Chapter 26

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Lucas POV
I caught the arrow right before it hit my heart. If I hadn't caught it ,it would have killed me.

My heart broke when I looked at my Freya to see disappointment in her eyes. She was sad because I had caught the arrow she wanted me to die. I deserved it though I had killed her now it was my turn to die for what I did. Still I didn't understand how Freya was back I had heard her heart stop ,I had watched as her beautiful eyes closed and the breath in her body leave her.

She was dead yet now she was here ,my beautiful Freya. Yet she wanted to kill me ,and I would let her if that's really what she wanted.

"Freya I don't understand ,you were dead", I said hoping to get some answers.

Her bow didn't drop "yea thanks to you", I could hear the anger dripping from her voice.
Freya POV
He looked at me with so much sadness I almost dropped the bow.

Everything in me wanted to run up and embrace ,him and kiss him and live happily ever after with him. I knew this was just the mate bond though it was blinding me. It wouldn't any longer. Not after he was dead.

Lucas dropped to his knees in front of me ,in front of all the humans.

"I'm sorry ,my dear mate, I'm so sorry," He sobbed.

He put his hands in the air "do it ,kill me I won't stop you I promise. I deserve it".

I looked at him ,this man ,a king ,a vampire ,a werewolf and my soulmate had just dropped to his knees in front of me.

He was willing to die for what he was done he felt bad for it , he had missed me.

I pointed my bow at him I had every intention of killing him. Yet no matter how hard I tried I couldn't release the arrow.

I realized I loved him and to destroy him would be to destroy myself. I fell on my knees in front of him.

"I can't", I sobbed. I watched as the guards filed in the room and took over the humans all because of me. Because I couldn't fulfill the task of killing Lucas. Lucas looked up at me his blue eyes staring into mine. That was right before I was dragged away he just stared at me.

"Freya Summers you are charged with the attempted murder of King Lucas."

Here it goes again.
                               Alex POV
She hadn't been able to do it. I saw such hatred in her eyes for Lucas I never doubted she wouldn't be able to do it. Yet I had never had a mate.

Now Freya would die for loving him right after I met my sister I would have her taken away from me. I saw the guards drag her in and throw her in a cell all by herself.

She sat in a ball her head in her lap as she sobbed. She was so young yet she had been through so much.

I put my hands on the bar " Freya you'll be okay", I said even though I wasn't so sure about those words myself.

"I'm sorry" she sobbed louder , I have failed you.

" No, I'm sorry your not even an adult yet and we put so much on you. It was wrong of us."

I took her hand she looked like she was about to say something before I growl shook the cells.
                               Lucas POV
She couldn't kill me that meant somewhere in her heart she still cared for me. That meant we had a chance.

What happened next happened so fast the guards came in and got the humans then grabbed my Freya.

I should've reacted but I couldn't. I felt my werewolf take over ,another male had his hands on my mate.

The change from Vampire to my vampire ,wolf form took minutes.

By the time I was done my Freya was already gone. I could smell her scent though. I followed it until I got to the cells she was close. A growl escaped me the cells were a horrible place full of death. I ran through the cells until I saw my Freya relief course through me ,she was okay.

Yet she was holding another mans hand all I saw was red I ripped the cell door away and stalked towards the man intent on killing the male who dared think he could touch my female.

I grabbed his neck about to twist when I heard my female scream I turned around dropping the male to see if someone had hurt her. She looked fine ,except a little scared.

"Don't touch him Lucas he is my brother". I looked at the boy with the red hair he did indeed look a lot like Freya now that I actually looked at him. I didn't even know my Freya had a brother .I would have to be a better mate from now on.

I ripped Freya's door off and picked her up inhaling her scent.

"I'll do anything Freya ,anything to make up for what I've done." I said and I meant it my life revolved around her from now on.

She wiped tears from her eyes "first you must give the humans equal rights", I nodded my head I would do that for her.

" Next you must stop being a douchebag and be a better mate".

I shrunk back into my original vampire form and kissed Freya "I will be anything you want me to be Freya ,my days of being a douchebag mate are over."

She smiled up at me then kissed me "you better mean that",she said and I did. I would be better for her because that's what she deserved.

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