Unstoppable Together

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Fatima and Zac were now both out for blood. Dino came barking up the wrong tree and he crossed the two most dangerous people in New York. Fatima and Zac decided to take care of Dino on their own. They didn't know to much about each other but they trusted each other enough to get the job done.

They had to keep it a secret from their crew.

Lola: Where have you been I've been calling your phone

Fatima/T: I had to make a couple of errands

Lola: So word on the street is that Dino crazy ass just tried to take someone out in broad daylight. And they say it's the guy that saved you last night his name is Zac

Fatima/T: How did you find all that out

Lola: You know I have my resources, I hear this Zac guy is crazy as fuck too

Fatima/T: That's the same thing I am hearing

Lola: Want me to keep an eye on him

Fatima/T: Nope I already got eyes on him

Lola: Who you got watching him

Fatima/T: What's with all the questions

Lola: Nothing I was just trying to keep an eye on him and I heard he was fine as hell with his GQ suits and shit

Fatima/T: Don't you have some work to do

Lola: I'm going

Lola left out the room, damn her nosey ass is on it and I don't even blame her I taught her well.

Tip: What happened to you calling me to hit Dino

Zac: I was busy taking care of business

Tip: Word on the street is that he made a move on you

Zac: I am still in one piece he gone have to come harder if he want to take me out

Tip: Lets run up on this nigga while he least expecting it

Zac: Now I got a plan

Tip: Well spill it then

Zac: I'm gone handle this one on my own this is personal

Tip: Non sense what you mean

Zac: Naw I got this but if I need you I will hit you up.

Tip: If something happen to you it ain't gone sit right with me

Zac: Tip just trust me on this

Tip: Alright I trust you but I don't agree with it

Zac: Is all my money back in my account

Tip: Yup every penny plus Dino shit, the accountant waiting to meet you

Zac: That's what I like to hear, have him come in

The accountant walked in room had his nerdy glasses on with his pants pulled up to his stomach

Accountant: Nice to meet you Zachery reaching his hand out for a handshake

Zac giving the accountant a nice firm handshake

Zac: Call me Zac

Accountant pushing his glasses up

Accountant: I like to keep it professional

Zac: Well every time you call me Zachery I am going to deduct it out your pay

Accountant: Okay no problems Zac

Zac: Now Timmie is it

Tim: No it's actually Tim

Zac: See you don't like that do you

Tim: I see what you did there

Zac: So did Tip fill you in on everything and what your job would be

Tim: Yes and he made it very clear

Zac: Good so you know if you fuck up I will kill you

Tim: No fuck ups over here I really need this my wife is sick so the money will help pay for her medical bills

Zac: Well here is a phone when I call you jump

Tim: Got it

Zac: Don't fuck this up

Tim: No fuck ups, peace out brother

Tip and Zac both looked at each other and busted out laughing

Tip: I ain't ya brother

Zac: Yeah don't do that shit no more

Tim: I'm sorry

Tim skipped out the room happy he was about to get paid doing what he does best

Tip: You sure you can trust his geeky ass

Zac: His ass ain't about to cause no problems

Tip: I'll just keep my eyes on him

Zac: You do that I got some business to take care of

Tip: Okay call me if you need me

Zac: I will

Fatima: Hey I am about to head out to go handle some business. I will call one of ya'll if I need something. Do not track or follow me I will find out

They all shook their head in agreement

Layla: She was talking about yo ass Lola she know you be tracking her every move

Lola: Look I just be trying to make sure she safe

Stitch: She a big girl, T can handle herself get off her dick

Lola: Fuck you Stitch

Stitch: You do know she don't like pussy

Lola: I didn't say she did

Stitch: You don't have to I can see it every time you look at her

Layla: Stitch leave her alone

Lola walked off pissed

Layla hit Stitch in the shoulder why the hell you messing with my sister

Stitch: Shit it ain't my fault her ass be stuck up T ass you know I'm telling the truth

Layla: You are but keep that shit to yourself I don't want T finding out any shit

Stitch: Alright come on lets go to the back

Layla: Someone gone see us

Stitch: I don't give a fuck we can take a break we grown and not like T got rules

Layla: Okay with a huge smile on her face

Layla followed Stitch into his office, he locked the door and closed the blinds

Stitch: Bend yo ass over my desk and spread those ass cheeks

Layla hiked up her skirt and did as she was told

Stitch smacked her ass so hard he left his handprint on her ass

Layla: Fuck me daddy

Stitch was about to take all his frustration out on Layla he fucked her so good they rearranged the furniture in his office

There was a knock at the door they both tried to get dressed fast

Stitch: Just a second

Stitch opened the door and it was Lola

Lola: Don't try to get dressed now the whole crew heard ya'll in here fucking. Spray something it smells like pussy and sweaty balls

Stitch: Whatever you just mad

Layla walked past Stitch and grabbed his balls please be nice to my sister or you won't be getting no more of this ass.

Zac and Fatima met privately so they could put their plan into action. Catching Dion would be easy like catching a mouse. Fatima and Zac already laid the bait they were just waiting for him to get trapped.

Dion wasn't smart at all he was like a greedy leech that took from everyone. He never worked hard for shit he came in taking like he earned that shit.

This kill is not personal it's all about business

Zac sat back and watched Fatima work she was really built for this life

Zac: Your dad Cruz was the man back in the day his name still rings bells on the street

Fatima/T: Yeah everyone feared that man but he definitely had a soft spot for me

Zac: Is that why you're so hard

Fatima/T: I have to be or else everyone would walk all over me not to mention I'm a woman

Zac: Soft or not I would say your a dope ass woman I mean watching you work and put this plan in action you have my respect

Fatima/T: Thank you

As hard as Fatima tried to be she wanted someone to see her soft side and Zac has been the first man to see through Fatima.

Fatima/T: Alright lets go dead this nigga

Zac: Now you speaking my language

Zac left out first and soon as he did Dino was right on his trail

Fatima followed behind both of them

Zac pulled into an abandoned building and walked in

Dino dumb ass took the bait and was 2 steps behind Zac

Dino- Don't move muthafucker turn around slowly

Zac turned around slowly

Dino: I didn't get yo ass the first time but I guarantee I won't miss this time

Zac: Well you better make sure your a straight shooter nigga

Dino cocked back his trigger

Dino: Wait until the streets hear that I took you out everybody gone be bowing down to me nigga

Zac: So you a clout chaser nigga just pull the trigger and less talking

Dino: Any last words

Zac: Behind you

Dino confused he turned around and Fatima was standing behind him with her gun pointed straight at Dino's temple

Dino: Who the fuck are you

Fatima: Your worst fucking nightmare

Now Dino had 2 guns pointed at him

Dino: Fuck okay lets just call this a misunderstanding

Zac: You hear that T this nigga want to shoot at us and now it's a misunderstanding

Fatima: Ain't no misunderstandings in this line of work

Fatima nodded and Zac knew what time it was

They both pulled the trigger one bullet in the front and one in the back

Zac: We make a great team we should link

Fatima/T: I work better alone

Zac: Just think about it you and me together would be some Bonnie and Clyde type shit . They wouldn't even see us coming

Fatima/T: I'll think about

Zac: Don't think about it to long and we can keep it on the low until your ready

Fatima/T: Make sure you watch your back especially since I won't be there to protect you

Zac blushed

Zac: Let me walk you to your car

Fatima/T: thank you but I don't need an escort

Zac watched as Fatima walked out

Zac: Damn I need her by my side I'm gone keep trying

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