The Concert: Part 2.

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Cross yawned as he woke up and stretched. He turned to see ink fast asleep next to him. "I wonder how many shots you drank?" Cross gave a small laugh as he turned to his right. Nightmare wasn't in bed. Cross looked at the jacket left on the bed. He picked it up and tried it on. It fot him a bit bigger than he imagined. "This actually feels nice" cross sighed as he smelled the jacket. "Ooh~ armani how exquisite~" "oh Cross your awake" cross froze as he heard the voice behind him. "Oh well you know early bird gets the worm" " yeah...." nightmare looked at cross. "Why are you wearing my jacket?" " It got cold!" Nightmare looked at cross awkwardly. "Here I brought some coffee" "oh thank you" nightmare handed cross a cup and sighed. "I heard that fall out boy is playing tonight" " no fricking way!" Cross squeeled as he jumped up and down excitedly. Nightmare looked at him with a weird look. "Well maybe you would like to come with me tonight to meet the band, I got a good friend that works with them" cross felt as if his heart would beat out of his chest. Nightmare stood up and walked to the door "oh and wash it before you give it back okay" cross gave a small nod

Nightmare sighed as he walked out of the room. He held his charm tightly. He would soon fade, but he had one thing keeping him all together. "Cross"

Cross smiled as he laid back in bed next to ink. He sniffed the jacket it smelled like a man wore it. Not like night wasn't a man. cross blushed at his thoughts. Ink woke and looked at the bright red Cross next to him. "So you talked to night didn't you" cross looked at ink and blushed even more. "It's so cute❣" cross looked at ink and rolled his eyes. "So how long have you liked him?" "When we saw each other for the first time" ink grinned as he laid on his stomach and chin in his hands. "I guess you want to here the story don't you" ink nodded as he looked at cross with starry eyes. "So it all began.."

1 hour later~

"And that is how we ended up here at the greatest concert ever!" Ink sighed happily as he stood up. "Hey I'm hungry want to get a bite to eat?" "Nah I'm good you go on ahead" ink shrugged as he walked out the door.

Cross laid in bed. Thinking he couldn't get nightmare out of his thoughts. He slipped his hands into the pockets and felt something inside. He pulled out the charm and observed it. It displayed a knife black and grey. He looked at the charm and felt as if it belonged to him. He clipped it on and took a deep breath. He could feel his heart beat faster. He felt fear consume him. It felt good. He felt a sick pleasure out of fear. Night watched as cross shook as he walked into the room. "Cross are you okay?" "No I can hear them scream and cry! I don't want to die!! I don't want to die!!" Nightmare watched as cross trembled. He unclipped the charm. Cross began to cry. "Take me home now!" "Cross I." "No take me home!!"

Nightmare sighed as he packed up. He loaded the car. Ink began to cry as he said goodbye to error. Cross stayed the same. His eyes dead as night. Cross kept a straight face all the way home. As night parked into the drive way dream stood by the door with a confused look on his face. "cross" cross didn't answer he only got out and slammed the car door hard. He walked into his home and began to scream.

He remembered his faults. His defects and his insecurities. He felt as if the darkness came back. He felt a hand on his shoulder. The shadowy figure smiled widely. "Nice to see you old friend" cross was now complete.

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