chapter 2 // questions

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Static filled Flower's head as she gradually emerged from unconsciousness. What happened? she wondered. Her head slowly began rising, though when she tried to open her eyes, she saw nothing. Quite frankly, she couldn't move either. This might've been partly because her muscles were tired, but it was most likely because she could feel rope restraining her limbs. Following that realization came another— there was a piece of cloth over her eyes. Slowly, Flower came to the dull conclusion that she had been kidnapped.

Her breathing sped up. Oh no. So then the survivor wasn't friendly, on the contrary of what Flower had hoped. She tried to look around more frantically. Her instinct told her to get out of there, yet she hardly struggled. Whoever this was, they were, nonetheless, a survivor, right?

Then, a voice came from the end of what sounded to be a room. It was powerful, yet cold and cool. "You're awake."

Flower heard the resonant, silvery sliding sound of a blade being unsheathed. Instantly, her instincts began screaming at her. She started shaking, feeling the sharp blade resting calmly against her neck.

"Who are you?" the voice asked. Well, rather, they demanded. Their voice seemed to echo off the walls of the room, leading Flower to believe the space they were in was a small one. It was not like that mattered, though. There was a blade at Flower's neck, and she had just been asked who she was by another survivor. She needed to answer.

Yet, for some reason, she didn't. Flower just set there, shaking. A couple of times she opened her mouth to begin a statement, yet every time she'd end up closing it out of fear.

The blade moved, tilting Flower's head up to meet an unseen force. "Not much of a talker, are you now?" the voice asked. Flower could hear the discontent in her captor's voice. "Here, I'll give you a better one— what is your name?"

This time, she did answer. "F-Flower..." Flower nervously rasped, though she was overcome with a coughing fit afterwards. She felt the blade flinch away from her as she did so.

"Ah, I see. Okay then, Flower, how did you end up in Quadrant D3?"

Quadrant D3? Is this city separated into quadrants or did I miss something? Flower thought to herself. What the hell did this person mean? She was confused. How was she even supposed to answer? Was she supposed to recognize what they meant? She still needed to answer, especially since the blade rested on her throat again.

"Looking..." she answered anxiously, "for food, water, shelter..."

"Oh, dear," the voice muttered. "You're helpless. I am so sorry to hear that." Leaning in, they continued, "Once we're done with these questions, I'll see about preparing you something, alright?" Their voice was convincing enough, because Flower nodded.

"Good, good!" Her captor, which Flower had determined was likely feminine, sounded pleased. She could virtually see the grin on their face. "Hmm... how do you feel about the Anarchy, Flower? Do you feel like you may recover? If so, what do you imagine the perfect life to be like?"

Flower did not expect this many questions. They raced through her mind, and she tried finding the right answer as the blade traced her neck. Goodness, Flower thought. Can't this chic hear that I can't speak?

As she ultimately found her answers, she carefully began answering. "I hate it," she started, silently fighting a fit of coughs from emerging. "I hate that it ever happened."

A content hum rang from her captor. "And?" they asked, prompting her to answer the other questions.

"I believe I can recover—" Flower spoke, but not without quickly breaking off into a storm of coughs afterwards. There was complete silence until she recovered.

Flower tried to think about her final answer. What was her ideal image of a life now? For sure, it would be one where she'd have a sustainable source of food and water, and people to provide her company. But Flower wondered if it could be any more than that. Perhaps she could do something; maybe she could try and improve the world. Yes, that would be great, wouldn't it? And maybe, just maybe, she could even find love...

Suddenly, the blade held at her neck flinched upwards, bringing Flower back to reality. She quickly spoke, realizing how long she'd kept her captor waiting. "M-my ideal future would be one with... sustainable food and water. And shelter."

There was a pause, then a small chuckle from her captor. "Well, Flower, what if I told you that this future already exists?" Flower looked up towards the source of the words. What? No. There's no way. Subsequently, she felt a pair of arms reach towards her. Their hands found the back of her head, and they proceeded to untie the blindfold around her eyes.

Flower looked around the room. It was compact, just like she'd guessed. Most of the furniture was gone, as well as the ornaments that would've ordinarily been on the walls. She was tied to a chair, too, like she'd suspected. What she didn't expect, however, was the woman in front of her.

She was tall, with long, cherry-blonde hair that faded to gold and then to a strange light blue. It was tied up in a gold ribbon on the back of her head, which donned a broad hat which had appeared to have been patched up several times. She wore a solid gray shirt underneath a small, white jacket and a pair of black shorts. Her steely blue eyes glistened, and she smiled at Flower, who looked up at her, mesmerized. The lady put her blade back in a small case attached to her belt before continuing.

She grinned. "Indeed! It is a future that was created for us by a group of survivors just like us. They established a magnificent, beautiful place known as The Sanctuary. They have everything you have just listed and more."

"R-really?" Flower asked, shocked. There was no way. Not in this wasteland!

"Of course. And if you will come with me, we can see about you joining us!"

Flower's eyes widened. Seriously? No, no. This was too ridiculously good to be true, right? There was absolutely no way. There was no way there could be a place out there with sustainable food and water. She'd given up on that dream months ago. However, as she stared at this lady's healthy, smiling face, she couldn't help but try and believe it. After all, even if she was lying, Flower needed her anyway. She couldn't be alone again.

Flower nodded. The lady gave her a beaming smile. "Of course. Now, allow me get you untied." She watched as the mysteriously cheerful woman began untying her bondages. Eventually, all of the rope became loosened, and Flower slowly and unsteadily stood up. As she did, she suddenly noticed the height difference between herself and her captor— at least 5 inches. Intimidating, a lesser part of her conscience commented. She ignored it.

The lady took her by the wrists, clutching them behind her back. Flower quickly discovered that, even if she tried to, she couldn't struggle or escape. This woman's grip was vice-like. She glanced down at Flower and smiled as she began leading the way out of the room.

The blonde opened the door with an unoccupied hand, and as she did, they stepped out into a small, closed off hallway. Flower looked around. Her eyes widened as she saw there were two more people guarding the room right next to the one they had just been in. One of them even winked at her as they walked by, before her captor towed her down the stairs to the next level down, and then the next.

As they reached that level, they turned down a hallway and began walking. Flower looked out of the windows that lined the hallway. Since they were shattered, a gentle, cool breeze came in from outside. It was clearly nighttime, and the moon rode high in the sky.

The blonde-haired lady stopped outside of a tall door, which was guarded by yet two more people. She murmured something to one of them— a tall man with blue hair— who opened the door and motioned for them to enter.

Her captor was the first one to enter, with Flower tugged in shortly after. They walked in a short bit before stopping. Flower looked up towards the end of the room. It rose up some steps to a tall, strangely regal chair, which seemed to guard a balcony behind it. On the chair sat a figure which Flower couldn't quite make out, as their features were clouded by shadow.

The blonde-haired woman beside her stood up proudly, and Flower saw her give a delightful smile towards the figure in the chair. With a pause, she executed a slight bow, before straightening back up again. However, as she did so, she gave Flower a swift kick in the back of the knees, causing her to fall to the ground. Shortly following, her captor gave her a hard glare which only meant one thing— stay down.

The figure in the chair straightened up. "Sora."

They got up from their throne, pacing over to a few feet in front of where the duo was. Now that they had gotten close, Flower could at length make out a few features of the regal shadow. She had long hair, which Flower could make out to be a teal-ish color in the lighting. She wore a long robe, which trailed along the floor behind her. There was no doubt in Flower's mind that this was The Sanctuary's leader, or at someone of a significant role.

She continued. "I've been awaiting your report on my possible new subject," she explained smoothly. "Any details that I should know of?"

Sora, the woman beside Flower, nodded. "Absolutely, Lord Miku. She seems very hopeful for us and holds a considerable potential. She expresses a good attitude, though it may require a bit of conditioning to introduce her to our ways."

Flower nearly frowned, though she knew it'd be rude. A bit of conditioning? What's that supposed to mean? And what are 'their ways?' These questions were held high in Flower's mind until Lord Miku interrupted them.

"Interesting! Interesting," she muttered. Miku turned away, pacing back to her throne. Turning back to Sora and Flower, she sat down on the regal chair.

"I'd love to place her at a post. That is, as soon as one is vacant or discovered. There are no free posts as of now, and I'm not positioning her on any other duty. So..." Miku trailed off, as if in thought. Flower sat nervously as she awaited her fate.

Silence laced the air. The room was still for what felt like ages, until suddenly Miku spoke up.

"I'm afraid I truly have no use for her as of right now. Therefore, until I can offer her a post, she will be sent to the dungeon."

Those words crackled in Flower's mind. Dungeon?! What? No! This was supposed to be some sort of utopia! I can't be sent to a dungeon!

Sora nodded. "Of course, my Lord."

With that, Sora seized Flower by the collar of her shirt, clasping her wrists. However, before she could get any sort of grip, Flower wriggled away instinctively. "Wait!" she spoke. "Dungeon?" She looked up at Lord Miku, who looked more amused than anything.

Miku's voice echoed through the room. "Yes, dungeon. Now, Sora, subdue her."

Flower whipped around to look at Sora, but before she could even fully turn around, she found the woman's boot striking her head, and everything went black.

Sora put her leg down as quickly as it had been kicked up. Flower collapsed to the ground. She's easy, Sora thought, narrowing her eyes at the unconscious body. From the other side of the room, she heard a low chuckle. Sora looked up to recognize none other than Lord Miku herself laughing at her kick.

Lord Miku smiled at her. "I'll never regret promoting you, will I, Sora?"

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