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"what are you smiling at?"


liked by: malachibarton , noahschnapp and 97,478 others

melaniebarton - finally saw brandon <3 also a throw back to when we were filming 13 reasons why 💟

tagged: brandonflynn


dylanminnette - why r u guys leaving the rest of the cast out
melaniebarton - good question @brandonflynn

user - who's your favorite person from the cast?
melaniebarton - @alishaboe

alishaboe - hi my love
melaniebarton - lisha!! i miss you so so much ❤️

malachibarton - watching you guys film was pretty fun
melaniebarton - mood

scarlye07 - you guys look cozy
melaniebarton - it was freezing that day and we were filming outside so we were trying to warm up 🤗

brandonflynn ✔️

liked by: alishaboe , younggoth and 159,662 others

brandonflynn - lil sis

tagged: melaniebarton


alishaboe - she's so pretty holy
melaniebarton - i love u sm

younggoth - why'd u guys leave the rest of the cast out
brandonflynn - bc we don't like u guys

melaniebarton - hi brandon!!
brandonflynn - mel you're sitting across from me, you didn't have to comment to say that
alishaboe - fun ruiner
melaniebarton - see lisha gets me 🤷🏻‍♀️

user - i wanna be her

dyl 🫶 - dylan minnette
mel 💜 - melanie barton

dyl 🫶

dyl 🫶

mel 💜

dyl 🫶
so i saw your post about the thing
when r u gonna be done with it
whatever you have going on i mean

mel 💜
i'm not sure, shouldn't be too long.

dyl 🫶
we're going on tour, come with us and be a special guest. we can sing our song

mel 💜
wait omg really?

dyl 🫶
yes really

mel 💜
let me talk to my parents, and directors. i'll get back
to youuu

melanie smiled as she set her phone down on the table. she had hoped he hadn't noticed her smile, but he did.

"what are you smiling at?" brandon asked, in a teasing manner.

"dylan just asked if i would go on tour with them." melanie lowered her voice and leaned closer to the table because she didn't want anyone to hear their conversation.

"that's really cool. you gonna do it?" brandon asked, sipping his water. melanie shrugged before responding with an 'i don't know.'

they caught up for a bit before deciding to be nice and see if the rest of the cast wanted to do something the next week. melanie made a mental note to see if she could take the day off from filming. lisa had texted her to tell her filming was starting as soon as possible, so she was off to north carolina in a few days.

@madeleinemcgraw would like to send you a dm!


hey i'm madeleine! i play gwen. you're playing vivian, right?

hii yes i am! i'm so excited to work with you!

same! is it okay if i add you to a group chat with the rest of the cast? we're trying to get to know each other a bit better before filming.

yes that's totally okay!
my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx

the white computer

guys this is melanie! she's playing tristan's sister and mason's love interest.

hey guys! i'm excited to work with you all!

hey i'm tristian! you and your brother are really talented.

thank you! i'll make sure to tell him. atleast i finally have a fake big brother. 😭

big bro tristan 🤝
you're older?

yeah, by 4 minutes!

wait melanie as in melanie barton?


yes why? is that good or bad?

depends. could be horrific, could be the best time
of my life.

ngl i was hoping you got fired. i take back what
i said about being excited to film with everyone.

i kind of hate you.

mads 💓
do you guys know each other?

are we missing something?
i'm miguel btw

me and mason don't get along very well.
hi miguel

big bro tristan 🤝
why not?

cause he's a 2-faced bitch.

miguel my fav 🔥
woah okay.
i like her, she's straight forward.

oh and ur not?

no lmao

mads 💓
this is gonna be fun

does anyone know how long filming is gonna take? i think i'm going on tour soon

miguel my fav 🔥
you're a singer?

kind of not really
one of my old castmates is in a band and they featured me on a few of their songs

big bro tristan 🤝
ohh wait that's that one guy from 13 reasons why


mads 💓
should only be a few months. i will be buying tickets to that tour btw.

big bro tristan 🤝

miguel my fav 🔥

yay okay


melanie was sitting in her room on the floor while she was on the phone with scarlett. she was packing her clothes, getting ready to go to north carolina. since she didn't know how long she was gonna be there, she shoved as much of her closet as she could into her suitcase.

she was able to bring three suitcases but she still didn't feel like that was enough.

"i know i need to do this role i just don't wanna leave you and malachi." melanie complained, as she struggled to zip the suitcase.

"it'll be okay mel. it's only for a few months." scarlett was also melanie's best friend. she loved her more than anything. they met through malachi when they were younger and they've been inseparable since. melanie liked having a best friend other than her brother that she could talk to about anything and everything. she liked being able to talk to scarlett about paparazzi or something and she knew that scarlett would understand exactly what she was saying.

"plus we can always come visit you, and wouldn't it be nice to have castmates that are actually your age?" scarlett smiled, which convinced melanie that everything would be okay.

"i guess you're right." melanie sighed, lifting up her suitcase and leaning it against her wall.

melanie invited scarlett to sleepover. she wanted to see her as much as she could before she left, but she also wanted to spend time with malachi. so the three of them were sitting in melanie's room watching a movie and eating popcorn.

it was a few days later, and it was the first table read. melanie and her mom were getting out of the car when melanie saw madeleine and her mom walking into the studio. melanie smiled to herself and rushed to close the car door.

"madeleine!" melanie yelled, just as maddy was about to reach the door. maddy and her mom turned around, and she smiled once she saw it was melanie. maddy stopped walking and waited for melanie. once she got close enough they hugged.

"how are you?" melanie giggled since her and maddy were swaying.

"i'm good! what about you?" maddy asked, pulling away from the hug.

"i'm good, nervous but in a good way." melanie explained, but maddy knew exactly what she meant cause she felt the exact same way. they both decided it was time to meet the rest of the cast, so they walked into the studio.

melaniebarton ✔️

liked by: official_miguelcazarezmora , madeleinemcgraw and 184,626 others

melaniebarton - met this gorgeous girl today 🫶

tagged: madeleinemcgraw


madeleinemcgraw - already love you so much!
melaniebarton - same!

official_miguelcazarezmora - you're so cool
melaniebarton - you're so much cooler

malachibarton - hi mel
melaniebarton - can you stop commenting that 😭😭

scarlye07 - miss you sm
melaniebarton - pls come visit me soon 🙏

masonthamesofficial - ur a lot more annoying than before
melaniebarton - is that why i'm more known than u??
user - PLS😭

mason. - mason thames
melanie. - melanie barton


what tf was that?

i honestly dk what u mean.

u know exactly what i mean. that was so outta pocket.

it's the truth homie.
dk why ur so upset 🤷🏻‍♀️

i'm not upset, i'm annoyed.
there's a difference.

u literally started it?

no i didn't

yeah u did. u never apologized for calling me those names and u were the one who commented on my shit. don't even play that.
read 6:26


hi hi!

idk where i was going with the end of the chapter but they had a private conversation!

i love you 🩷

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