Cross laid in his bed. He was still in shock. "You sly bastard I know what you're doing" cross stood up and stretched. He walked downstairs to find a box on the dinning table. He looked at the dark box. "Nightmare" he smirked as he opened the box. Nothing was inside. "Ahem!" Cross turned to find Chara holding a piece of paper in his hands. "Care to explain!" "That's not for me!" Chara looked at cross and rolled his eyes. "Let's read it then" Chara cleared his throat and looked at the paper.
Dear Cross,
Yesterday I said a few things and well I lied. You are really pathetic to think that I would like you. Hah! Don't make me laugh! You're not good enough for me. Well bye
Cross felt tears fall down his face as Chara looked at him with sad eyes. "See love doesn't exist only power now come on we have to go kill some more monsters" Cross wiped his tears and nodded.
Chara's P.o.v
I can't believe that he bought it! Cross must be the biggest idiot alive! But that was close I swear if he and night were to mix it will be the end of me. But now I don't have to worry anymore. Romance what a stupid thing.
Cross was about to go upstairs when someone knocked on the door. He opened it to find dream standing there tears in his eyes. "I know you hate me b-" dream was cut off by a kiss. Cross gave him a smirk and closed the door.
Dream stood there in disbelief as he touched his lips. "Cross~" dream blushed as he walked home. Nightmare looked at his lust filled brother. "Dream you okay?" Dream nodded as he walked upstairs.
Night peeked through dream's bedroom door and listened to a conversation he was having. "Wait! Did you just say that Cross kissed you!" "Yes but keep quiet I can't let nightmare know!"
Night slid to the floor and pulled his knees into his chest. The dark goo was consuming him as he began to cry. He grew hatred for cross. He wanted him Gone.
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