Sasha yawns as she looks at each quint with the other interns standing with their quints. Since she's on Addison's service, her job is to look after all the quints instead of just one.
George speaks, "I have the best quint. Lucy- she just smiled at me."
"She's nine hours old, George," Izzie reminds him.
"I'm sayin' there are five babies here, and clearly, mine is the advanced one," George comments, making Sasha roll her eyes.
Meredith joins in on the baby bragging, "Charlotte's smart. She's got wrinkles on her forehead- very serious."
Izzie shakes her head, "Okay, A, this is not a competition, and B, my quint kicks your quints asses. Emily's strong. She won't let go of my finger."
Sasha groans as Cristina butts in, "Hey, Julie has her organs on the outside of her body, and she's still alive, thank you."
Alex walks in the room, "Kate's the best one. Izzie."
"Can we please talk?" He asks.
"You're too busy screwing nurses. Just get out," She dismisses.
"Can someone make sure that Kate's vitals remain stable?"
Sasha nods, moving over to Kate's incubator, "I will."
As Alex leaves the room, Izzie keeps talking, "He is unbelievable. I am so glad I never slept with him. Which is his loss, because I'm really good in bed-mind blowing, mind blowingly good."
"Are you trying to seduce us?" Cristina sarcastically asks.
"And then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia," Izzie stresses..
George defends himself, "Hey, I slept with Olivia."
Sasha shrugs, enjoying the bashing, "Well, that means you both have bad taste."
He glares at her before turning to Izzie and standing up, "You know, you can't say that you weren't warned. Alex has always been Alex."
"You dodged a bullet, Izz. You're better off without him," Meredith agrees.
"Why are you even surprised? You sleep with a snake, you get bit," Cristina sucks at comforting.
"Thanks, guys, for the support," Izzie rolls her eyes.
Bailey enters the room, gowning up, "Who's on call tonight?"
Izzie turns around, "I am."
Bailey nods, "All right, the rest of you go home, sleep. All five quints are still alive. It's a good day."
Sasha tries to argue, "I was gonna stay here tonight and look after all-"
"Go. Home. Stevens can handle everything," Bailey dismisses her, "Go."
Meredith knows that Sasha won't actually leave unless she takes her so she grabs Sasha's hand and takes her home.
That night, the couple stays awake, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep.
Sasha walks into the locker room, arms full of protein bars, "Everybody catch," She throws one to Cristina, George and Izzie, hitting the last one in the face by accident, before handing Meredith one in exchange for a coffee and a kiss.
They continue the conversation they were having, "Preachin' to the choir. I'm over men. All I need is my girlfriend."
"Real nice," George comments, "You know, a dog is not a replacement for a human being."
"An argument could be made," Sasha shrugs, putting on her white coat.
Alex joins the group, looking at the still sleeping Izzie leaning against the lockers, "You guys better wake her. If Bailey catches her sleeping, she's dead."
"Izzie. Izzie," Cristina kicks her side, waking the blonde up.
"Damn it. What?" Izzie shouts.
Cristina turns to the others, "Hell hath no fury like a girl whose non-boyfriend screws a nurse."
"I like you better pissed off. You're almost like a normal person now," Cristina smirks, closing her locker.
The interns begin rounds with Bailey, "Okay, what do we got."
"Karl Murphy, 52. Multiple skin melanomas. Underwent reconstructive surgery to his nose, his right ear, as well as a skin graft of the left index finger," George introduces.
"How's the capillary refill?" Bailey asks.
"It's slow. About four seconds."
Bailey questions, "What do you recommend to get that blood moving again, Dr. O'Malley?"
George nods, not looking Bailey in the eyes, "At this stage, our best option is probably a biotherapeutic agent."
Karl looks between the two doctors talking around him, "W-what is that?"
"We put leeches on your face."
"Leeches? Huh, you don't say?"
Bailey sees the confused look on his face, "They secrete blood thinners that help break up pooled blood so it can be evacuated. It's sort of like a, a big drain. Look, if this makes you uncomfortable-"
Karl cuts her off, "No, no, no. I've been a hiker for 40 years. Almost 40 years, yeah, and mother nature hasn't come up with anything yet I haven't found a reason to love."
"You a big outdoorsman?"
"How do you think I got all these melanomas in the first place?" He asks.
Moving on to the next patient, Bailey pulls back the curtain, "Oh, Dr. Shepherd, you're in early. If you'd like us to come back-"
Derek cuts her off, shaking his head, "No, go ahead."
Meredith starts on this patient, "Robert Martin, 45. Collapsed and hit his head, which caused a small subdural hemorrhage."
"That was the problem," Derek addresses.
"Mr. Martin was found to have a Rathke's cleft cyst on his pituitary, and surgery was postponed when..." Meredith trails off, not knowing how to say Alex messed up.
"When I told a nurse-"
Izzie interrupts, "Olivia."
Sasha nudges her side, hissing, "Not the time or place."
Alex continues, "When I told a nurse to administer an incorrect dosage of hypertonic saline."
Derek nods, explaining harshly, "Essentially dehydrating Mr. Martin's brain."
"He still has a chance. He could wake up and be fine," Alex argues, almost pleading.
"There's a chance," Derek moves to leave, Alex following after him.
After they finish talking, Bailey and the interns move on to the quints.
Addison, Dorie and Tom greet them, Oh, good. Here you are. Mom and dad are anxious for an update. Dr. Yang?"
Cristina starts, "We've done the initial surgery on Julie's omphalocele. A primary closure was attempted, but there was pulmonary compromise, so we couldn't contain-"
"Yang, how about we do this in plain English?" Bailey interrupts, seeing Dorie sit down and not being able to process everything.
"Oh, um, we operated on Julie's external sack of organs, and we pushed in as much of the bowel as we could, and we think we can push in the rest with a second operation."
Dorie sighs, "She has to have a second operation?"
"Yeah," Cristina says, a cheerful undertone in her voice, "Oh, well, not for a few days."
"Dr. O'Malley."
George jumps to attention, "We put in Lucy's brain shunt yesterday, and she's doing very well. We just have to keep monitoring her to make sure that the spinal fluid doesn't back up."
"Dr. Burke used a catheter to open Emily's atrial septum last night. Today we're gonna go in and try to reconstruct the left chamber of her heart. We're very hopeful."
"Dr. Grey?"
"Charlotte's lungs were a little more underdeveloped than the rest of the quints. So we put a special mask on her to help her breathe, and we're monitoring her closely."
Addison looks to the next intern, "Karev?"
"Kate seems to be pretty healthy. No major issues have been identified. But we're gonna keep her in the isolette until she makes it to four pounds."
Tom pat's Dorie' back, "You hear that, Honey? Kate's doing really well."
"And, finally, Dr. Williams? Overall?"
Sasha smiles at Dorie, who looks downtrodden, "Overall, given the two week early birth, heart, brain, lungs and organ issues as well as the abrupt birth, all quints are relatively healthy and are being closely monitored 24/7. Mom is also doing well. All traces of placenta were removed from the body. I recommend no strenuous physical tasks for six to eight weeks but she can be released in the next few days."
Dorie wheels away, "I'll be in my room."
After rounds, Bailey assigns tasks, "Williams, keep an eye on the mother of the quints. Make sure her hormones don't get the best of her."
"Got it," Sasha nods as Bailey's pager beeps.
"Pit. Yang, come with me."
Sasha stopped by Dorie's room, seeing her laying down without looking around, "Hey, Dorie. How are you doing?"
"My quints all have something wrong with them. Either their brain or their heart or their lungs or they have a sac of organs attached to them."
"Dorie. I think we should talk about you and I just going for a walk outside or something. Somewhere that's not your room or the NICU," Sasha says, gently.
"No, I'm good here," Dorie shakes her head as Tom and Meredith enter.
Meredith fills them in on Charlotte's lung, "Her lung collapsed?"
She nods, "And I know it sounds scary, but it's really not that uncommon in a preemie this size. So, we've inserted a tube into Charlotte's chest, and that will help her breathe until her lung can stay up on it's own."
Sasha smiles at her girlfriend, "Thank you, Dr. Grey," As Tom's phone rings, Meredith leaves the room, "Dorie, she is doing fine now."
Tom closes his phone, "That's me. I gotta go. My mom can only handle the triplets for half a day. She's 74, so..." He leans down to Tell Dorie, "I'll call you as soon as I get home. I love you."
He kisses her forehead before walking over to Sasha, "Could you..."
"I'll keep an eye on her," She promises."
"Thank you."
Sasha takes a seat across from Dorie, "I know that look. This isn't your fault. You can't blame yourself."
Dorie just stares down, "I've got one baby who can barely breathe and one with half a heart. Two of the others are..if I had listened to the doctors, I could've had three healthy girls instead of five who might not live until tomorrow. It was my decision. Tom agreed with the doctors. So really, Dr. Williams...who else should I blame?"
"You made a decision that is your right. You made the decision to keep all your babies because you believed you could have five beautiful baby girls. Would they maybe be healthier with just three? Yes, but on the other hand, there are mothers with one baby in the same conditions as one of your quints. If you want somebody to blame, you can blame me or God or the random guy that sells ice cream at the store across the street. Don't blame yourself because you are their mother and they will love you until the end of time. Sometimes, with newborns, the best way to help them is to just visit. It's gonna be scary, but they are still tiny humans who need love."
With that, Sasha gets Dorie in a wheel chair and heads to the NICU, getting a gown on her to enter the NICU, "What are we doing?"
"Visiting. We threw a lot of medical talk at you with the worst-case scenarios. Now, you get to just be with your daughters," Sasha rolls her into the quints private little area.
"Well, how is that gonna help? If I learned anything in these past few days, it's that I need to face reality," Sasha listens to Dorie as she backs her up next to Kate.
Sasha just nods, "Here's Kate. You can reach in and touch her if you like."
Dorie reaches in and strokes Kate's hand right as monitors start going off, "Dr. Williams, Charlotte's not breathing."
She rushes over and grabs a stethoscope before directing the nurse, "Page Addison Shepherd, she's in the OR. Tell her it's Charlotte Russell."
Addison rushes in, putting on gloves, "What happened?"
"She had an apneic episode. She's still not breathing on her own," Sasha moves to the other side as Addison comes into listen.
"Let's intubate and give her surfactant. Push point one atropine and three milligrams of ketamine," Addison starts prepping to intubate.
"Meds are in."
"Tube," Addison calls for, a nurse handing one to Sasha for her to place for Addison, "Okay. Place the CO2 detector."
Sasha shakes her head, hands working, "She was doing fine with the chest tube."
Addison nods, checking her work, "That's the thing with RDS cases. Just when you think the baby's getting better, they slip right back. Breath sounds equal. Good."
Looking up, Sasha sees Dorie's wheelchair empty, "Oh, Dorie."
Sasha stands at the nurses desk, calling Tom, "Hey, Mr. Russell, it's Dr. Williams. I was wondering if you could have the boys call their mom soon. I think she could do well from hearing from them. Sometimes mom's just need to be reminded why all the pain is worth it."
Meredith finds Sasha laying in an on-call room before laying with her, "Izzie's driving me crazy."
"What happened?" Sasha asks, turning on her side to face her.
"Apparently I should sleep with Alex because I sleep with everybody else," Meredith sighs, tucking her head near Sasha.
"She said what?!" Sasha sits up, "Where is the bitch?"
Meredith shakes her head, pulling her back down, "Don't worry about it. She was mad because I was talking to Alex. Helping him try and find a way to fix his mistake with Derek."
Sasha scoffs, rolling her eyes, "Izzie needs to grow up. We can't treat Alex like the plague just cause she couldn't get some from him. They weren't even dating."
Shrugging, Meredith lays her head on Sasha's chest, "I think we should be easy on her. She's hurt."
"No, she's a little bitch who gets too involved with everything that doesn't involve her. I'll stay away for now as long as she stays from me."
Sasha sees Addison on her way out, the red-haired surgeon stopping to inform her, "So, I've asked Dr. Stevens to be on call tonight to watch over Emily, however, we know Emily won't make it. You need to be there for Dorie. Stevens does not know about Emily but it has to be done."
"Understood," Sasha nods, quickly making her way to Dorie's room where she finds her packing, "Dorie? What are you doing."
"I'm leaving. I'm going home."
"You just had major abdominal surgery-"
Dorie interrupts her, "My boys need me."
Sasha stops her hands, "Your daughter's need you."
"They are too hurt. Too sick," Dorie argues, shaking her head and continues to pack.
"That's why they need their mother-"
"What if Emily dies?"
Sasha sighs, helping Dorie sit in the chair as she crouches down in front of her, "If Emily dies, it will be horrible. But if Emily dies and you're not here..."
Dorie shakes her head, "I can't even hold them."
"But you can sit with them and talk with them and let them know you are here. That's all they need. That's all anybody..." She trails off, getting an idea to help Charlotte.
"I think I know how to help Charlotte."
She moves to the NICU, running in to Meredith who was on her way to check on the quints. Sasha starts unplugging Kate to transport her as Meredith assists, "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner."
"What are you two doing?" Dorie asks.
Meredith explains as Sasha carefully lifts Kate, "It's called cobedding. Hospitals sometimes do it with twins when one of them is sick."
Dorie questions, unsure, "And the other one gets...better?"
"It helps."
Sasha shrugs, cradling Kate carefully, "We don't really know. Sometimes babies get stressed in the ICU's from all the activity. This way, there's someone there to comfort them, to be there with them. Because that's all a person needs," She eyes Izzie slightly before looking down at the two quints.
Meredith and Sasha lean against the glass on the catwalk in front of the big windows as Derek joins them, "I can't believe you would consider moving out of your trailer. The view alone."
Derek smiles at them, "See the mist rise off the lake."
"I'm not moving," Derek tells the couple.
Sasha shrugs, "You're still you?"
Derek nods, "I'm still me."
The couple smile, Meredith's head leaning against Sasha's shoulder, "Good."
Sasha stands with Charlotte and Kate as Bailey comes in to check on the four quints left, "I heard you worked a miracle last night."
"She came around so fast, I thought the equipment was malfunctioning. Her stats are completely stable," Sasha sniffs.
"She's gonna make it. Go home, Williams. You've earned it. Oh, and Williams, way to go," Bailey tells her.
Smiling, Sasha looks down at the two babies, "Hear that? Way to go. I'm her favorite."
George, Cristina, Meredith and Sasha all find Izzie sitting in the locker room, staring off. So they join her, "My baby died."
"We know."
"She just...died."
Meredith says after a second of silence, "I have an idea."
She guides Izzie and Sasha out of the room.
The three girls walk through the animal shelter, stopping at one cage, "Oh, that's him."
Izzie nods in agreement, "Yeah. That's him."
"Cuter than any guy I've ever seen."
The girls laugh as they hold toys about Doc's head, making him jump around and bark. George walks into the room, causing Sasha to toss the toy to him.
Doc follows the toy, chasing George who goes running scared. The three girls laugh, Sasha and Meredith sharing a sweet kiss.
AN: so apparently I feel really motivated to update this story.
I would expect another chapter of either this one or Army Goddess tonight.
QoC: who do you think is Bailey's favorite intern?
Thanks for all of the votes and reads and comments!!!
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