Chapter Six - Stars and Feelings

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A.N. Hey guys! Here's another update! ^_^

It was dark when they arrived back at Hogwarts, and Alfred and Arthur both hopped out of the carriage, still tired. However, they also anticipated nighttime expeditions around the castle, although Arthur was definitely more excited than Alfred.

"So here's the plan for tonight. It's about eight right at eleven meet me on the fifth floor. The teachers rarely wander around there," Arthur explained quietly, as not to be overheard. "There's a statue of Gregory the Smarmy I'll be next to, it should be pretty recognisable."

"Should I bring anything?" Alfred asked.

"Your wand, of course...and maybe a sweater or jacket? It is rather cold around there..." Alfred nodded."Okay. Wand and a jacket. And we're just gonna wander?"

"Unless one of us has a heart attack before then, yes. Don't forget, don't tell anyone about this!" Arthur said insistently.

"I won't Artie, geez!" Did Arthur really trust him that little? "I promise."

Arthur smiled. "I'll hold you to that, Alfred." 

Finally it was time. With baited breath Arthur waited by the statue of Gregory the Smarmy, acting casually in case anyone walked by but actually avidly looking for Alfred. Soon enough Alfred swaggered up, looking tired but still attentive. He wore a light jacket and was twiddling with his wand. There was a quiet steady beat as he tapped his dark colored wand against his thigh rhythmically.

"There you are, Al. You ready?"

"What do you think my answer is gonna be?" Arthur walked up to Alfred, smiling.

"I hope it's 'Arthur, please take me around the awesome castle that I probably have never seen before and I am ready to have fun' because that's what you should be saying." The two started to walk along, side by side, a comfortable atmosphere blanketing them.

"Its more along the lines of 'hi arthur, please don't get us killed and or in trouble with any teachers or worse expelled'."

"Oh ye of little faith." Arthur said, placing his hand on his heart and pouting. "When have I gotten you in trouble?"

"Well.." They had approached a door, one Alfred had never seen before. "Not ever, I guess."

"Then you have nothing to worry about." Arthur drew his wand out, he had it tucked into the waistband of his pants, and with a small flare of white light, he quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. "If you get scared at all, you can hold my hand again." Arthur walked through the door, holding his right hand up and wiggling his fingers.

"This had better be worth it, Arthur." Alfred said. And then he stepped through the door.

The other side of the door was dark and shadowy, with only one lantern glowing dimly farther down.

"What is this place?" Alfred asked as he squinted, struggling to see much in the dark.

"It's just a little place I found, I'm not even entirely sure it has a name. I come here to relax though." Arthur explained. With a quiet "Lumos!" the place lit up.

There was a small table in the corner that had a book on it, and a few chairs were placed around it. Otherwise, the only other thing the place held was a large red carpet and an unlit fireplace.

"So, you just found this place?" Alfred asked, still wary of his surroundings.

"Mhm." Arthur nodded, looking fondly at his surroundings. "I'd light a fire, but I don't plan on staying too long." Arthur seemed unusually excited and alert. "Just gotta find it..." Arthur looked around for a minute. Then he stood and sighed. "Aparecium!" He said shortly, flicking his wand. Suddenly a messenger bag appeared on the table. It was red and it looked well loved, as if Arthur had had it for many years. Arthur picked the bag up and slung it over his neck, hanging it comfortably at his side. He opened the flap and dug through it for a moment, and appearing satisfied, closed it again. "I've got what I need. Ready for a hike?"

"Hike?" Alfred asked, appalled. He didn't come here for fitness training.

"Not a literal one, dumb ass. We're just going to go to a place in the school that's pretty far away from here." Arthur walked out the door without waiting for Alfred. Alfred scurried after him, not wanting to be left behind.

The door silently closed and locked after they left."I'm almost certain that you haven't been where I'm gonna take you, I hope you haven't at least." Arthur said, his focused eyes staring down the hallway. "If you have, it'll be ruined!" He turned to Alfred, and winked, then faced forward again.

"Do I get any hint to where we're going?"

"Nope!" the Brit laughed. "You'll find out soon enough anyway." The brisk pace Arthur had set left Alfred feeling glad he had long legs. They make their way down corridor after corridor, hallway after hallway, seemingly making random turns and just wandering around. But suddenly, Arthur stopped.

Alfred nearly walked into him, both boys coming to a stop near the end of a hallway. "Oh... just up ahead.."

"What is it?" Alfred asked, not liking the expression on his companion's face.

"Just up ahead is the hallway where the Bloody Baron hangs out at night, usually accompanied by a few other ghosts... will you be okay?"

Alfred had quickly turned very pale, his freckles stark against his skin.

"I'll be okay." He said, but Arthur didn't believe him.

"It's just one hallway, and then its done. Besides, the Bloody Baron won't bother you if you're with me." Arthur reassured Alfred. With one last look, Arthur turned forward again and began his walk. As they turned the corner, it was apparent that there was a ghost residing in the hall. The faint silver light cast on the walls and the slight eerie feeling that a ghost gave off was a sure fire sign that the Bloody Baron was there.

Arthur felt Alfred nearing closer to his back as they walked, but Arthur didn't make a big deal of it. The Bloody Baron was floating close to the ceiling, staring out a high window, a solemn expression on his face. As they drew nearer, their footsteps caught the Baron's attention. His silver figure turned to them. His body turned on an axis, almost like a music box dancer.

"Oh, hello Arthur." the baron greeted politely.

Arthur felt Alfred's shaky hand slide into his own and grip tightly. Alfred had glued his eyes to their hands, the floor, the walls behind them, anywhere besides the baron. The boys kept moving forward, down the hall.

"Sorry Baron," Arthur called, his voice cheery. "Can't talk today, I'm taking Alfred here exploring, but maybe next time!" Arthur waved with his free hand.

"Alright then." The baron turned and drifted away from them, back down the way that the boys had come.

Finally the hall was over and as they turned another corner, Alfred sighed a breath of relief. He stopped stooping over into Arthur's back and stood up tall, walking beside Arthur instead of behind.

Arthur smiled and gently squeezed Alfred's hand. "See, that wasn't so bad."

"That was fucking awful, but I did it, I'm a fucking hero, bow down bitches." Alfred said, all in one big breath. Arthur grinned wryly.

"Mhm. Bow down, America's hero has entered the building, beware his dazzling smile and charming eyes. Alfred Jones, everybody." Arthur teased.

"That's fucking right I have charming eyes. Like god damn glowing stars." Alfred said. They walked down the hallway, Alfred still holding Arthur's hand. Arthur paused in his steps, Alfred coming to a stop next to him.

"Something about this corridor."Alfred gripped Arthur's hand more tightly.

"Off how?"

"I don't," he led the American closer to the wall, in order for them not to be so out in the open. "We'll have to be extra quiet for now," he whispered. Alfred nodded solemnly. It was clear of any students, as it usually was, but that wasn't what worried Arthur.

"You don't mind if we take a slight detour, do you?" Arthur murmured to Alfred.

"Nope, lead the way." Alfred said quietly. Arthur knocked on the wall next to a painting of a phoenix, which opened up to a small but dark path.

"Lumos!" Arthur drew his wand. It was a crowded hallway filled with cobwebs, one that the Brit rarely took, but at least he knew it led to their destination. It was really a twisty path and the walls and ceilings were close.

"Ow! Geez, these turns are killing me!" Alfred complained, rubbing his sore shoulder.

"We're almost there, hold on." Another knock revealed an opening that Arthur stepped through, revealing a staircase.

"What floor are we on now?" Alfred asked, hopping out.

"The same one, but we're taking the staircase down. It's on the other side of the school." Arthur reached into his bag and took out a small piece of parchment. He handed it to Alfred.

"You're probably going to need this more than me if we get separated for any reason." Alfred glanced down to see an intricately drawn map. He put it in his pocket for safekeeping.

"We won't get separated." Alfred said fiercely. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"Alright." Arthur smirked. "Don't lose that map though, it's very important. I want it back after this." Alfred nodded. The two kept walking along, approaching a small staircase. "C'mon, we're almost there!"

Arthur leapt up the stairs, Alfred close behind him. At the top of the stairs, Arthur turned to Alfred with a sharp importance. "Close your eyes."

"What? Why?"

"Close your eyes! I want it to be a surprise."

"How will I know where I'm going?" Alfred asked."I'll guide you." Arthur said, reaching forward and grabbing Alfred's hands. "Now close your eyes."

"Fine. But the second you try to do something freaky, I'm opening them." Alfred closed his eyes, and Arthur smiled. Arthur carefully led his companion a few more steps away from the staircase, then out of a door. Alfred felt a cool breeze on his skin.

"Where are we..?" Alfred muttered. Arthur didn't answer. A few more steps.

"Open your eyes." Arthur whispered, excitedly, and Alfred did.

Above them stretched a fabric of stars. The dark sky was dyed with blues and purples and white speckles which danced in the sky. Alfred realized where they were. The astrology tower.

"It's clear tonight, so we should be able to see all the stars." Arthur said, his eyes twinkling with the reflection of the lights in the sky. "Do you like it?"

"Oh, Arthur. This is amazing." Alfred replied softly, matching the tone of Arthur's excited voice."I found this place a couple years ago," Arthur said, appreciating the stars shining above them. He turned to Alfred. "Funny, but this is about the only place where I'm not afraid of heights."

Alfred looked up at all the shining lights. He could see a few constellations in the dark, including his favourite, which was his horoscope, cancer. "I can see why, this place is awesome."

Arthur knelt down, rummaging through his red bag.

"What'cha looking for, Artie?" Alfred sat down next to the Brit.

"This." Arthur pulled out a small telescope and brought it up to his eye. "I bought it in Diagon Alley, since I happen to like stargazing."

"Can I see?" Alfred took the small telescope and peered through it. "Heh, I feel like a pirate or something."

Arthur laughed. "You look like a five year old seeing a rainbow for the first time."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alfred said, turning the telescope on Arthur and grinning. "Wow, your eyebrows look even bigger through this!"

Arthur scowled at Alfred through the telescope. "If you're done using it, give it back."

"Why? Are you afraid that I won't like what I see?" Alfred asked teasingly.

Arthur recoiled, blushing. "N-no! That's not what I'm thinking, you jackass. Just don't hog my telescope. Or break it."

"I'm not going to break it, Artie." Alfred said as he collapsed the telescope and twirled it in his fingers. "I'm more likely to..." Even in the dark, Arthur could see Alfred's eyes flick over to the edge of the balcony, over the wall keeping them from falling. "Drop it?" Alfred stretched his hand out, holding the telescope with two fingers and his thumb. He wagged it a bit.

"Alfred, don't do that-" Arthur said, leaning forward to try and grab it. Alfred just leaned his body further over the edge, giggling a little.

"Afraid I'll drop it?"

"Yes, Alfred, please don't-" Arthur didn't reach much farther than he already had. He was afraid of heights, and he knew he would be fine if he stepped closer to the rock wall on the edge, but he was still kind of scared and didn't want to risk it.

"Alfred, give it back."

"Come and get it." Alfred leaned even further over the edge, his torso now almost completely over the wall. Arthur growled. He took one step forward and grabbed the back of Alfred's jacket and yanked- causing Alfred to stumble and trip into Arthur's arms with a startled gasp. Arthur was aware of how this was playing out like some cheesy rom-com in the back of his mind, but only faintly.

Alfred let himself be held up by Arthur. Alfred's arms were squished up to his chest, telescope clutched safely in one hand. A moment passed where the boys just stared at each other.

"Give my telescope back, you hazardous American." Arthur said softly, pushing Alfred back into a standing position. Alfred handed it back without complaint. He was glad for the darkness surrounding them, for then Arthur couldn't see the dark blush that was making its way up his neck and face.

Alfred turned away from Arthur, focusing more on the stars while calming himself down, the hot feeling in his cheeks fading away slowly. Arthur put the telescope back before lying down, resting his head on his bag and securing a scarf around his neck. Alfred turned back to see Arthur.

"Arthur, that's my scarf, isn't it?"

"Mhm. I never gave it back, so I was going to return when we got up here," he sighed, breathing out into the chilly air. "I think I'll keep it for now though, it's too cold."

"If I'd known it was gonna be this chilly, I would've brought a blanket." Arthur laughed.

"It's not a bloody sleepover, Alfred, we're just going to look at the stars a bit." Alfred strode over to where Arthur lay, leaning against the brick wall as he peered up again at the stars.

"So wait, how long have you been wandering around the schools at night?"

Arthur narrowed his eyes, thinking. "Since about... late first year, I think, maybe early second year."


"Alfred, when you're stuck with a bunch of Slytherins, you're bound to want some time alone." He smirked. "So I decided that I would sneak out at night, not get caught, and see what I could find."

"Weren't you scared at all?" Alfred asked curiously.

"No. Should I have been?"

"Dude, you were eleven, maybe twelve! You could've gotten lost!"

Arthur shrugged. "I've got a pretty good sense of direction, and I have older siblings who've helped me. My older brother made the map I gave you." Alfred took it out of his pocket and unfolded it.


"Mhm. He made it his first year, when he was exploring." Arthur said. Alfred could see the stars reflected in his eyes.

"Must be a family tradition by now, huh," Alfred said. he pulled out his wand and with a quiet "Lumos." he studied the map.

Arthur laughed softly. "I never thought of it like that."

"I'm kinda jealous," Alfred mumbled. "I mean, you have such a large family."

"It's not all that great, Alfred, I'm telling you."

Alfred scoffed. "I grew up as an only child. I wish I had as many siblings as you. They're probably a bit much sometimes... but they're fun too, right?" Alfred paused a moment. "And you're never alone, someone always has your back, you know?" He added. The light went out on his wand. Arthur wasn't sure what to say in reply.. but Alfred looked up and put the folded map back in his pocket. "How many siblings do you have anyway?"

"Three brothers and two sisters." Arthur said hesitantly.

"Seriously? Are any of them here?"

Arthur nodded. "Both my younger brothers and a sister in seventh year."

"I didn't know that!" Alfred looked surprised, how come he never saw Arthur talking to them?

The Brit seemed to read his mind. "They don't really like the fact that I'm in Slytherin. I mean, Peter, he's in first year, he's annoying to everyone equally, so that's nothing new." At this Arthur chuckled a bit. Then his gaze darkened. "Bridget doesn't like talking to me. Wally hangs out with her, so I don't talk to him much either."

Alfred shrugged. "What about the others?"

"...Well, Erin is off working with the ministry, muggle relations, I think. And Alister...." Arthur stopped. Nothing was said, the quiet deafening.

"Is that why you can see the beasts pulling the carriages?" Alfred asked quietly, breaking the silence and noticing Arthur stiffen.

Arthur took a ragged breath. "Yes."

Alfred frowned. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine." Arthur cleared his throat and continued. "It's just, it was out of nowhere. He used to work with magical creatures, not dragons, usually, but other, just as dangerous ones around the world. His last job was in Greece, hunting down a manticore. He managed to kill it, but I guess he didn't notice a slight nick he'd gotten while fighting. He kept saying it stung, but we all thought it was just a small infection or something." Arthur bit his lip, remembering. "Turns out during the fight he'd been pricked by the spikes on the manticore's tail. He came home, but he was in bad shape."

Alfred listened with sad eyes. Arthur took a deep breath.

"Three days after he got home he died. I remember it so vividly. I wouldn't leave his side, I was just a little kid, I didn't know better. He was so pale and sickly looking. He looked at me, and he just-" Arthur broke off. "He died." Arthur whispered. "I kept wishing he would come back. I kept hoping one day I'd realize it was all a terrible dream." In the darkness, Alfred saw Arthur wiping at his face with one hand. "Then his ghost showed up."

"His ghost?"

Arthur nodded, smiling weakly. "He said for me not to freak out, please don't freak out, but I couldn't be happier to see him, you know? I didn't freak out. I think, because I was so upset over him, and his sudden death, his soul couldn't move on. He was a ghost, bound to the house, for about a week. Then he was gone again."

"Is that why you're so good with the school ghosts?" Alfred asked gently.

"Yeah." This time the silence that fell between them was thick with feelings and unspoken words. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, Arthur, it's fine, really." Alfred smiled softly at Arthur, and Arthur smiled back the best he could. "It's okay." Alfred held out his hand out to Arthur, a gesture of comfort. Arthur took his hand and squeezed it tightly. "It's okay." Alfred said, and Arthur believed him.

Arthur let out a long sigh. "I haven't told anyone that, you know. Not even Francis. God knows why I told you." He shook his head slightly.

Alfred just smiled at him. "I just appreciate you telling me, you don't look nearly as stressed out as you did before."

It was true. Arthur seemed like a heavy weight had been lifted off of him. The Brit gave him a sidelong glance.

"If you . . . tell anyone, though . . ."

"Don't worry so much, I won't tell anyone." Alfred snuggled down further in his sweater.

"Good. By the way, I brought something." Arthur reached back into

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