Too Eager

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Fatima sat in her car for a second before meeting Zac. She had a lot to get done and not enough time. Since she had to do everything herself she was extra busy. She still had Stitch on her mind from yesterday.

She forgot to make an important call yesterday

Hey Wiz

Wiz: What's up T it's been a minute

Fatima: Yes it has I need you to put a tap on someones phone for me and also if we can bug their house

Wiz: Yeah no problem just send me the phone number and the address and I'll get on it

Fatima: Okay I'll send that right over. Are you able to trace a persons whereabouts like their every move

Wiz: Hell yeah facial recognition I have my ways of getting what I need when I need it. I just break into the governments system and I got access to all the cameras.

Fatima: Okay I'll let you know when I need that for now I just need the tap and bug the house. And Wiz this person is always on alert so I need something that will go unnoticed for sure

Wiz: Say less I got you

Fatima: Alright thanks

Faitma may not be able to have eyes on Stitch at all times but at least she can listen to his conversations especially considering he had a new phone the other day.

Fatima got out the car and met Zac inside the grocery store

Zac: What's up ba...beautiful

Zac caught his self he was about to call her babe

Fatima: Sorry I'm late I had to make a call

Zac: No worries I was just letting my accountant Tim know that he will be managing the account for the store. He will also serve as the store manager

Tim hiked his pants up and pushed his glasses up so he could get a better look at Fatima .

Tim: Wow she's beautiful nice to meet you ma'am

Fatima: Nice to meet you as well Tim

Reaching out his hand for a handshake, Fatima gave him a nice firm handshake

Tim: She's got a mean handshake she means business

Zac: We will have one of our guys under him as the assistant manager they will make sure everything is ran properly with no fuck ups

Fatima: Okay when can we expect to be up and running

Zac: 2 weeks top

Fatima: Perfect

Zac: Tim I will give you a call later to go over the other stuff

Tim: Okay perfect do you know what time I have to take mom to bible study

Zac: Lets do 9pm

Tim: Perfect I will have her back home and in the bed

Zac: Alright buddy

Tim skipped out the door

Fatima: Where the hell did you find him

Zac: He came highly recommended and he's came in handy so far he caught the fucking banker that was stealing from me and a couple other people

Fatima: Damn

Zac locked the front door to the store

Zac: I need you to come back to my office I got something to show you

Fatima: And what that might be

Zac pulled Fatima in the office and closed the door

Fatima: I thought you had something to show me

Zac: I do grabbing her hand so she could feel his hard dick

Fatima: I got you feeling hot and bothered

Zac: Hell yeah soon as you walked yo fine ass in the store my dick got hard. You seen I almost slipped up

Fatima: I know you need to be careful I don't need people in my business and knowing who I'm fucking

Zac pulled Fatima in close

Zac: You worried about the wrong thing

He slipped his tongue in Fatima's mouth he pushed her up against the wall and pushed her thong to the side and ate her out

Fatima started moaning

Yes right there don't stop

Zac: Do you hear that

Zac stopped so he could see if he heard the noise again

Fatima: I don't hear anything keep going I was almost there

Zac went back to work but heard the noise again

Zac: Sounds like somebody knocking on the door

Fatima: Fuck

Zac wiped Fatima's juices from his face before walking out the room

Fatima got herself together as well

Zac seen it was Tip at the door. Shit I forgot he was coming up here

Tip: Damn what took you so damn long I was out here banging for a minute

Zac: My bad we were in the back moving some of the boxes around

Tip: What's up T

Fatima: Hey Tip

Tip knew damn well they weren't moving boxes it was written all over Fatima face. Hey at least someone was getting some ass he wasn't hating

Tip: This is nice and a nice front they ain't gone think twice about something going on here. I'm about to put the 5 new recruits to work is there something you want each person doing

Zac: Have them working the empty corners and have the old crew collect I don't want none of these newbies touching any of the cash or know the meet up for the actual warehouse yet. We gone give it some time.

Tip: Alright bet I'll keep ya'll updated

Fatima: Hey did you see Stitch at the warehouse

Tip: Yeah his ass was there he looked a little sad did I miss something

Fatima: Naw he'll be alight

Tip: Alright I'm about to get out of here and put these people to work

Zac: Alright I'll catch up with you later


Skip was posted on his corner limping

Roman: Nigga why yo ass limping

Skip: You remember that bitch Drea that use to work the corner back in the day with the twins

Roman: Yeah fine ass Drea

Skip: That bitch tried to flip some shit on my corner without breaking me off anything so I made her an offer

Roman: What kind of damn offer

Skip: Suck my dick

Roman: Nigga all this free pussy and you acting that desperate

Skip: She bite my dick

Roman: Damn you down bad nigga

Skip: Just wait until I find that bitch she's dead for sure

Roman: I heard she just got put on in a new crew

Skip: Word let me know if you find out where she posted so I can pay her a visit

Roman: Alright I got you go put some ice on yo nuts bro

Skip: That shit ain't funny

Wiz was able to put a tap on Stitch phone he made it to the address Fatima gave him. He was dressed up like an electrician he was able to get in with no problem

He looked around Skips place to see where he could put the listening device without Stitch even knowing

He ended up putting it in the floor board, he would never find it.

As he was walking out of the front door Stitch was just walking in.

Wiz texted Fatima ( DONE)


Layla was getting settled into her new life she wasn't use to not having anything to do the streets were her life that's all she did from sun up to sun down.

She needed to find a private doctor in town so she could see how the baby was doing and how far along she was.

She went into town to get some groceries and things she needed around the house . As she was walking around in the store an older lady was starring at her

Lady: Sorry for starring if you don't mind me asking how far along are you

Layla: Excuse me

Lady: Your with child correct

Layla holding her stomach

Layla: I just found out I don't know how far along I am

Lady: I see that you had a dark cloud over you but now you have a newness this baby will bring you light and peace

Layla looking around confused as to who this lady is and what she was talking about

Layla turned to walk away

Lady: I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just get visions from time to time and when I walked passed you the energy you were giving off screamed scared and alone. But I also see someone who has a big heart.

You should go get checked out as soon as possible something could be wrong with your baby

Layla: I am new in town so I have to find a good doctor

Lady: I know you may not know me but I can recommend someone to you she's really sweet and delivers most of the babies in town

Layla: Thank you I would appreciate that

Lady: What's your name so I can let her know to expect a call and I recommended you

Layla: My name is Layla I mean Lacey sorry my brain is all over the place

The lady wrote down the doctors name on a piece of paper and handed it to Layla

Layla: Thank you so much

Lady: No problem take care of yourself and that baby this is your 2nd chance to get it right

Layla look down and put the number in her purse when she looked up the lady was gone no where in sight

Layla didn't know what to gather from the information she just got she got the rest of her things and checked out

The entire ride back home she kept checking to see if someone was following her

She knew she was given a second chance at life but she was always paranoid now

She texted Stitch the doctors name and number so he could research her and see if she was legit


Stitch was handing out product to the new recruits and giving them a corner

Andrea: Hey what's your name

Stitch: My name doesn't matter

Andrea: Well I would like to know who I am working with

Stitch: You not working with me

Andrea: Well then who's in charge so I can know who I am working for

Stitch: You worried about the wrong shit you are here to do a job and that's it don't worry about who's in charge

Andrea: Damn I was just trying to be nice

Stitch: Just take yo shit and get out my face

Andrea snatched the product from Stitch and went about her business

Andrea: What the fuck is his problem

Kash: Oh Stitch don't trip off of him he been mad ever since his lady left

Andrea: Where did she go

Kash: word on the street is she went against the grain and she 6ft under

Andrea: 6ft under meaning dead

Kash: Yup and he was the one that killed

Andrea: What the fuck

Kash: Hey I don't know if that's all the facts but that's the word that's going around

Andrea: What was the sister name

Kash: Layla and she had a twin named Lola

Andrea: You said had like past tense

Kash: Yeah her ass dead too

Andrea tried to not look shocked when she got the information but it tugged at her heart when he said Lola was dead too

Kash: And get this her own sister took her out

Andrea: So now they both dead

Kash: I don't know how much of that is true but that's what I heard

Andrea: That's a lot to take in who's in charge and letting all this go down

Kash was about to keep spilling all the tea but decided to keep his mouth shut

Kash: I don't know why you asking

Andrea: Just asking

Stitch looked over and sees that Andrea was talking to Kash. Once she seen Stitch walking her way she walked off

Stitch: What the hell was she talking about

Kash: She was just asking questions

Stitch: And what you say

Kash throwing his hands up

Kash: I ain't said shit I don't know that girl

Stitch: Let me know if she come back around asking questions

Kash: Alright bet

Stitch couldn't put his finger on it but it was something off about the new girl. She was trying to hard to be down and she was nosey as hell. Stitch was gone keep an eye on her she was definitely trouble he just didn't know what her motive was

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