Falling for my best friends Brother

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Cross yawned as he walked to school. He was still thinking about nightmare and how he looked at him yesterday. "I can't fall in love with him, it would be weird" cross smirked as he thought about what it would be like if he and nightmare were a couple. It actually was a pretty image. Cross blushed as he walked to class. Dream was in his seat fiddling with his hair, when he noticed that cross was strangely quiet. "So cross I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over to my place to study for the exam tomorrow?" Cross took this opportunity to see nightmare "sure!" Dream smiled as he heard cross's response. The rest of the day was a waiting game for cross. He looked at the clock all day waiting for school to end. He blushed as nightmare walked into class. He hardly ever spoke.

Cross sat in class writting the notes as he felt a tap on his shoulder. Cross didn't have to turn around. He could already feel the dark eyes on him. "Hey cross can you move a little to the left I can't see the board"  cross moved his head and blushed madly.

Cross p.o.v
Omg he said my name! How does he even know my name! Omg act cool act cool!

Cross exhaled as nightmare walked out of class. He watched as how swiftly his body moved. He was so focused of nightmare that he didn't relise that the bell had rung. Cross rushed out to the hallways. He was met with a smiling dream. "So should we head to my place?" "Definitely!" Cross began to sweat as he walked to dreams house. "Cross I may be smol, but im not stupid I know you like my brother" cross gulped "how did you find out?" "Twin telepathy" dream waved his arms in the air "Really?" "Im joking there's no such thing as twin telepathy I just knew ya know" cross nudged dream on the shoulder and laughed. "But seriously night is a hard nut to crack" cross took note as dream opened the front door. The two stepped in and sat in the living room.

After a few hours of studying the periodic table dream grew hungry. "Hey cross you hungry?" "Yeah" "I'll be back with some pizza okay" cross waved goodbye as dream left. Cross now alone was curiouse of the brothers 3 story house. He walked upstiars to the first floor. It was lit by a bright star shaped light bulb. Motivational posters all over the place. "This must be dreams place" cross giggled as he proceeded to the top floor. This floor was pitch black lit only by a few candles. It was full of Emo. Cross was mesmerized by the My Chemical Romance albums.  He smiled as he played an album at random. The song 'Helena' filled the whole room. Cross sighed as he sat in the middle of the room. The candles went out. He noticed but didn't care. The song took him to another place. Controlled him. Cross didn't notice a nightmare sitting on the bed behind him. Listening also.

Cross laid on the floor eyes closed and listened. Nightmare watched as cross exhaled. He dared to smile at the sight before him.

"CROSS!" Dream yelled as he walked in through the front door. Cross jumped at the sudden scream. He quickly ran down stairs not noticing nightmare. Nightmare looked at the album. "Good choice" he kept a straight face as he placed the album back in its place.

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