Home Sweet Home

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Not long after the car started up and we headed home no further did we get from the hospital to the second stop sign Brayden had fallen asleep. Poor little guy I thought looking back at him sitting in his carseat buckled up next to Ian. For someone so little hes already been through enough to be apart of the Gallagher curse we have all been born into. I wanted so much more for him than Frank had ever given any of us. But if I wanted that to happen I had to get our lives back in order and back on the path that I knew was right for our family. I knew it wasnt going to be easy but I knew the long term affect of the sacrifices I was going to have to make for myself and my family was going to be worth it in the long run. But before I could start rebuilding our lives I had to face my own personal demons and the hard ugly truth of the shit with my father and the things we would have to face in the next couple of months before I could move on once in for all.

Thirty minutes later and a 100 dollar cab fee we had finally turned on to S Homan Ave, our home sweet home. Debbie and Carl were sitting on the front porch steps with a poster board with the words "welcome home Bray" written across them with blue sharpie while Kev was holding Liam as he followed behind a very excited V who almost beat us to the front gates of the house.

"Okay little guy are you ready to be home for good?" I asked him as he regained consciousness from a deep sleep. I couldnt contain myself from the happiness that was exploding from inside as I saw the smile come across his groggy face when Clarissa took him out of his carseat and handed him to me. Seeing everyone just as happy to see him home and healthy and happy again made my heart happier than it had been in a long time. I felt an immediate relief come over me as I leaned over to kiss Clarissa on her shoulder while her spaghetti strap hung off her as she held Brayden as everyone started to crowd around us. "Hey, hey now" Fiona said making everyone back up some so we could unload the taxi and go inside. "Give the little guy some room huh!!" She said ruffling Brayden's hair as she took him away from Clarissa and passed him over to V who was overly excited as was everyone else. "Hey just be careful okay?" I said firmly seeing how he was being passed from person to person knowing he was still fresh out of the hospital.

"Well baby..." I said pulling Clarissa closer to my body and kissing her neck multiple times in a row before meeting her lips. "are you ready to be home in our own bed with our son" I asked excitedly as smiles spread across both of our faces. "I wouldnt want to be anywhere but here" she replied as we followed everyone else in the house.
"Wow" Clarissa said aloud when she walked in to see blue balloons and birthday banners on every corner of the living room all the way to the kitchen. "Ooons, oons" Brayden mumbled excitedly jumping up and down in Ian's arms trying to say balloons as he smacked them playfully with Carl and Ian. Making everyone laugh at his cute baby talk. "You guys really didn't have to do all of this."

I said feeling almost teary eyed as I looked around the room to see everyone that has ever meant anything to me and who has always been there for me in my life that mattered. I never knew how much appreciation I had for the nine people in this room until things got so bad but now through whatever journey comes next I know if were there for one another we'll get through it somehow. "I love you guys" I said when Fiona shouted "Group Hug", it was undoubtedly one fo the greatest feelings to be surrounded by family who loved us and cared for us.

"Thank you guys, I dont know what we would do without you. But if it's okay with you guys I think we three need a little time alone upstairs to get resituated and rest before Brayden's birthday party tonight."

'Of course' Fiona said handing Brayden back to Clarissa while I grabbed our bags and headed up the stairs. Brayden was rubbing his eyes on the way up to the bedroom so Clarissa layed him down in his crib. While I started unpacking our bags enough to sort through Brays medical papers to know when to give him his medicines and to also put them in a safe place for the lawyers when I heard a sniffling in the distance. It was Clarissa, "what's wrong babe?" I asked as I moved closer to her wrapping my arms from behind her waist. As she stood above Brayden's crib watching him fall asleep obviously crying. "Hey, hey..." I said turning her around to face me and wiping the seemingly happy tears from her cheeks.  "What's the matter?" I asked as she sniffed some more before answering.
"I'm just happy" she said cracking a smile and shaking her head. "I'm sorry, for acting stupidly" she said wiping her face.
"What? You're not acting stupid, dont say that. I completely understand I am happy to be home with the two most important people in my life and I would give everything i own to feel this way for the rest of my life. I love you Clarissa I said as I laced her hands with mine and kissed her lips and moved her closer to the bed where I held her til we both fell asleep.

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