Epilogue ~ Homebound

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Dedicated to those who fought for love, like Scorpius, and gave that love a second and third chance, like Rose.

And to those who just love with everything they have, which Rose and Scorpius can't help but do.



       A small house lay at the bottom of a sleepy hill, the grassy path going up leading to the top of a long cliff. Below it the sea was gentle and smooth, gently lapping the pebble beach; it was still a little dark out when Rose Weasley woke, leaving her husband in bed alone. She liked this early morning time, when the sky was violet and pink, the sun barely gracing the earth. Both Rose’s children had been born at this time, and it was calming thinking of how most were still asleep as the new day crept up on them.

Standing in the doorway, Rose crossed her arms tightly around herself, wrapping her housecoat tighter around her. Her long red hair blew back gently from her shoulders, brown blue eyes calm as the sea as they watched the sun rise over the edge of the cliff, were the sea lay hidden. She didn’t jump when arms wrapped around her waist, soft lips kissing her neck.

“Morning,” Scorpius whispered.

Turning in his arms, Rose kissed him like she had been since that first time in the woods. “Hello,” she whispered, leaning her forehead against his. “Are the kids up?”

“I think Jasper’s been up all night; he’s practically buzzing with excitement.”

Smiling at the thought, Rose peeped around his shoulder to see her son sitting on the landing between the ground and first floor, peering through the railings. “Morning Mum!” he cried, flying down the stairs and hugging her around the waist; he looked up at her, white-blonde curls bouncing. He had Rose’s eyes, too; blue flecked with copper brown. “Is it time to go yet?”

Scorpius laughed and ruffled his son’s hair “No, not yet bud. It’s six in the morning, for Merlin’s sake!”

“Well we don’t want to be late!” he said, crossing his arms and pouting. “Mum always says-”

“Don’t I know what Mum says,” herding Jasper into the kitchen, Rose following; he started pulling out the ingredients for pancakes. “You’re to much like your Mum sometimes, Jazz; Hogwarts will love you.”

“Really?” Jasper’s face lit up as he wriggled into the breakfast nook.

“Of course honey,” said Rose, kissing the top of his head “It’s impossible not to love you.”

“You’re my Mum, you have to say that.” He pointed out, now bouncing up and down in his seat.

“Why you little-” laughing, Rose tickled her son under the chin, a wave of sadness coming over her as she realized she wouldn’t hear that wonderful laugh for four months. She hadn’t spent more than a few days away from Jasper in his life, and now she had to let him go.

“Rose?” Scorpius’ voice reached her through the cloud of panic “Red, I know what you’re thinking; no, we can’t home school Jasper.”

“What about Dawn?” she whispered, touching her face in disbelief. Jasper was oblivious, already digging into his pancakes.

“No, not her either.”

“But…” Rose felt tears prickle, but pushed them away “I don’t want my babies to grow up, Scorp.”

Pulling her into a hug, Scorpius rested his chin on the top of her head; her red curls were wild, and he smoothed them down a bit. He watched Jasper, wondering how his son had grown up so fast; he looked so much like Rose, besides the white blonde hair he’d inherited from himself…right down to the dash of freckles across his nose. “I’m afraid they have to, love. But they’ll always be ours.”

“Pancakes?” asked a sleepy voice, a little girl in a long white night gown padding into the kitchen. “Daddy…I want pancakes, too.”

Chuckling, Scorp let go of Rose and scooped his daughter up into his arms. “Hey sweetheart, I know you want pancakes! That’s why I made some for you-in the shape of a cat, just the way you like it.”

“Oh.” Dawn seemed to contemplate this, her six year old brain thinking over the options-much like Rose. “Okay. I forgive you.”

Rose let out a laugh and gave her daughter a kiss and tugged on a strawberry blonde ringlet; she was like a life size doll almost, small for her age with peaches and cream skin, not a freckle in sight. Her strawberry blonde hair was in perfect ringlets, that if straightened went halfway down her back, and she had Scorpius’ grey eyes that you could never understand-her thoughts were always a mystery.

The morning flew by as Rose got Dawn dressed, convincing her no one would mind if she didn’t bring a bouquet of flowers for the conductor. “But Mummy,” she said “What if he doesn’t have anything to make his conductor room happy?” Rose just chuckled and shook her head, agreeing and helping her daughter into her jumper, then into her favourite bright yellow rain boots-even though the sky was clear, the air crisp. She loved being a mother.

Jasper was ready and waiting by the door long before anyone else, feeding treats to his owl Hermes-a birthday present from Rose and Scorpius. “Can we go now?” he begged, pulling his Weasley jumper down uncomfortably. “Please Mum?”

“Yes Jasper, we can go.” She carried Dawn to the car (because she would be tempted to jump in every puddle in sight) while Scorpius loaded Jasper’s trunk into the car, and soon the little family was flying through the air-the car had once belonged to Rose’s grandfather, who had fixed it the invisible button.

Once at the station, it only took a matter of minutes to get through the barrier and Jasper’s trunk onto the train-all that was left was to say goodbye.

Eyes tearing up, Rose pulled Jasper to her and closed her eyes. She didn’t know if she could let him go, not when he was so little…there was no question; he was not getting on the train. Not today, not ever.

“Mum,” Jasper mumbled into her hair “I have to get on the train.”

“Sorry Jazz,” she whispered, wiping her eyes sheepishly “I just…eleven years went by very fast.”

“They sure did,” sighed Scorpius “I can hardly believe it, all grown up. But don’t worry Jasper, you’re getting on that train-no matter what your mother says.”

“He’s going, I’m just having some difficulty letting him go.” Sniffed Rose, smiling at her son and letting Scorpius wrap an arm around her waist. “And you’ll find Robert the minute you get on the train?” Robert was Olivia’s fourth son.


“And owl us the minute you can?”

“Yes, Mum.”

“And don’t forget Hagrid is expecting you for tea on Saturday morning.”

“I won’t.”



“Okay, okay.” Rose kissed Jasper on the cheek; he returned it, gave her and Scorpius a hug, told Dawn to feed the chickens and bounded onto the train. He stood beside Robert Branson, and the two first years leaned out of the train and waved enthusiastically.

“Rose!” Olivia rushed up to them, eyes bright and tugging her remaining children behind her. Olivia and Ian had become the new Weasley family, having had their first child nine months after graduating from Hogwarts, and had eight children following-not including the one she was expected to deliver in the coming months. It had been seventeen years since they graduated Hogwarts, and the friends still talked frequently; Rose was godmother to Timothy, Olivia’s first, and the eight month fetus-the last one Olivia swore. “Rosie, isn’t this exciting? I mean, I’ve sent three children off to Hogwarts already, but I still am thrilled every time! And its Timothy’s last year and oh, in eleven years I’ll be sending my last one off!”

“The poor dear’s not even born yet, Liv.” Rose said, hugging her best friend. “And it’s a girl, so she’ll have nine older brothers, Merlin help her.”

“She’ll be fine,” Olivia said “Lot’s of big strong men to protect her. Timothy, Aaron, Oscar and Robert are at Hogwarts now, and in two years Kieran and Benjamin will be going, then Samuel two years later, Henry the year after and Catherine three years after that.”

“Catherine?” asked Rose “Is that what you’re naming her then?”

“Yes,” said Ian. “Livi and I’ve decided to name her Catherine Rose, after her godmother.”

The friends hugged and shed a few tears just as Albus came through the crowd with Leanne and their daughter Willow between them. Willow was thirteen, and Leanne was having their second child in December-Albus said the baby was their surprise, that they were calling her ‘Woopsie’.

“Hey everyone,” he said “Will, you okay now?”

“’Course Dad, I’ll be fine. See you lot at Christmas!” she kissed her parents goodbye, flicked her long black hair over her should and adjusted her square rimmed glasses before getting on the train.

The three families stood together, watching their kids as the train pulled out of the station. Albus was whispering with Leanne, an arm wrapped protectively around her waist. Olivia was trying to get the twins to stay still as she held two year old Henry on her hip, Patrick on Ian’s shoulders. Rose was trying not to cry.

Holding Dawn’s hand tightly in hers, Rose focused on the feeling of Scorpius’ arms around her and thought of how much she loved him, loved their children and their life. Scorpius was a successful healer and she got to paint all day long, look after her children. ‘Maybe we should have another baby,’ she thought ‘that would keep me busy for another eleven years.’ Or maybe she would start a series when Dawn left, teach art or something.

“I love you, you know.” Scorp whispered in her ear.

“I know,” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder “I love you, too.”

Scorpius leaned down and whispered in her ear, softly and mischievous. “Hey Red?”


“I have an idea.”

“You always do.”

The station was almost empty by now, Albus and Olivia going through the barrier in threes slowly. Sunlight lit up the dust in the air like gold, and Rose could feel the life surging through her.

Scorpius turned her around and said very seriously, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Let’s have anther baby, Red.”

Tilting her chin upwards, Rose smiled at him “Let’s.”

He leaned down and captured his lips with hers, and Rose knew as sun surrounded them, their friends just a little ways away and Dawn informing them that kissing was gross, knew more than she ever had, that there was no other way she’d want her story to end.

Not that it had ended, but was only really just beginning.

 A/N: So! I'm not sure how I like this epilogue, but hopefully you guys do-that's all that matters really. I wanted Rose, Scorpius, Albus, Olivia, Ian and Leanne to have a life full of children and sunshine-a perfect happily ever after, you know?

Question: What was your favourite part about a) The whole story and b) the epilogue.

I hope you guys liked it, and will pllllllleeeeaaasssseee tell me what you think? Please?


P.S and I made the picture; it's the photo wall in Rose and Scorpius' house. It was fun, and I thought you guys might like it. And if you'd like to know if Rose and Scorpius had a boy or girl, just ask...

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