What Are You Hiding

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Zac: It has been a long damn day 

Fatima: I think it was a good day overall 

Zac: I agree the grand opening went amazing Tim can not stop talking about it and Drea is dead 

Looks like she didn't get any information to the detective 

Fatima: That's another thing I need to take care of as soon as possible. I will call my guy on the inside and he will handle Ben 

Zac: What else do you have on your mind 

Fatima: You always seem to know when something is bothering me 

Zac: That's my job to know 

Fatima: I have a feeling Layla isn't dead 

Zac: What makes you think that did you ever see the body 

Fatima: No I didn't see the body I just have a feeling 

I've known Stitch for a long time that man didn't even break a sweat and didn't even lose sleep after killing her. I stopped by his place this afternoon and went to the bathroom and I found this 

Zac looking at the paper 

Zac: What is it 

Fatima: It's a piece that was ripped of a pregnancy test box 

Zac: Okay what does this have to do with her being alive

Fatima: A lot if Layla was pregnant Stitch didn't kill her. Hell we are some fucked up individuals but Stitch don't kill kids let alone his own unborn child. 

Zac: So you think he hid her 

Fatima: Yup that's exactly what he did. The day after he killed her he had a burner phone that I've never seen before why would you have that unless you have something to hide 

Zac: So what are you going to do if she is still alive

Fatima: I don't know I am torn Stitch is the last loyal solider I have

Zac: Just look at it this way he's been loyal since day one and Layla has been loyal too. She killed her own sister for you 

Fatima: I didn't ask her to do that shit 

Zac: I know just hear me out she killed her own sister for you after that she got hooked on that shit. You know how hard that can be on a person and we don't know what demons she was battling. And don't get mad but you are not the easiest person to come to with a situation 

Fatima: I know 

Zac: And looks like Stitch was trying to get everything under control and get her off that shit. I would say if she is still alive and breathing think about giving her a second chance 

Fatima: A 2nd chance to fuck me over twice 

Zac: Who's to say she's gonna screw you over again I guarantee you when she found out that she was pregnant and all that shit she did she was scared and started thinking about that baby. This is an unborn an innocent baby. Just think about the baby and Layla is family. You know sometimes we makes mistakes. I make mistakes and so do you. It's what you can forgive and I feel like this is a small thing that we got handled and nothing came to our doorstep.

Fatima: I guess you're right 

Zac: I'm just saying think about it 

Fatima: I wonder how long he gone let it ride out. I may just bring it up because when something doesn't sit right with me I'm not gone let it rest until I deal with it or address it 

Zac: I understand 

Fatima: You're always so calm and the opposite of me 

Zac: I am here to balance you out, we balance out each other. You shoot first and ask questions later. I like to think shit through and not react off of every little thing 

Fatima: I see what you're saying but on another topic I heard your little girlfriend is coming for me 

Zac: You're my only girlfriend so who the hell are you talking about

Fatima: Carmen the one that tried to leave me out of the meeting when she was cheesing in your face 

Zac: She still coming for you I thought she was done 

Fatima: Guess who was the one that told me 

Her daddy 

Zac: Her daddy must not like her ass

Fatima: He don't, we go way back it was three of us we were much younger though. It was me, Carmen and Dalia 

Zac: Who the hell is Dalia 

Who is Dalia Garcia 

Of course Fatima's dad Cruz, Carmen's dad Jose and Dalia's dad Santiago all use to run together. We were all besties at one point of time until shit went left and it was every man for themselves. My dad was the only one that came out winning the other two fell on hard times. My father tried to help as much as he could but that wasn't enough for them. They tried to bite the hand that fed them. Which not only tore them apart but we grew apart as well.

My father was at the top so that meant I was at the top as well. Dalia resented me for all the wrong reasons. She actually took after her father as well so she is running her drug operation in Cuba. It's not as successful as mine but she's still standing. I'm sure she is lurking in the shadows just waiting for her chance to get at me again.

Zac: Again 

Fatima: Yup that bitch put a bounty on my head 

Zac: It's safe to say she lost that fight you still standing 

Fatima: And I am gone continue to stand. I am always two steps ahead of every situation 

Zac: You have to be , do you know how Carmen is about to come at you 

Fatima: Not yet but I will find out I got my people looking into it. This is way outta her league I'm gone show her this time I am not to be played with and her dad gave me his blessing 

Zac: His blessing to kill her 

Fatima: Yup 

Zac: Damn it be your own family 

Fatima: She's a grown ass woman she made her bed now she has to lay in it 

Zac: She did that much damage 

Fatima: Yes because she always sticking her nose in the wrong place. While me and Dalia were sitting at the feet of our dads soaking up all the drug intel information while she spent daddy's money. 

She was the whore of the family which embarrassed him to claim her 

Zac: Damn that's still fucked up his own child 

Fatima: In this business there's a way you move and she been moving wrong since day one. I'm gone be the one to knock her off her throne 

Zac: The way you talk is sexy as hell it's turning me on 

Fatima: You like that 

Zac: Hell yeah first of all you are a woman in this line of work and you are fucking killing the game 

Then the way you carry yourself is sexy in itself 

Fatima: Thanks I've had many failed relationships because guys said I was to much and needed to stay in my place 

Zac: That's because they weren't the right man for you

Fatima: I can see that now 

Zac: Well don't change this part about you that's what attracted me to you 

Fatima: I won't but you already broken down my wall so I am all in 

Zac: Good cause I want Fatima and T 

Fatima: You got us 

Police station

Chuck: Hey Ben what you been working on 

Ben: Nothing much why you asking 

Chuck: Just seeing if you had any special cases you were working on you've been extra secretive 

Ben: I wouldn't say secretive I just been following up on my own leads 

Chuck: I know you still ain't messing with that same case Captain told you to leave alone

Ben: There's something there and I am this close to cracking it my informative has something I am just waiting for her to send it to me 

Chuck: You gone fuck around and lose yo badge chasing some shit they told you to leave alone 

Ben: And that's actually why I kept it to myself I know yo ass gone go snatching 

Chuck: You gone hang yourself but come on we gotta go check on the corner store robbery 

Ben: Since when we riding together 

Chuck: Since now bring yo ass 

Ben: Damn Here I come 

Chuck had already turned off Ben's body cam so there would be no footage 

There was no actual robbery, Chuck paid his guy to act like a sting and rob the corner store. All he had to do was run then Chuck would handle the rest 

They pulled up to the store the owner was waiting outside 

Store Owner: The crackhead ran that way if you hurry up you can catch him he couldn't be that far 

Chuck and Ben went on foot running after the crackhead Ben was well ahead of Chuck 

Ben had caught up to the crackhead 

Chuck had stop to catch his breathe

Ben looked back at Chuck 

Ben: Nigga hurry up before he get away 

Chuck: I can't run that fast I got asthma 

Ben: You in the wrong fucking line of work 

Chuck: Just keep running I will catch up 

Ben: Stop put your hands up and turn around slowly 

The crackhead started shaking as he turned around slowly with his hands in his pocket 

Ben: Hands up now 

Ben tackled the man to the ground but the crackhead started to fight back 

He grabbed Ben's gun and fired twice 

Chuck heard the guns shots and ran faster by the time Chuck made it to Ben he was barely breathing 

The crackhead ran off 

An innocent by stander came running over 

Man: Man did you see that crackhead he shot that man 

 Chuck called it into dispatch officer down I repeat office down suspect got away on foot. 

Other officers were at the scene in no time 

The bystander stood around so he could give his report 

Officer: Looks like the gun missing we have a sketch on what the suspect looks like we have everyone out looking for him 

Chuck: It just all happened so fast I was right behind him the suspect was resisting and must have got Ben's gun then shot him 

Officer: Ben is headed into surgery hopefully he pulls through 

Chuck texted Fatima and told her that it wasn't a clean shot and that Ben was now in the hospital 

Fatima texted back that she would take it from 

Fatima called her nurse that she had on payroll and told her she needed Ben gone and she didn't care how it happened

Kelsey clocked in and checked  if Ben had made it out of surgery. Looks like he barely made it Kelsey was going to give him that extra dose to get him to glory 

The night shift didn't give a fuck and barely did their jobs

Kelsey went into Ben's room and he was hooked up to a lot of machines 

She slipped something through his IV his heart rate started to drop fast she didn't want to chance it. She took a pillow and smothered him until his heart beat flat lined

Lesley left out of the room and watched as all the other nurses ran into the. She snuck out through the stairwell. She removed her gloves and the wig she had on.

She texted T done.

Lesley: That was easy another muthafucka bites the dust

T texted her back money is in your account.

Of course they fixed this problem T just didn't know more problems were coming her way 

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