Lost in languages

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A/n:ignore the background image of isabella,I like the lyrics

Two twins ran in the woods playing around till they came upon a giant tree with a door so they decided to knock on the door and it swung opened,them being faced with a staff making them scream and hold eachother

"Huh...oh it's just....kids"

They opened their eye's and saw a woman with h/l h/c hair looking at them with a frown

"Shouldn't you kids be with your parents?"
"Shy are we....well come in it's about to rain,don't want you kids to get hurt"she moved to the side letting them enter as boiling rain started to fall

The two kids entered and saw different things they have never seen before

"Hey um"the girl stopped talking when she saw the woman outside casting a protection spell and placing it on her home

"Alright kids,what's your names?"
"I'm edric a-and she's e-emria we are f-from the Blight family"the boy,edric said as the girl,emria stayed behind him scared

"Blight...oh your his kids,pleasure to meet you I'm y/n"she said with a smile
"You know us?"
"Yes...well your dad more, him and I are friends"y/n smiled showing them a photo of the two with an arm over their shoulders and face paint,smiling

"Yes but how come your ears are small in the photo but pointy now?"emria asked as her brother saw the difference
"Well I'm not from here I am human"

Taking off the fake ears she showed them her actual ears and they held a shocked face,which turned into a smile

"We have a small eared friend!"they yelled then started singing it while holding hands

"P/n is the soup ready?"she asked making her palisman respond with a coo
"Alright who's hungry?"she asked as the Blight twins,who smiled running to the table while yn smiled following them


Y/n snapped back from her daydream just to see eda with with worried look,but y/n finished making sandwiches for luz and king

"Eda you have a package,looks like a gift basket"
"Probably an offering,Ah being the most powerful witch in the boiling Isles has it's perks"

King pulled the blanket down the basket and they saw a baby head with bat wings

"Mm fresh meat"
"No,not eating that"
"Witches eating babies is so 1693,what is this?"
"There's a note...'take care of my child till morning,yi yi' "
"Nope,babies are awful not happening"
" 'you will be handsomely rewarded X O X O X O X bat queen' "
"Bat queen?"

King looked in the basket and found snails making eda's eyes shine

"Who's the bat queen?"
"She's the wealthiest demon on the boiling Isles"
"Yup,you get in with her you're set for life,so we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid,pfft easy"eda said while y/n crossed her arms smirking wondering how eda would manage
"Our greatest adventure yet,learning about love and life through a child's eyes"

"Not you,you have to return the books I have checked out from the library"eda moved her finger in the air making a hole mid-air having books fall out causing luz to catch them
"I don't want her to getting a cut of the loot"
"Good thinking"king whispered to eda as luz walked to the door
"Now let's take a look at this little darling"eda said as y/n put on noise canceling headphones while the baby screeched loudly making items in the house shake

"On second thought maybe we could use your help!"
"Well I better get to the library"luz closed the door and left leaving king,eda and y/n with a crying baby

"We got this right?"eda asked king and the baby flew right at edas face

Y/n managed to get the baby off eda and the baby started to chase her


Walking to the library,the doors open and before placing the books at the front desk they float to the person behind the desk

"Late,late,grass and blood stains,these are eda's books aren't they?"
"Huh...that was a crazy night"

*sigh*"I'll put them on her tab,by the way we're closing early for the wailing star meteor shower"
"Ooh,what's that?
"You're in a library...read a book"
"I am in a library,I will read a book"

Luz walked and crouched down to the demon decimal,giving one candy making it throw up papers

Luz saw a line of book floating so she tried grabbing one but ended hanging on one...next seeing boiling Isles people use the glass orbs to search up things

"This place is amazing!"
"What di you think you're doing?"
*gasp*"I've been caught pretend to be a book"

Luz posed close to a book and heard kids giggling


Luz walked to the kids section and heard the same voice reading,so she hid and saw amity reading to kids making her think to befriend amity

"Good bye miss amity,thank you"
"Thank you braxes,see you next time"

The kid left and amity looked to the side and then forwards only to look to the side and see luz

"Ugh you"
"Amity...whoop...reading to kids wow looks like this sour lemon drop has a hidden sweet center"
"It's for extra credit,don't get your leggings in a bunch"
"Hey I could help with the kids we could take turns reading and do voices,I do the best monster voice"
"Human do you see me going to the owl shack and bugging you while you...fry up owls?,...okay I don't really know what you do there but every time you come near me I get in trouble,just leave me alone"
"I'm sorry,I'm sorry..."

Luz walked away while amity looked like she regretted what she said

"So much for befriending rivals"
"Your gonna let her get to you like that?"
"Who are you?"
"Well wishers on a mission"
"A noble quest"
"Watch this,hey mittens!,mom says stop forgetting your lunch and stop being a jerk to your friend"
"She is not my friend"
"What are you doing?"

They turned to see y/n with a basket and books

"Y/n,great to see you just amity being mean"
"Yeah and then you will take it to far making her more annoyed at you"

Y/n walked over to amity giving her something that was in the basket and left not before the two next to luz giving y/n a look that she knew,so she whistled making them know that she understood

"You can leave now,all of you"


"So you're the human we've head so much about?"
"I'm emria and this is edric,we're amity's older siblings we heard how you embarrassed her at school and the witch convenient last week no wonder she hates you"
"I know but I didn't mean too I thought we were cool as cucumber but we're sour like pickles"
"Don't waste your time with mittens,me and ed we are more fun,follow us"

As the older siblings of amity showed luz what they did for fun,messing around,she got curious on something

"So...how do you know y/n?"
Ed paused about to blow the dust off a book onto the demon decimal on the wall and looked at luz then at emria who slowly nodded

"Well we met y/n when we were kids,she lived in a tree protected us from the boiling rain"
"We had to stay for two days there the rain kept getting worse,y/n showed us how she used magic and different combinations which we didn't understand,but...no she will explain"
"What do you mean?"

Ignoring her edric blew on the book making the demon decimal take it in and sneeze out papers which fell causing them to laugh


They looked to see amity and the librarians who then pushed them out

"Amity's even madder at Me now,I didn't think that was possible"
"No when mittens gets mad she looks like this"

Ed held his breath and his face turned a red color to which he exhaled

"Whoa,I almost passed out"
"You're pretty fun human"

Ed and em looked at eachother and nodded telling luz that they will be returning for a book and a bonus involving the wailing star

"You in,friend?"
"Meet back here at midnight,see ya luz!"

As the two left luz was excited about befriend the siblings and probably amity so she left not knowing some one was hearing

"Phew...almost passed out"


The baby was still crying and eda along with kid couldn't help it

"It's been hours how can it keep screaming?"
"I hate it to pip squeak but think about the money"

As the baby continued to scream things around the house started to break, y/n walked in seeing eda and king covering their ears making her lean on the wall seeing what they will do

"No amout of snails is worth this torture,make it stop"
"Ugh I can't believe I'm about to do this"

Eda picked up the baby making it stop crying shocking both eda and king

"Rock rock maternal gesture"
"I just had the best day cool teens like me,call me a book cause they were checking me out,aw eda you look so motherly"
"Say that again and I steal your tongue"
"How can you say that around this cute little baby?"

Luz gently poked the baby causing it to throw up a baby and that baby threw up another baby making there be 3 of them

While the baby's flew up and spat fire burning the couch,y/n grabbing luz's bag while the rest freaked out

"Parenting sure looks rewarding,e-enjoy your life lessons!"luz closed the door after grabbing her bag

"Uh,for the money?"
"For the money"
"Hey why don't you two go eat,I'll handle it?"
"Are you sure,y/n?"
"Yes king I know how do handle babies,now go eat before it gets cold"

Y/n gently pushed the two to the kitchen while they looked worriedly at y/n who just smiles at they

"Alright,who wants to sing?"

The babies stopped their destruction and looked curiously at y/n

"Come close"the babies came closer to her and huddled with her as she thought of a song

Play song of you want:
"Dear sweet child,no need to cry"y/n sang as the babies cooed happily

"I will hold you tight,so sleep all your worries and cares away...no need to be scared you are out of harms way"

Y/n sang holding a child in her arms who held tears in their eyes,making her stand with them

"I will keep you safe and warm...love you every day reach your tiny hands for the light take your future and"

"Make it shine so...bright"

Y/n looked at the three who looked at her then the one in the middle let out an angelic tone making y/n smile


Once figuring out what the wailing star does Ed,em,and luz play around with the books

Luz leaves the blight siblings to play on their own and she goes to the kids section,seeing the book amity read,so opening the book made otabin appear giving luz a smile which she returned


After the singing y/n did that one baby behaved while the other two made a messy/n trying to calm them down,eda and king hiding under the couch coming with ideas which was on it's side

"What if we invent a TV network for ages 6 to 11?"
"That's insane,aah there's only one way out of this"

Eda searched in her hair and pulled out a switch blade making king horrified

"Apple slices and story time...alright brats let's do this ugh being parental is making me sick"eda said once the couch was fixed,now sitting down infront of bat queens babies and king

"Otabin spend his days alone amongst the many books he'd sewn with needle and thread..."


"...the pages he meld but all the while he longed for was a friend"

Edric called to luz and showed her what they figured out so opening a book out came a duck moving on the ground

"Aw cute little quckster"luz said while edric drew on the page with the duck on it and the duck was no longer on the ground but they faced a duck with legs

"Now he's extra cute"closing the book the duck disappeared,turning to luz they asked her to draw something but she couldn't bring herself to so edric held her hand drawing for her and before and thing happen luz closed the book not wanting to see

"We didn't come here to doodle,come on"

Taking luz away they didn't notice the otabin book was left open and out came something........ stopping infront of the romance books

"Boiling Isles romance,that's totally lame...unless you guys are into it?"
"I think I'm into this one"

Edric pulled a book and returned it only for the shelf to move and reveal a room with lights along with many books

"That's a good book...your clubhouse is like my ultimate secret hideaway"Luz looked amazed at how the room looked and something caught her eye,walking closer she saw a photo of a woman and a small amity smiling

"We don't hang out in the library,uh teacher I'm in love with a dictionary"
"I'm studying the dork arts...this is amity's secret hidaway"

Luz was shocked and then the twins went on explaining why they were there,turns out it was to embarrass amity by finding her diary showing the school for tatting on them

"Isn't that taking it abit to far,even y/n said that?"
"No,see were her family it's tough love she needs to learn to lighten up"
"W-Well I don't see any- wait are those!,good witch azura books one through for...so majestic...Is this cover hand drawn?"

Opening the hand covered book came out a small amity talking,it was exactly the same as it was written down

"The diary..."
"What you got luz?"
"Oh...just an azura book five were she goes through a goth phase"

Emria used her magic getting the diary showing edric making them both excited

"Luz were you hiding this from us?"
"You see how she treats people,how she treats you"
"I know amity can be cold but no one deserves this,these are private thoughts let's put it back"

Luz tried pulling the diary from them only for them to pull back causing pages to fall giving luz a chance to get the diary and pick up the pages except one


Luz looked and saw amity with a red face while her older siblings chuckled

"It's not what it looks like..."
"You two are the worst but you I've been trying to figure out what your deal is,are you a poser a nerd...I know you're a bully luz"

Amity ran off with luz calling to her while edric and emria stepped out behind luz

"Well mittens killed the fun"

"Again...so we're headed goblin tipping,wanna come?"
"Your just gonna leave?"
"Yeah with you"
"Look you guys are cool but I need to talk with mittens- I mean amity"
"Alright see you around cutie"

The twins left a blushing luz who shook it off and chased after amity wanting to talk


After walking outside the library they see y/n waiting for them

"Y/n we need to know what set you off the night of the moon conjuring"
"It's nothing important"
"What do you mean?!"
"We have seen that before!"

Edric showed his penstagram with the post of the figure on a tree

"Me and em left your house,on the way back a demon came about to hurt emria but then you appeared or what seemed to be you protected us"
"But...you can't know about it and I will tell you when the time is right or something is about to happen to me,alright?"
"....fine y/n...."
"Now go home or I'll make p/n do the job for you"
"N-no were good!"

The two ran off as the f/a jumped on y/n's shoulder cooing making y/n smile


Otabin or a monster version of him,taking amity away leaving luz with her dairy

"Oof- why are you doing this I've been reading you since I was a kid...I know you're not like this,someone changed you"
"But friends are what I've aways sought and now a friend my claws have caught"

Before otabin continued stitching amity a purple mist appeared along with a person wearing a witch hat with a crown

"Close,is it drawn okay I kinda interpreted the description?"
"Ah right"

Luz wrote in the dairy causing a staff to come out so using the staff she got ready to hit otabin only for him a throw it away and take the book from her then stitching her next to amity

"Great work luzura"
"Hey,I was trying to save you"
"Well it doesn't matter we're gonna be stuck together forever"

Luz moved her stitched hand,realizing she could still move so she came up and got amity involved so luz moved making them fall but run from otabin

"Now what?"
"I don't know I didn' think that would work,I was all like 'roaar' "

Amity chuckle at luz making her smile but was cut short when a needle back through the giant book pulling them back to otabin,while they were being pulled back,amity grabbed on to a ladder managing to tear herself off leaving a yelping luz

Otabin saying his rhymes continued stitching luz about to stixh her head when amity pushed a cart of books crashing onto otabin and went to help luz

"Third dimension...how I missed you"
"We must stay friends till the end,there is no tear I cannot mend!"

Otabin grabbed luz tying a string around her and just then p/n came poking otabin's eye's but he didn't let go but this gave amity a chance to write down so thing and a giant magic eraser appeared

"Luz catch!"

Amity threw the eraser at luz who caught it and erased the drawing on the normal otabin in the book turning them normal

"I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me..."
"Hey it's okay we're still friends"

Amity nodded at luz who then closed the book making otabin disappear


Luz and amity walked out with p/n on amity's shoulder

"What an adventure...thanks for helping clean up"
"This never happened"
"...wait,it doesn't make up for reading your dairy but I noticed you only had up to four"

Luz gave amity the fifth book of good witch azura and she gladly took it

"Thank you...maybe you aren't a bully I haven't exactly been the friendliest witch either,I'll think on that"

Amity left and p/n flew to luz cooing happily


"Hi guys,I'm...home"

Luz looked at the scene infront of her eda and king sleeping with the babies in their arms

"Hoot hoot!"

Before luz said anything a giant head with bat wings entered

"Whoa...you must be mama"
"Yeah yeah,mama is I and I is the bat queen"

Bat queen whistled causing the babies to wake up and fly getting in her hair hiding from the light

"Ah snuggle dumplings"

The bat queen then gags spitting a treasure chest and a bone whistle and eda is an owed on before flying away

"Aw sewet babies...babies! Where are the babies?'

Luz motion that the babies flew away making eda sad while King cry missing the babies

"I actually got you something from the library"

Luz gave eda a book on how to cope with empty nest syndrome making her chuckle while y/n smiled comforting king abit

"So how was your night luz?"
"Good then back then maybe good?"
"Hey,anyone want hear about my night?"
"That is something no one wants"

Y/n leaned down to eda and spoke in a whisper

"You know I think it will be fun to have a mini you or me running around keeping luz or king busy even hooty"

Y/n pulled away leaving a blushing eda while luz and king tried not listening to hooty


"With every lie I am crumbling and dying inside...wanting to save you will all of my might but this world is against me I cannot fight..."

Sang someone but stopped and looked out a window,admiring what was around them

{I wonder if she's doing alright...y/n what are you planning?}

A/n:this is what y/n

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