Who Is Brooke

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Fatima and Zac making it up to his penthouse. Fatima was now curious of the woman down in the lobby. She seemed to be a little upset. 

Fatima: So who was the broken hearted woman in the lobby?

Zac: Oh my ex who I never thought I would see ever again in life

Fatima: What brings her by

Zac: That's a good question because I didn't even give her a chance to tell me what she wanted

Fatima: Is she gone be a problem 

Zac coming up to Fatima ensuring her she had nothing to worry about.

Zac: You do not have to worry about her 

Fatima: Oh I'm not worried about her but she may be worried about me and I will put her in her place if need be

Zac: Gangster T that won't be necessary she probably won't be coming back around 

Fatima: Oh trust me she's going to come back around she's intrigued now. She wants to know who done caught your eye

Zac: You caught more than my eye from the day I first saw you in that warehouse. Now you're mine.

Fatima: I don't know about all that 

Zac grabbing Fatima from behind

Zac: I don't know why you be putting up this front but I already know you 

Unbuttoning her shirt and removing her clothes 

Fatima didn't say a word she just let Zac do all the work 

Zac pushed Fatima up against the wall and moved his hands up until they were around her neck.  With one hand still around her neck and the other hand slid down between her legs. He stuck his two fingers into her warm pussy and twirled them around as Fatima moaning softly in his ear.

Zac: What was that shit you were just talking 

Fatima: No..... Nothing barely able to get the words out. 

As Zac dug deeper Fatima squeezed her legs tight causing her to cum all over Zac's fingers. Fatima's lips connected with Zac's he picked her up in his arms and she slid down on dick he backed Fatima up to the window to get his grounding and fucked the shit out of her. Leaving her ass print on the window.

Fatima: You gone have to stop fucking me like this 

Zac: I don't think I want to I like the look on your face when I put you in your place.

Fatima: Is that what you call yourself doing

Zac: Just a little 

Fatima: Well I have a couple things I need to get handled before I take this trip to Atlanta. Are you gone be okay until I get back. 

Zac: Depends on how long you are going to be gone.

Fatima: Just a week Dalia time is finally about to come to an end

Zac: You think she come

Fatima: Of course she thinks she is about to get a new connect which is my cousin and I will be right there to but a bullet in her head. I am done talking and letting this woman think she has won

Zac: I know I don't have to tell you this but be careful and I will be on the first thing smoking if I get wind of some shady shit about to go down

Fatima: I know you will that's what I love about you

Giving Zac a kiss Fatima hopped in the shower and went to meet with Stitch .


Layla: Why can't I come with you I at least helped you.

Stitch: Layla what is your pregnant ass going to do

Layla: A lot I don't know why y'all think I am handicap I can still shoot damnit

Stitch: I don't want you around any of this shit you are about to be a mother you need to be thinking about keeping yourself and my son 

Layla: Ugh I guess 

Stitch: You only got a couple months left this shit will be over with soon 

Layla: That's easy for you to say your not the one getting bigger everyday and your feet so fat I can't even wear shoes.

Stitch: Pregnancy looks good on you

Stitch threw Layla a couple stacks

Stitch: Go shopping get the room together

Layla smiled 

Layla: Now I can do that

Layla hopped up and grabbed her purse 

Layla: I'll see you when you get back 

Stitch: Be careful 

Stitch was about to meet up with T. Stitch had left the tracker on and lead the girls to an abandon warehouse where they fell right into his trap.

The girls pretty much followed Stitch every move 

Stitch hurried up and went in the dark warehouse 

Lady: Girl hurry up before we lose his ass in this big ole warehouse 

Lady 2: I am coming damn 

Walking into the dark warehouse

Lady 2: Bitch it is dark in here turn on your flashlight 

Lady 1: Hold on get your gun out just in case something pops out

Stitch walked up behind both women 

Don't fucking move or I will blow both y'all fucking head off 

Both of the women froze in their tracks 

T clicked on the lights and came from out the shadows

Lady 1 whispering 

Who the fuck is she

Lady 2: That must be T I heard Camilla and Carmen talking about that's the reason we are down here

Fatima: Looks like you both are a long way away from home. So I am going to ask once why are you in my city.

Both of the ladies looked at each other

Lady 1: We were sent here by Camilia to get close to you

Fatima: Do you know what she was planning 

Lady 2: They don't tell us anything they just tell us where to go then we go

Fatima: If you ladies would like to stay alive you will need to follow these directions if not I will just kill y'all right here right now 

They both nodded their heads in agreement quickly 

Fatima: Great 

Let her know you guys are on the inside 

Let her know we have a big shipment arriving in two weeks and that's when they should come 

If she needs proof we will get you all the proof you need

If I get wind that either of you go against what I requested I will kill you and your whole family. And trust nothing gets past me I run New York.

You bitches work for me now, you got that 

Women: Yes Yes

Fatima: Stitch will reach out to you both 

Lady 1: How he doesn't have our number 

Stitch: We don't need a number I know where you're laying your heads and where your daughter lays her head too

Now get the fuck outta here before we change our minds

The women both ran as fast as they could out of the warehouse 

Stitch: You about to have them bitches working for you 

Fatima: Fuck no once Camilla and Carmen touch down in New York in two weeks they all will be dead

Stitch: I see you I'll keep an eye on them.

Fatima: If they step out of line kill them 


Cruz: I need to make some rounds looks like a couple people have been coming up short lately

Beast: You know I'm down we just need to be careful that new bitch ass guard normally be on the morning shift

Cruz: Were we able to find out anything on him

Beast: Not yet I am working on getting his finger print so we can run it

Cruz: Yeah I don't trust him he got the Feds written all over him

First person I want to pay a visit to is Weasel his ass been tweaking he should be on laundry duty right now

Cruz headed towards the laundry room 

Cruz: Keep watch and signal me if someone comes 

Beast: Got it 

Weasel backing up into a corner when Cruz walked in the room.

Cruz: What you backing up for I just came in here to talk to you 

Weasel: I don't want any problems Cruz

Cruz: If you didn't want any problems you would have paid me my money on time and not always being short

Weasel: I have been coming up short lately it's been hard selling there is some new shit going around in here making it hard for me to sell

Cruz: Well why wasn't this brought to my attention 

Weasel: I was trying to see if it will pass

Cruz: Well that's not what I was told

You been smoking my shit up Weasel

Weasel stuttering I only had a small amount 

Cruz pulled a baggie out of his pocket and out a couple lines on the table 

Cruz: Show me how much snorted up your nose junkie


Weasel sniffed up a small line of coke 

Cruz: Are you sure that was it 

Weasel: Yes 

Cruz: Do another line

Weasel put his nose down to snort another line when Cruz smashed his head down in the coke. 

Cruz: If I have to come do this again I promise you it won't be fun

Beast: We got motion 

Weasel came up for air with the coke all over his face 

Cruz wiped the coke off the table and threw the towel at Weasel clean ya self up 

Keith Guard: Cruz you are not on laundry duty what are you doing down here

Cruz: Just getting. an extra towel Mr.Patrol man is that against the law 

Keith: No but you can get back to your cell 

Cruz: Yes master nodding his head 

When Cruz walked passed Keith he jumped at him causing Keith to jump and hit his head on the door 

Cruz: Bitch ass guard 

Beast started laughing yes master 


Dalia was still having Fabio followed but she wasn't able to get any information on him. She still decided to keep her plans to herself.

Dalia: I will be going to Atlanta to meet with the new connect 

Fabio: Do you need me to go with you 

Dalia: No I should be good I should only be gone a couple of days

Fabio: Okay I guess I will hold it down here

Have you heard anything else about T 

Dalia: Nothing but I know she is going to resurface soon she's been quiet for too long or maybe she is still grieving the death of her father

Fabio: You really killed that man 

Dalia: well I couldn't get to her so I got to someone close to someone else

Fabio: That's still fucked up that was an old man 

Dalia: Why the fuck do you care so much are you taking her side 

Pointing the gun at Fabio 

Fabio: Really put the damn gun down you know I am on your side hell look around you don't have anyone else standing with you 

Dalia: If I find out anything different I will kill you Fabio and I mean it

Fabio walked out of the room 

Fabio: Crazy ass bitch 

Dalia had one more thing to put in motion before she went to Atlanta she called the private investigator that she had hired to find Layla. Layla thought she was back to safety but Dalia still wasn't over the fact that Layla had played her and escaped. She was going to make sure she wouldn't be alive to be one big happy family with Stitch .

Investigator: I was finally able to locate the girl 

Dalia: Perfect send me all the information 

Investigator: I will send everything once I get that final payment

Dalia: I just sent it 

Investigator: Perfect I just got it everything should be in your email within five minutes 

Dalia: Nice doing business with you 

Dalia made one more call before heading out 

Dalia: I would like to put out a hit on a Layla Banks I don't care how you do it I just need it done just name your price.

Man: 1 Million 

Dalia: Damn that's a steep price 

Man: I am good at what I do and I can have it done in 48 hours 

Dalia: Okay send me your information and I will send you the money.

Man: Information sent once I have payment I will get started and let you know when it's complete

Dalia: Thank you 


Tip: So I heard you had a visitor 

Zac: Kane ass being messy I see 

Tip: Naw what the fuck is Brooke doing popping up you still hitting that 

Zac: Get the fuck outta here know you know she's fucking dead to me

Tip:  I was just making sure after what her ass pulled she should be dead. I still can't believe you let her ass get away 

Zac: Her ass was working with the Feds you know I couldn't touch her like I wanted to 

Tip: Well be careful I don't trust her ass and she may be on that snitching shit still

Zac: Trust from the moment she popped up I got eyes on her and I am sure T has eyes on her too

Tip: Oh, shit she met T already I know that shit didn't go well

Zac: I wouldn't say met she gave T the finger 

Tip: If she knew what's best for her she would thread fucking lightly even though that would be a fight I would love to see

Zac: Be for real that ain't no real fight T would fuck Brooke up. Hell I am just hoping Brooke stay far away because T ain't gone give a fuck she gone end up dead

Tip: You know she's going to come back around

Zac: That's her fucking problem I'll let T handle her. Once she finds out that Brooke was an informant 

Tip:  It's gone be lights out for Brooke

Atlanta Club Eden 

T finally touches down in Atlanta and of course she had to make her rounds seeing all people.

She pulled up to club Eden 

Guard: Don't tell me T done came all the way from New York, you might see well move on back 

Fatima: Atlanta will always be home but New York is where I built a home.

Guard: Well it's good to have you back Madame should be on the inside

Fatima: Thank you 

Fatima walked into the club and it was just like she remember 

Blue: Oh shit, I know if you're in time y'all about to fuck some shit up. Good to see you T

Fatima: You know it, you looking good. 

Blue: I'm just trying to get like you. You know you know who gone flip when he find out your here 

Fatima: Let me hurry up and go in Madame office

Knocking on the door

Madame: Come in 

Madame: Oh hell why you knocking you could have came right on in 

Fatima: I wanted to be respectful 

Giving Fatima a hug 

Madame: I am glad you're in town are you ready to kill this bitch once and for all 

Fatima: You don't know how bad I want to see the look on her face when she realizes she didn't win.

Madame: She really don't think nothing of it 

Fatima: Good just how I want it.

Madame: I am surprised bae did not come with you 

Fatima: I told him this would be a quick trip so he didn't need to come but believe if something went south he would hop on a plane 

Madame: I know that's right all about his woman. I am happy for y'all I'm glad you finally let someone love on yo stubborn ass

Fatima: I know you ain't talking you and me are one in the same sweetie 

Madame: Hey this ain't about me this about you 

They both start laughing 

Mens Locker Room 

Midnight: Doc you know yo old boo here 

Doc: Who 

Midnight: Fatima 

Doc: When did she get here 

Midnight: Hell I don't know all I do know is she looking good as hell I may have to shoot my shot 

Doc: Don't get fucked up 

Midnight: Calm the fuck down I know that's your boo

Doc: How do I look 

Midnight: Like you just got done dancing on some bitches 

Doc: You right let me hop in the shower right quick

Fatima: Well I have to make a couple rounds I will meet up with you later

Madame: Okay stay out of trouble 

Fatima: Always 

As Fatima was about to walk out Doc came from the back 

Doc: Damn you really was about to dip up outta here without saying hi damn 

Fatima turned around and Doc still looked the same 

Fatima: I didn't know you were here, how are you doing

Doc: I'm good now that I am seeing you 

Fatima: Whatever I am just in town for business then back to New York I go

Doc: Let me take you out to dinner 

Fatima face was like hell no but a part of her was thinking a dinner wouldn't hurt

Fatima: I will let you know 

Doc: Okay don't leave me hanging I would love to catch up with you over dinner

Fatima: I will let you know

Doc: Let me get your number 

Fatima: Naw I still know your number 

Doc: Okay hope to hear from you soon 

Doc watched as Fatima walked out the door 

Midnight: Damn she still fine, you do know she ain't calling yo ass back.

Doc: Shut up yes she will 

Midnight: Naw somebody else hitting that 

Doc: You think so 

Midnight: Yeah nigga she ain't the same Fatima from back in the day. She carrying herself like a boss. I hear she ain't nothing to play with in them New York Streets

Doc: Damn 

Midnight: Hell look at who's her cousin them some cut throat bitches

Doc: Watch the bitch word 

Midnight: You know what I mean damn 

Doc got to thinking he was still gone try

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