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Cross breathed heavily as he opened his front door. Horror looked at his friend and gasped. "Cross are you okay what happened!" Cross just shook his head and walked into the kitchen to prepare more tea. Horror watched as cross cried. Although he had just met the guy yesterday he cared for him, they were best friends after all. Cross wiped his tears as he turned around to see horror "how long have you been standing there?" "For the entire time" cross sighed as he handed a cup of tea to horror. "You don't have to worry about me and my problems" horror nudged him on the shoulder and smiled. "We're friends I'm supposed to help you with your problems" cross smiled as he hugged horror tightly "thanks"

Nightmare sighed as he walked back and forth in his room. "Dude why are you so worked up?" Nightmare looked at dust and gave him a deadly stare. "Don't ask" dust rolled his eyes as he looked at the shelf full of albums. "So you collect albums huh" dust looked at the MCR albums he counted only 3. "Hey not to alarm you but you're missing an album" nightmare looked at his shelf and sighed. "Three cheers for sweet revenge" nightmare knew where that album was. It was in cross's house, in his bedroom, on his night stand next to the concert ticket. Dust looked at nightmare with a confused look. "Uh night?" Nightmare snapped out of his trance and looked at dust. "Don't ask about that album if you know what's good for you" dust felt a shiver go up his spine as he heard night's words. "How in love are you!" Dust shouted as anger filled his body. Nightmare shot him a look then turned around to walk out when a knife stopped his hand from grabbing the door knob. "How are going o feel better if you keep thinking of him!" Nightmare was getting angry now. " I bet he forgot about you already!" "No he hasn't its my fault for not being there for him and accepting his affection, now I lay awake at night drowning in my tears because I love him and I need him to be okay!" Dust sighed as nightmare slid to the floor tears scaring his face. He sat next to him and held him close. "Don't worry about him night it will be all okay" nightmare sniffed as he wiped away his tears.

Cross laid in bed as he fiddled with his knives. Horror was down stairs watching TV. "Cross don't tell me that you're still in love with him!" Cross turned around and faced away from the ghost child. "Chara can you shut up for one minute please!" Chara huffed as he crossed his arms. "Look I know I can be a pain but I'm doing this to help you" cross rolled his eyes and looked at his night stand. There lied the last two things he had from nightmare.

An album
A ticket
A heart breaking letter
And a broken heart.

Cross felt tears pour out of his eyes as he looked at the album. The memories came back to him like a lightning bolt. He remembered moving to this town, meeting dream, going to school, accidentally meeting nightmare, the concert, the reunion, the heart break.

Cross became angry as he stood up from bed. He looked at his sharpened weapons and smirked. Chara gave a sly smile as he floated above cross. "Guess you want to go out and kill" "and that is why you are my second half my friend" Chara smiled evily as cross walked through a portal. The glow of the magic was different than usual, but cross didn't care all he wanted was blood.

Cross entered the portal and looked at regular old Snowdin. He sighed as looked around. No monsters in sight. Cross was about to head back when he looked at himself in the ice. His pale skin switched with bone. His eyes now deep sockets with dots in the center. Cross was amazed at his image. He was a skeleton.

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