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The car jolted to a stop and you were awaken by Rowans gentle voice. "We're at the airport, come on dear." She hummed and assisted you as you groggily climbed out of the limo. A man greeted you immediately and handed you a heavy duffel bag, and you assumed it was your stuff.

The two of you approached the airport, and immediately, bodyguards surrounded the two of you, leading you over to a private runway.

"A private airship?" You looked over to Rowan, whom simply nodded.

"Yes. Please, soak up all of this comfort now while you still can, because soon you are going to have much time to rest during the day." She chuckled and waited paitently as they led the two of you to a smaller airship. You two entered and the inside was lavishly decorated with red and black, and the seats looked better than any first class seats you've ever seen. You sat on a seat next to a window, excited to watch as the airship ascended. Rowan nestled comfortably in the seat next to you, letting out a soft sigh.

"Oh, Y/N! You are so going to love this training site! It's owned by an old friend of mine and it is absolutely gorgeous." She hummed and ran her long fingers through her wavy, Titian hair. "I'm sure you're eager for me to tell you more about it, but no spoilers!" She chuckled and placed a slender finger over her red-tinted lips.

You giggled and turned your attention back out to the window. You leaned against the glass pane and stared in awe as you began to rise.

"I've never been in an airship before! This is so cool!" You excitedly gripped the window sill, watching as the objects below got smaller and smaller with each second.

Rowan just giggled at your childish behavior before leaning her chair back a bit. "I'm excited to have you on the team, Y/N."

That was all you really remembered. Your body must've been really tired because after that, memories got blurry and before you knew it, you were asleep.

Rowan stood next to you, gently shaking your shoulder. "Come on, Y/N. We've landed." She chuckled as you groggily rolled over to face her, rubbing your eyes.

When the two of you exited the airship, a wave of tropical breeze washed over you. The tangy and fishy smell of the beach invaded your nose, making you hum in pleasure. This felt more like a vacation then a training retreat.

Rowan looked over to you and smiled. "Welcome to Kyogi!" She took in a deep breath, outstretched her arms as the salty breeze blew her hair behind her. She looked almost to perfect. "Oh, God do I miss this place."

"Ms. Rowan, I'm I'm bit impressed. This doesn't look like a training site, more like a tropical resort." You snorted, turning to look at her.

"Well yes, it is quite luxurious. However, channeling your nen very heavily revolves around your mental state. I couldn't possibly put you in a dingy and stressful environment and expect you to channel nen very well, now could I?" She corrected you and then began her excited saunter towards the building ahead of you. The building was huge, and looked very traditional. It looked almost natural, the way it fit in so well with its environment.

You entered the building, only to be greeted by a beautiful woman at the desk.

"Hi! Welcome to-" the woman looked up and her eyes lit up with joy. "Oh, Rowan!" She quickly ran out from behind the reception desk and reached for Rowan, tackling her with a hug.

Rowan giggled and embraced the woman. "Hey, sis! I missed you too." She sighed and ruffled the shorter girls hair.

You froze up at their greeting.

Sis? Is that- her sister?

You felt a few tears prick at your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away. Rowan looked at you curiously before releasing her sister.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Y/N! How terribly inconsiderate of me. Please, sis, go back to your job." She shooed off the younger girl before comfortingly patting your shoulder. "We're going to find her, y/n. It's okay." She sighed softly and began leading you past the reception desk. "Your room is 207, here's the key." She handed you a small silver key and then turned back to face her sister. Younfound the stairs and climbed up two levels to reach your room.

You reveled at the place you'd be staying in. It was very simple, but beautiful. There was a huge window overlooking the rainforest and beach ahead of you. The floor surprisingly didn't creak as you walked to admire the view. The bed was huge, much bigger than the one you had back home.

"God this place must be expensive." You huffed and set your bag on the bed before flopping down yourself. You felt so comfortable, almost as if you didn't want to move. So much had happened in the past two months, and you finally felt as if you had a moment to rest.

Still... something felt off.

AN: USGSGUSIWBS okay so, remember how last chapter I said wait till this chapter? Well screw that because I guess this chapter is filler but I swear next chapter will actually be interesting lmao I'm sorry.

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