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Words fail to explain how overwhelmed you were. On one hand, you were still processing Rowan's betrayal, and then Feitan saving you... why? Just so that he could have the satisfaction of killing you himself? You tried to scoot back more, and a sharp pain shot through your abdomen and you doubled over, clutching your sides. You felt a warm sticky liquid leak onto your hand, so you looked down to see crimson blood seeping from a cut on the left side of your abdomen.

You stared at the blood pooling beneath you, unsure of what to do. Everything was so cloudy. You noticed that your nen dog had disappeared as your strength depleted. Nothing made sense. You could tell someone was speaking to you, but you couldn't understand what they were saying. You looked around frantically and your eyes landed on Rowans bleeding corpse. You couldn't help but feel a little bit sorry for her.

That was the last thing you remembered before you passed out, due to blood loss.

Feitan sheathed his sword and as much as he hated to admit it, part of him was frantic and worried about you, but he hid it behind his cool composure. He gently picked you up with ease and carried you, bridal style, out to the main room of the Phantom Troupes temporary hideout. Feitan looked around, and immediately spotted the pink-haired girl he desperately needed.

He set your body down in front of Machi, not saying a word.

"No." Was all she responded with, beginning to turn on her heal and pretend like she was busy.

"The boss needs her alive. So fix her." Feitan barked back, glaring angrily at Machi until she turned back around and crouched next to your unconscious form reluctantly. She lifted your shirt, examining the wound before activating her Nen Threads and grabbing a needle. Her work was so careful and precise, yet so quick. She connected every bit of flesh together before cutting the thread, standing up and returning to her task beforehand.

"Don't ask me for personal favors again, Feitan." She mumbled, looking back at him with squinted eyes. She could read right through him. Feitan just clicked his tongue and picked you back up, beginning to walk away when he heard Chrollo call out to him from the entrance.

"Feitan, Pakunoda is back, give her a call when Y/N wakes up, yes?" Chrollo waved him off and Feitan curtly nodded, bringing you back to a different room.

It was the room you had stayed in the first time he brought you to their hideout. He gently set you down on the dingy little mattress, figuring it would be better than laying on concrete.

He hated how much he cared. Even with the possibility that you had rated them out, he still cared about you.

And he hated it. He hated the way it made him all warm and fuzzy to see you smile. He hated how angry he was when Rowan attacked you. He hated every last bit of it. But he couldn't stop himself. He couldn't resist the urge to be with you. He couldn't resist the urge to love you even.

After half an hour, you woke up, which was surprisingly fast for someone who had passed out from blood loss. You groaned and winced as a wave of pain shot through your left side and you looked down to see your blood soaked shirt. Memories began flooding back and crowding your mind, each one sounding like a little voice in your head shouting at you and overwhelming you.

"Don't tear it. Machi won't do another one." Feitan grumbled and loomed over you, suddenly catching your attention. You almost screamed at the surprise, as you did not notice him there before. Feitan stared at you for a moment before pulling out his phone and diaking a number. You couldn't do anything but sit and stare, scared, frightened, overwhelmed, yet slightly relieved. You were alive, and that's all that mattered at the moment.

You watched in fear and anticipation as a woman entered, one you had never seen in person, only on the wanted posters. Feitan stared at the woman as she slowly approached you, her hazel eyes scanning you for a moment before she sat down, setting a hand on your shoulder.

"So, Y/N, did you happen to sell us out to that snake of a detective?" She stared at you intensely, awaiting a response.

"For the last time, I didn't sell anyone out. I'm not dumb like the Phantom Troupe seems to think I am." You growled and tried to yank away from her grasp. Pakunoda had a blank look on her face before looking back at Feitan, nodding.

"She's telling the truth." Pakunoda confirmed and left without another word. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, relieved to finally have your name cleared. Feitan looked back at you and you couldn't tell what he was thinking. He stared at you for a moment before silently leaving the room. You stared in confusion and slowly got up, wincing at the small pain that went through your side. It wasn't pleasant, but it was bearable.

You clutched your side and slowly walked towards the door, sneaking out of the room with the silence of a mouse. You looked around for some kind of window or door you could sneak out of, thanking the heavens you were on the first floor.

You spotted a small opening in the concrete walls, just big enough for you to squeeze through. You reached your hands up to the ledge and struggled to begin pulling yourself up.

"When I get home, I'm doing so many pull ups." You grunted, just barely dangling off of the floor.

A loud whooshing was heard behind you and you felt something pressed up against your neck. That familiar feeling of bloodlustoverwhelmed your body.

"Mh mh mh... where do you think you're going~" You looked behind you to see the pink haired clown from before, a card pressed up against your neck. You chuckled nervously, sweat beginning to form on your brow.

"Funny seeing you hereeee-" your words were cut off as he wrapped his muscular arms around your waist and tossing you over your shoulder, leaving you dangling. You pounded your fists on his back, trying desperately to escape his grasp. "What are you doing? Let me go!" You shouted, trying to wriggle around, but his grip only tightened, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.

"We can't have little Y/N trying to escape, now can we? I'll see what Chrollo has to say about this."


AN: *dramatic gasp* oh nooo y/n got caught! What will happen next? Find out on the next episode offffff "random fanfic"

On another note, we are almost at 1k reads! Tysm to all of you who decided to pay any attention to this little fanfic. I was wondering what I should do to celebrate, I was thinking maybe a Q and A? however I'll take suggestions and stuff, so just comment or whatever!

Also, as I keep looking at this, I realize I really hate the title, and I wanna change it, along with the cover. So if anyone has any ideas, please let me know because just ughhhg idk I just don't like ittt, so yeah, that's it, have a good day luvs!

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