Until that night, I have never thought about what really made me fall for someone. For many years I thought it was that "special something" which couldn't be described with words. And I was very wrong...
That night, everything became clear. Clear as his eyes. The way he moved, talked, looked at me, smiled, laughed, blushed, absolutely everything he had done that night, was pure magic.
But, the best thing about it was that it was not - it was real. His laugh wasn't acting, his listening wasn't pretending, and him being there wasn't an illusion.
He excused himself when his phone rang, and I used that opportunity to sort my thoughts. London looked amazing through the window. And Tom looked stunningly beautiful.
Holding his phone in his right hand, he went through his hair with his left hand. The small, light-brown curls followed his long fingers. As he came to the shorter part of hair, I saw a few blond curls. His hair was naturally blonde, but, as he aged, it became darker. The small wrinkles around his eyes were barely noticeable because of his glasses, but they showed how positive person he is. Those were "the happy wrinkles" as Elly called them, because they were made from laugh. His lashes were long and light brown, like his hair. So were the eyebrows. His nose was one of the most perfect noses I've ever seen. Every line on it was like it was drawn with love and patience.
His hand now was under his chin. One finger was on his lips, barely touching them. He was listening to person on the other side of the wire - Luke, his manager, as he would told me later. I couldn't know for sure, but I could imagine how soft his lips were, and how pleasant his mouth would be. He slightly opened them as he talked. Now I could see his teeth. Naturally white, perfectly shaped, and his tongue lightly pressed against them as he let out a small laugh at something Luke said. His throat was pale and, I could tell just by the look at it, very soft. His Adam's apple was noticeable, so perfectly positioned it made me think somebody draw him once and then used magic to bring him to life.
All this lasted maybe 15 seconds, because it would be rude to stare, of course, but in my mind those were maybe the longest 15 seconds in my life.
Then I realised - I could admire him for my whole life.
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