Real World

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"Mitsuba you were born as a supernatural. Therefore you can not become human,I can't let you have that seat of a school mystery." Tsukasa then laughed"you sure you wanna do that? Mitsuba is pretty powerful. Don't think he's no longer weak! SCRUNCH! That'll be you by the end of this!" He laughs"this boundary is now Mitsuba's! Nobody can stop him." He puts his hands on his hips"now Mitsuba,let's-huh?" Mitsuba tried to run away but this only caused him to get hurt in the process.

"Uh...y-you three! I don't actually know your! Crazy Knife,Hella Lame Traffic Safety Earring and Depressed Girl!" I was kinda taken back by this name. Mitsuba must no longer know it. "What do you mean by 'Crazy Knife'?!" Mitsuba our his hands up"don't wave that thing at me! A-Anyways,this is my turf now! I decide who lives and who dies! But if you surrender now,I'll let you go...cuz I'm i-in a good mood." Hanako then walks over to me and wraps me in a hug"YOU REALLY WANNA FIGHT?! I-I GUESS I COULD! I'LL DO TERRIBLE TH-THINGS TO YOU!"

"Like a porno?" Tsukasa asks"y-yes. I-I-I mean-"I watched Kou grab the new number three. Kou asked if he remembered him but Mitsuba seemed to have forgetten. Kou grabs him right before he floats off again"Kou Minamoto. Remember it." He lets the boy go and walks over towards us. "What's this?" Mitsuba asks holding a book"keep it." "Why would I want this?!"

Tsukasa comes in between them"now now,let's break this up. You have more important things to do Mitsuba!" The psychotic boy says shoving him at Hanako and me. Hanako puts his knife in front of us defensively"nooo! A knife!" He cries.

Hanako picks me up"wha-"then hands started to fall like earlier"we gotta get going." He tells me quickly"Hanako kun,What are these?" Yashiro asks"kids,if we want to get that seat back we to get rid of the yorishiro. Y/N,that's where you come in." I nod and Hanako sets me down behind a pillar"Hanako,I can get up there! It's to high." He nods and pats my head before going off to fight.

The building started to crumble and I was almost hit by some rocks falling. I quickly moved out the way and Hanako rushed over to me,probably to make sure I wasn't hurt.


And like that the hands grabbed us and brought us back to the real world.

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