went too far....

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    when you go too far, the truth comes out, which is either a good or bad thing. but in my case, it was neither. it was horrible and embarrassing.
      So Stefan said if something was wrong. I was way too obvious. I had never ignored him, even when we were in huge fights when we were dating. My emotions were everywhere so i may of went too far.
      "no you didn't do anything Stefan. you have been helping me out with everything, family problems, injuries, Damon." we both laugh. and Damon walks in because he heard his name. So he is watching this whole conversation. "then what is it?" Stefan says. "it's nothing...." i reply back. Stefan starts to get mad, like how Damon gets mad.

         "just tell me Alexandria!" Stefan screams at me. It reminded me of Mikael when he would chase us. He's dead now. this is when i went too far. i was mad at Stefan for screaming at me so i screamed the truth.
"I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU." i shouted. "i was right." Damon says. Me and Stefan say at the same time, "shut up Damon." "what do you mean you are still in love with me." Stefan asks me, still in his yelling voice may i add.
       "i mean i still love you. i still wear the necklace you gave me. i come to you for everything. i come when i get hurt, need comfort, and for advice. and you are Stefan Salvatore. the most caring person i've ever met. how could i fall out of love."  What Stefan said next, hurt me. like BADLY. "that is what FRIENDS do lex. and it was 7 years ago. you left, and i moved on. i don't care anymore cause we are just friends."
    I couldn't speak. i wanted to say something back but i just couldn't. tears were falling down my face. i kept wiping them off my face every 5 seconds. Damon looked mad. And Damon kept looking at me. he cared about me getting hurt more than Stefan did, which got me so confused. i just let myself out. i didn't say bye or anything. I just used my vamp speed and left.
      I went back to my house, the mikaelson mansion. I went straight to my room. i put on comfy hoodie and sweats and grabbed ice cream. I needed it badly.  I want to turn it all off. My emotions. but i realized i would kill all my friends and i would ruin mine and everyone's life. So i dealt with it...

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