fifteen シ

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[ imessage , real life ]
"you're happy?"

the only reason melanie suggested going to the park was because it was only nine pm so it wasn't too late. melanie put her shoes on and snuck out of the back door. she knew her mom wouldn't be mad if she went somewhere, but the front door was loud and she didn't want to bother anyone.

since she lived in a very very private neighborhood she wasn't worried about anything that could possibly endanger her. the neighborhood was quite small, but it was a richer neighborhood so they had a park which was conveniently five minutes away from melanie's house.

when she got to the park she saw mason sitting on a picnic table. he was sitting on the table part while his feet rested on the bench. she was a little surprised to see him because she didn't expect him to show up.

"hey." melanie said softly, doing her best to make her presence known so she didn't scare or startle him.

"hey, you scared me." he gave her a small smile, putting his phone away. she sighed.

"i'm sorry, that's what i didn't want. how have you been." melanie asked, trying her best to not make it awkward between the two.

"i've been okay, it sucked not being able to talk to you." he admitted, avoiding eye contact with her.

"yeah it did. i'm sorry for that by the way. it was my fault. i completely overreacted." she apologized. she might have apologized over text message but she thought it would mean more if she told him verbally.

"don't apologize, it was my fault. it was stupid of me to even suggest that you cut him off. i know that you've known him longer than you've known me. i was just jealous and mad that you said i had nothing to worry about and then you went to the premiere with him." he reassured. after melanie had told him that she hated him, he regretted it. he loved her. he just had to lose her to realize it.

"i only went to the premiere with him because i knew it would piss you off." she told him, her tone soft. he had hoped she would say that. he didn't want anything to be between her and jaden again. he wanted her to be his.

"oh." he said. he didn't know how to respond to that. she had been staring at his face and she noticed a healing bruise. she reached she hand out to touch his face, lightly running her hand over the spot. mason flinched under her touch.

"oh my god." she muttered. she hadn't fully realized her actions until she saw the bruise and she felt horrible. "that's from me?" she whispered.

"hm?" mason hummed, trying to figure out what she was talking about at first. "oh, yeah. don't worry about it." he quickly said, covering the bruise with his hand.

"oh my god." she repeated. "i'm so sorry. i don't even know what i was thinking, i was just so mad and i-"

"melanie, stop. i'm okay. it's forgotten about. don't beat yourself up about it." mason told her softly. she nodded and everything went quiet again.

"so what'd you have to tell me?" melanie asked, breaking the silence.. mason turned to look at her. she had a soft look on her face as she was looking at her. fuck it. he thought.

"i like you." he blurted.

"wha-" melanie started but mason cut her off.

"and not like 'i like you' as a friend way. like i like like you. and i don't want you with anyone else, just me." he said quickly. when melanie stayed quiet he wished he never said anything.

"shit sorry. i misread that." mason stressed. melanie turned him to her and connected their lips. and whatever she felt during the kiss, confirmed that she was indeed in love with mason thames, and that he was in love with her.

"does that mean you like me back?" mason asked, double checking. melanie kissed him again.

"does that answer you're question?" she teased.

"should we text the groupchat?" mason joked. melanie giggled and nodded, pulling out her phone.

the loml 💓 - madeleine mcgraw
the first victim 💀 - tristian pravong
6 toed bitch 😬 - miguel cazarezmora
mason 🪨 - mason thames
mela 🌺 - melanie barton

the white computer

mela 🌺
hi guys

okay bye guys.
sent at 9:54 pm

"we're gonna have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow." mason laughed.

"it'll be worth it." melanie shrugged, putting her phone back down on the table.

"so, melanie. will you be my girlfriend?" mason asked. he was nervous. he had been fighting with himself for the past 20 minutes whether to ask her or not, but he just decided to do it.

"so mason, yes i will." she smiled. after a while they both went back to melanie's house and ended up falling asleep. when they woke up there was multiple texts from the group chat.

the white computer

the loml 💓

6 toed bitch 😬
mason i feel betrayed that you didn't tell me this

the first victim 💀
are they fr sleeping rn?

the loml 💓

the first victim 💀
we know maddy. they'll prob wake up soon. or hopefully at least one of them will.

mela 🌺

the loml 💓

mason 🪨

maybe a little bit more than friends.

mela 🌺
i hate u. i wanted to tell them

6 toed bitch 😬

the loml 💓
no literally. it only took you guys 7 years.

mela 🌺
it's not my fault he's always been a dick

mason 🪨
i'm gonna let that one slide..

the first victim 💀
so who asked who?

mason 🪨
i asked her.

"they're so nosy." melanie groaned, lifting her arms and stretching.

"i just wanna know why you called me a dick." mason had a teasing smile on his face.

"oh come on. you can't even deny that you were a dick. you literally told me to cut off one of my best friends." melanie shrugged.

"come on mel i thought we got over that last night." mason rolled his eyes.

"we did, i'm sorry." she apologized, laying her head on his chest.

"hey mel- why is there a person in your bed?" malachi stopped himself once he saw the sight infront of him. melanie quickly jumped out of bed.

"hey malachi, let's take a walk!!" melanie suggested, trying to block malachi's view and push him out of her room at the same time.

"no who is that?" malachi asked, moving melanie out of his way. he didn't know what to say when he saw mason motherfucking thames in his sisters bed.

"heyyy malachi.." mason said, awkwardly, standing up.

"wha-huh wh." malachi couldn't get words out. he was extremely confused. the last thing he knew, melanie hated him once again. malachi did the first thing he could think of. he punched him.

"malachi what the fuck!!" melanie yelled, rushing to mason's side.

"what is it with you guys and punching me?" mason asked, taking his hand off his nose to see the bleeding. once melanie made sure mason was okay she went to malachi.

melanie quickly shut her door. she didn't even know why. neither of her parents were home so she didn't have to close it.

"malachi, sit down." she told him.

"why is he in your bed?" malachi finally got words out. even if melanie was a few minutes older than him, he always wanted to protect her. he didn't want her to get hurt.

"we talked it out last night and we told each other our feelings." melanie told him, not sure how he was gonna react.

"so are you together?" malachi asked. they both hesitated, but nodded. malachi stood up and got in mason's face.

"you're lucky you make her happy. but if you hurt her i won't hesitate to punch you-again." malachi admitted.

"okay that's enough malachi." melanie rolled her eyes, pulling malachi away from mason.

"you're happy?" malachi asked.

"i am." she confirmed. malachi pulled her into a hug before kissing her head and walking out of her room.


hi babies! i hope you guys aren't mad at me anymore!! i'm probably gonna end this story soon because i really need to finish my other stories.

i'm trying to mainly focus on this story so i can get it finished and published!!

i love you 🩷

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