roof, we'll be back down." Naruto and Shikamaru poofed to the roof leaving Kiba alone.

Kiba walked upstairs and went into a room that had two beds. He slept in the one closet to the door, Akamaru sleeping at the foot of the bed.

The sand siblings knocked off a team from Iwagakure. They were walking to the tower, when a giant snake fell in front of them and they heard several grunts.

"Teams fighting, Mask your chakra and let's run." Temari whispered to her brothers. They both nodded and jumped down from the trees to run on the ground, seeing as they were in the trees fighting.

In the trees Sasuke, Sakura and Choji were fighting off this woman. Who was yelling for Naruto.

"Where is the blonde boy named Naruto?" The man licked his lips at the mention of the golden boy.

"We don't know, he doesn't like us. Follow his enormous chakra dumb ass." Choji said punching a hole in the tree as the girl dodge right away.

"I don't Sense any, I'll give you my heaven scroll if you tell me where he is." Sakura smiled and stood straighter.

"He's somewhere in the Forest, team number is ten, now give us the scroll." The woman sighed.

"A direct location dumb ass." Sasuke glared at the woman.

"Just who the hell are you? I don't sense an earthly chakra from you?" The woman chuckled madly.

"Oh Sasuke, you're just as sharp as your brother." Sasuke backed up as he saw the woman removed her face to show the one of the faces in the academy text books.

"I'm Orochimaru, the exiled Sannin. Now where is the Uzumaki?"

Naruto sneezed on the roof but chalked it up to the breeze that was blowing. He snuggled deeper into Shikamaru and started to doze off.

"It's getting late, would you like to sleep." Shikamaru Said gazing at the blonde on his chest.

"Yes, can we take a shower together?" Naruto asked sleepily and Shikamaru nodded.

"We don't know where the blonde is, Sakura, Choji." Sasuke jumped back as Sakura threw a smoke bomb and Choji punched the tree creating so much smoke that Orochimaru couldn't see.

Sasuke led Sakura and Choji somewhere else wanting to avoid the crazy Snake.

"We have to tell Sensei when we reach the tower." Choji Said and his team nodded.

The sand siblings were the second to reach the tower at around 9pm. They talked to their Sensei Baki as Kankuro went to sniff out his mate, figuratively of course. He found him in the room sleeping with Shikamaru, and Naruto sleeping on the other bed. Going to shower he slide in the bed with Kiba.

"Kiba, it's me." Kiba opened his eyes sleepily, blinking a few times to see the actual face of the man getting in the bed with him, smiling when he sees Kankuro.

"Kuro, you made it." Kiba snuggled into the taller man who kissed the brown hair of Kiba.

"I did. Go back to sleep, we have four days to hang out." Kiba nodded and doze back off.

Kankuro lied awake for a little, listening to the soft snores that belong to his pup. He was soon lulled to sleep by the very same snores.

Tsunade, sat next to Raza and Orochimaru. He was exiled from Konoha not a missing Nin, but since he is the Kage to a hidden village he can only come to Konoha on business, and the Chunin exams are business.

"It's good to see you again Tsunade, are you laying off the sake?" Raza chuckled, because everybody knew she drunk sake like water.

"You know I'm not Oro, your kids are slacking. Team ten was the first to Make it to the tower with Raza children coming in second." Orochimaru chuckled.

"Oh, my Genin will make an appearance soon. Don't you worry Tsu." Orochimaru thanked what ever evil deity their is that made Tsunade call out Naruto's team.

The days came all too quick for team ten and the sand siblings, they were ushered out of the tower to some sort of arena. They all stood in the line surrounded by their Sensei's with the Kages and their advisors.

"My name is Genma Shiranui and I am your third and final proctor."

The Genin looked up to see a man with a senbon hanging from his mouth. He had brown hair to his shoulders with a navy blue cap. He looked out to the crowd of Genin, keeping his eyes on team ten.

"You've all been a team up until this point, since we have too many competitors we have to have a preliminary round. With four teams from leaf, one from sand, and one from Sound. We need to cut the numbers in half." Genma started and the Genin nodded.

"After the preliminaries matches have concluded we will return in a weeks time to have the final matches." Naruto groaned loudly, alerting the rest of the ninjas.

"Somewhere you have to be Uzumaki?" Shikamaru chuckled.

"Which one? There three of us?" Kiba laughed and jumped on Shikamaru's back.

"Yeah, you talking to me, Shika or Naruto?" Naruto smirked and pulled the wolf off his mate, and jumped on Shika's back sticking his tongue out at the wolf demon.

"Nowhere to be Genma-San, just want to spend time with my boyfriend and my brother." Naruto Said and the Kazekage chuckled.

"My Tsunade, that team is quite electric isn't it." Tsunade smiled sadly.

"They sure are."

Orochimaru licked his lips looking at the blonde that is his target. He wanted that fox demon simply because he wanted to use the Kitsune as a breeder, with Orochimaru's already potent chakra and with Naruto's demon chakra their child will rule the world.

Tsunade looked at Orochimaru and frowned, Kakashi has alerted her of what his Genin said but she had no proof, she knows Orochimaru won't do anything stupid but then again he might.

"With the rules explained, go stand by your Sensei." Naruto jumped down and walked hand and hand with Shikamaru to Asuma who was leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette.

"Do your best, actually don't I feel like if you three go all out you destroy the village before you're supposed too." Asuma whispered and his Genin chuckled.

"No promises Sensei." Kiba chuckled as the wheel already spun for the first match.

Kin Tsuchi vs Shikamaru

"Good luck baby." Naruto Said and Shikamaru rolled his eyes and lazily made his way down. 

The girl stood there smiling at the lazy Uzumaki. She thought he was attractive, better than her gruff teammates.

"Say you're pretty cute, after I win do you want to hang out." Shikamaru sighed and Kiba went to hold Naruto back.

"Shikamaru you better fucking end it before I kill her for thinking she can take what belongs to me." Shikamaru sighed and looked to the girl.

"See what you started, now my troublesome boyfriend will skin you alive." Kin giggled.

"I'm not afraid of no competition." Naruto shook out of Kiba's hold and stood next to Asuma tapping his feet.

"Begin." Genma called out and the girl began to move.

The match was over as soon as it started. Shikamaru could feel his lovers anger clear as day. He quickly knocked her out against the wall as Genma declared him the winner. Shikamaru walked to his mate who clicked his teeth.

"If I see her on the street, she's dead." Naruto Said and Shikamaru only nodded and held him.

Kiba vs Choji Akimichi

Kiba and Akamaru jumped over the railing and assumed a fighting position. Choji came down eating and nodded to Kiba.


Kiba wanted to go easier on Choji so he did, but he still one his match, Akamaru's dynamic marking never misses a target. Genma declaring Kiba the winner he joins his team and earns himeself a whistle from his boyfriend.

Sakura Haruno vs Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto giggled, he was finally going to make her feel pain and suffering. Sakura only smiled sadistically at the Uzumaki.

"You know, I'm training under our Hokage, I'm going to specialize in medical ninjutsu." Naruto rolled his eyes, and moved his bang showing the diamond present on his forehead.

"I already do Haruno."

Gasp can be heard around the arena and Genma was sure too keep a sharp eye on the Uzumaki heir.

"Begin." Naruto dodged a fist from Sakura as she made a hole in the wall.

She was going at him full speed but he still managed to dodge and she was mad. He ran around her dodging her flying fist from every angle not even breaking a sweating.

"Fast." Tsunade mumbles and Orochimaru's smile grew tremendously, he didn't even have to train him if he already masters the healing arts.

Naruto played with her enough, he just cocked his hand back and sent her flying into the wall knocking her out. Genma declares him the winner and he walked back to Shikamaru.

With the matches finished Genma goes down the line of the matches for the final round.

Kiba Vs Temari
Shino Vs Kankuro
Naruto Vs Neji
Shikamaru vs Hinata
Sasuke Vs Gaara.

"Make sure you train, well Ja'ne."

Team ten and the sand siblings filed out, with Naruto offering to house Kankuro for Kiba's sake.

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