(4) YES

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🥵smut warning🥵

Y/n's pov:

I was currently on top of Aidan making out until he made his kissing sucking on it trying to find my sweet spot,and eventually he found it causing small moans to leave my lips. Soon after he fliled me over so that I was under him. I tugged on his shirt making him off. Then just stared at his light toned abs.

"Like what see mama's?"

"How could I not." I say as I connect my lips against his. He then tugs my shirt,I lift my arms letting him take it off.

"Wow,you are so beautiful."

"Theres more." He then removes my pants to see me in only my underwear.

"Cute." He says referring to my red lace thong. He then removes it and places two finger in me. 


"F-faster." He then speeds up his pase leaving me a moaning mess.

"MMMM FUCK! YESS,PLEASE DON'T STOP!" I say as he continuously hits my g-spot. He then starts to suck on my dripping clit.

"Mmmmmm YES FUCK!"  He chuckles at my actions send vibrations to my clit,that throws me over the edge.


"Let it all out mama." I then start clenching as I reach my orgasm.

"Fuck you're good." I say out of breath

"Who said I was done?"

"Wha-OH FUCK!" Aidan before I could finish Aidan sliped his lenght into me without any warning.

"Fuck mama's you're tight."

"Mmm more."

"You sure?" 

"Mmm fuck,please."

"Whatever you say princess." And with that Aidan started pounding me hitting my g-spot everytime.


"Daddy makes you feel good huh?"

"F-F-FUCK YES DADDY!" I then started tightening my walls around Aidan to let him know that I was close to cumming.


"Aidan,I'm gonna cum." I say while moaning.

"Fuck me too princess." I moaned in response as came.

"Hey princess?"


"You on the pill?"

"Umm y-yeah." And with that Aidan filled me up with his cum.

"Fuck." I say outa breath.

"Holy shit,mama."

"Well,umm,I'm gonna head in the shower."

"Ok,um,i'm gonna start unpacking."


"Ok." I then get up from the bed only to wince in pain from my legs. 

"You ok mama's?" Aidan laughed.

"I'm fine."

"You want some help?" He asks as he puts his boxers back on.

"Please." I whine.

"Of course." Aidan says as he picks me up bridal style.

"Y/n,I love you."

"I love you too Aidan."

A/n heyy so if you have any pet names that you would like Aiden to call Y/n please let me know because like I don't know what other pet names to use so........ Anyways love ya<3333



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