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Welcome to the second chapter-ok bye!


We patrolled around the school looking for anything suspicious. We were patrolling for about 5 minutes until Kou spoke up"so Hanako,where is this super natural?" Hanako shrugs"I don't know." And this caused Kou to 'attack' Hanako and out him in a head lock. "I'll never forget the time we met." He starts"I said they could do a lot of naughty stuff." His smile then faded"and then they said they never wanted to see me again. And they didn't wanna tell me where their boundary was." He growls slightly"YOU PERVERT!" Kou scream at the boy.

Hanako slips out of his grasp"like you wouldn't do anything perverted?" Kou blushed a dark red"n-no!" Hanako leaned forward"let's ignore the fact there are girls around,yea? You could do anything you wanted~. And they would never know!"  I felt my cheeks burn as I hit Hanako over the head. "Hanako! Stop! P-P-Please!" I don't know if I was 100% ok with the perverted side of Hanako,it made me feel light headed and...weird?

"S-So you're no better than we are Hanako?" Hanako nods in agreement"Hanako,do you know anything about them?" I hum as he nods"yep! I just remembered that apparently the middle one is one of the students in this school." My eyes widen as a smile comes to my face"that means we just have to find them!" I exclaim as Hanako nods"yep! So if we find them-"Yashiro cuts him off"that means we can convince them to stop play pranks!" Hanako then floats over to Kou"oh,no. We can beat them into making the first and third one come out!" He suggests hitting Kou as he finally stops a punch.

"How about we start looking? There are many students here." Hanako let's out a soft giggle"don't worry. I think I know who we are looking for. No matter how human they are,super naturals can't hide their presences from other supernaturals." He says grabbing my hand subtly and pulling me over to a door. "Here! I sense a presence." He says putting his hand onto the door.

"Yashiro,Y/N. It's from your class." He states"our class?" I hum as the boy slips his hand out mine,and honestly I was kinda upset. But I know why he did it,nobody knows we are dating. "Y-You mean-" "yep. The keeper is inside." Hanako says as she floats over to Yashiro and says something about Aoi,calling her suspicious.

I glared at Yashiro slightly,now IM becoming like Hanako! Ugh! It's just Yashiro! I shouldn't be that jealous! "Aoi...what are you saying?! Aoi as a super natural?! Nah! No way!" Yashiro yells as Yashiro mutters something as a girls giggle is heard.

Soon the glass from the window shattered,this caused Hanako to quickly get in front of me as he pulled out his knife. "What just-"

"Oh,hey Yashiro." I jumped and looked to see Aoi smiling sweetly at Yashiro"I thought you were in the old building? What's up?"

We all looked at the purple haired girl,everyone was feeling a different emotion. "Oh...Aoi..."Yashiro trails off. And then a familiar ginger came out behind her,oh yes,Akane. We had spoken a few times but that's it.

"Yashiro~." Hanako purrs as he floats over to her and puts his hands on his shoulders"I'm sorry but...I'm just going to come in there for second."

I stared in disbelief as Hanako soon merged with the girl I'm guessing,as Yashiro passed out. "Senpai!" Kou yells grabbing her as Yashiro soon woke up not to long later"are you ok?" Kou asks as Yashiro or Hanako put his/her hand to his/her face. "You should go probably go to the nurses o-"Hanako then lunged at the girl,pinning a hand above her head.

"Aoi~. You aren't hiding anything from me,right~?" Hanako purrs"AH! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I look up to see the familiar daikon girl as a ghost.

"I'm see threw now...does that m-mean-"I tap Kou on the shoulder and it grabs his attention. I point up and his blue hues widen"senpai...! That little-he possessed your body?!" Kou yells slightly"oh thank goodness you can both see me!" Yashiro sighs in relief"don't worry senpai,I'm an exorcist! I'll get your body back for you!"

I look back at Hanako in Yashiro's body. "Aoi~!" I felt my cheeks burn Hanako was practically sitting in the girls lap"please answer me~."

"AHHH! AOI'S GOING TO THINK IM WEIRDO! KOU PLEASE HURRY AND-KOU?!" I didn't dare look back,I was...really hurt by the scene in front of me. I felt my heart breaking slowly,yet I knew that this was nothing.

"If you insist on remaining quiet-"Hanako grabbed Aoi's face"then maybe I'll just have to steal your lips instead~." My heart continued to ache at this scene.

I don't like what's-

Akane shoves Hanako away from Aoi. The ginger grabs the back of Yashiro's uniform and drags him/her down the hall. I quickly follow behind them.

Small time skip

We followed them to the roof top. Hanako has his hands in the pockets of the uniform as Yashiro sulked. "Oh! Hey guys!" Hanako waves at us,but when I cross my arms and his smile fades for a second.

"You idiot! Give senpai back her body!" Kou growls at Hanako"hm? Why would I do that?" Hanako questions"but first,what should I do about this?" I look over to see Akane sulking in the corner,like he was broken.

"Who is he again?" Hanako asks.

"Akane..."Yashiro answers.

And in a flash Akane swatted a bat at Hanako. "What exactly were you doing back there Yashiro?" Akane growls as Hanako puts his/her hands up slightly"oh n-nothing. Um well...come to think of,something noticed is that Aoi's really flat chested...like really." Hanako says honestly"Y/N clearly has a better chest." I felt my cheeks burn as I silently yelled him.

Akane stared in stunned silence for a second before hitting Hanako. "GIRL OR NOT,YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Hanako let out a small scream"HUH?! WHY?!" Then I watch Hanako leave Yashiro's body and Yashiro quickly flew back into it.

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