Note: This part is quite different than others. There are some strong words and some adult themes. Tell me what you think ;)
Ringing. And ringing. And ringing.
-Oh, for fuck's sake!- I hissed trying to stand up from the bed. And it's still ringing. I went to the living room, not knowing what was making that awful sound.
-Oh. Oh fuck you.-
It was a Skype call. And, as you can tell, I'm quite grumpy in the morning. My fingers found the mouse, and I answered the call, not even looking at the screen:
-I hope you can hear me, because I have no intention of picking up that call again.-
There was cracking on the other side, and I almost went for the hang up icon but...
-Hello? Love? Can you hear me darling?-
Tom. It was 6 o'clock in the morning. On Saturday. He's crazy.
-Yes, Tom, I can hear you. Can you hear me?-
-Yes, love, I can. But I didn't hear you at the beginning, I was putting my headphones on, so I caught only "call again" part...-
Thank God, he didn't hear my pissed off speech.
-It's ok darling, I was just telling you that you should call again if you can't hear me.- I said in a voice just above whisper. I've heard him sigh:
-Darling, I'm so sorry about last night. I wanted to call you as soon as I finish my tea, but I've fell asleep before I even drunk it. I woke up just few minutes ago, and realized I haven't called you and that my tea is cold and...-
-Tom...- I whispered, and he stopped talking, -It's all right. I thought you've probably fell asleep, so I went sleeping too.-
-Nevertheless, I should've called. I've made a mistake, and I'm sorry.-
He was truly sorry, and I could tell that just by his voice. That made me calm down a bit, even though I haven't shown him that, him not calling last night, actually shook me up a lot.
-Tom, look, it's all right. I understand, everything is fine.-
In my head that sounded lovingly warm, but, as soon as I spoke, my voice was cold, and somehow dead. There was no emotion. He was absent for less than 36 hours, and we've already had problems. This was bad... It was even worse that I couldn't control my anger. I've fell hard for this man... He was silent for a moment, and then took a deep breath:
-I apologize darling, I can't explain you how much I'm sorry. I've been away for 24 hours, and already managed to be an absolute cock.-
Despite the shock his choice of words, about him being absent, put me into, I chuckled at his pronunciation of the word "cock", and I could tell he was already red in the face.
-Oh, God, I'm sorry. I have such a filthy mouth when I'm angry... Sorry darling, I'm...-
-Darling, please, stop apologizing. I love your filthy mouth.- I said giggling, and than silently gasped, realizing what I've just said. He chuckled:
-You do, sweetheart?-
His voice was playful. And I knew that tone. So I softened my voice, just as he liked it:
-You know I do love when you say some filthy tings, honey.-
He hissed, and I continued to whisper softly:
-Just remember how much I like it... And how much I love your mouth in general, Hiddleston.-
That was it. His breathing changed, and a silent growl escaped his throat.
- Clara...-
I smirked to myself:
-What is it, love? You remembered how much I like to praise you... In everything you do?-
Tom hissed again, and started to whisper softly:
-Look, beautiful, as much as I'd like to answer you, I can't, because there will be people knocking at my door, any minute now.- I chuckled, imagining what he'd say to me, and he continued, -So, I'll stop you now, because you know very well what you do to me.-
I giggled:
-I don't honey... Why don't you tell me?-
This "me" part sounded almost like a moan. Tom switched to video call in that moment, and I couldn't help but gasp. His eyes were burning with eager, his mouth slightly opened, as he looked directly at the camera:
-You are being naughty right now, Clara.-
Chills went down my spine, his voice was incredibly sexy. I smiled to myself, keeping my camera off:
-Than do something about that, Tom.-
Tom grinned evilly at the camera:
-Oh, I will. Tonight, I promise I will call you around 10 o'clock.-
-All right, Tom. I will hold you to your word.- I whispered. He smirked:
-Oh, you should. And love...-
-Wear those baby-blue ones. To match the Skype window color.- he said with a wink. I laughed, nodding my head, even though he couldn't see me.
- Ok, darling. See you tonight, then.- I sing-sang.
-Kisses, love.- Tom said, finishing the call. I was happy again. He really was tired. My little blue-eyed baby.
* * *
That night, he kept the promise. Not only the one about calling, though. He kept all of them.
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