Pull Through Layla

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Stitch was losing his mind he was pacing back and forth talking to himself. The bright hospital lights beamed down on him as he grew angrier. No one had knew that someone he loved had been shot. They were just looking at him like a scary black man with a huge scar on his face.

Stitch started hitting the wall, he hit it so hard he punched a hole through it.

Elderly White Lady: Oh my someone call the cops I don't feel safe 

A nurse walked up to Stitch to try to console him and calm him down 

Nurse: Sir you are scaring everyone in the waiting room can you please calm down.

Stitch talking through clenched teeth 

Stitch: Get the fuck outta my face before I make an example outta you bitch 

The nurse scurried away the other white people looked on in disgust

Zac walked in the waiting area just in time 

Zac directed Stitch outside 

Zac: I know you fucking losing it but this ain't the place with all these fucking white people we already stick out like a sore thumb. You wait out here with Tip and I am going to go see if I can get some more information.

Hold ya head up 

Stitch stood there and for the first time ever Tip didn't know what to say he knew it wasn't time to be joking.

Tip: She's going to pull through Layla is strong 

Tip gave Stitch a light pat on the back 

Fatima had the jet up in the air in no time she needed to get back to New York fast. What she came to do was completed she had other things lined up but that shit could wait. Someone was coming after one of hers when she  gave Layla a second chance she meant just that. Fatima was making calls trying to figure out who Dalia hit man was. 

She hated the fact that she was too late to call it off by the time she could warn her team a text was sent to Dalia phone confirming that target had been hit.

Fatima could feel herself getting hot on the inside she knew Stitch was about to be unhinged and she wasn't there to calm him down.

Fatima looked at her phone and seen that Madame was calling 

Madame: Hey just wanted to make sure you were up in the air okay

Fatima: Yes I am good

Madame: Let me know if you need anything to help find this hitman 

Fatima: I am going to send you the number maybe you can look on your end and let me know if you find anything and I will do the same on my end

Madame: Okay I will let you know what I find out 

Fatima: Okay thank you 

Fatima hung up phone and took two shots back to back to calm her rage


Zac walking up to the nurses station 

Zac: Hello I am trying to get an update on my sister she was brought in here not to long ago with 2 gun shots wounds 

The nurse was clicking away on the keyboard not paying any attention to Zac. Zac took a deep breath and fixed is Armani suit before asking her again 

Zac: Excuse me 

Zac snatched the keyboard from the nursing station 

Nurse: Excuse me sir 

Zac: No excuse me you act like you don't see me standing here asking you a question. I'm trying not to show my true color as y'all would wish but I will not be disrespected. Now you handled these white folks with no problem do the same for me or get someone else that can 

The nurse looked at Zac like she was scared 

Nurse: I do apologize how can I help you 

Zac: I am looking for an update on my sister Layla Banks 

Nurse: Okay I can look that up 

The nurse stared at Zac 

Nurse: Can I please have the keyboard back so I can look in the system 

Zac: Oh sure my bad

Handing her the keyboard she plugged it back in and typed in Layla's now

Nurse: Looks like she is currently in surgery they are trying to save both the mom and baby the surgeon should be out after to update the family 

Zac: Thank you 

Zac walked outside to give Stitch the update

Stitch: So what does it mean they can only save one or the other 

Zac: They didn't say that all she said is they are trying to save both and would update us after the surgery 

Stitch: This shit is my fault I should have just made her stay at home 

Zac: If someone wanted to get her trust me they will. We just gone pray everything is okay with both of them 

Zac walked away and called Fatima

Fatima: Please no bad news 

Zac: Right now we are playing the waiting game I got Stitch calm for now. Any luck on who was behind this 

Fatima: Dalia ass I found out after I shot her ass in the head. I tried to stop it but I was too late

Zac: Damn 

Fatima: One less problem I have to take care of but now I have another problem. I should be home soon 

Zac: Okay see you when yay get here be careful 

Fatima: I will you too

Fatima couldn't wait to touch back down in New York 


Cruz hated the fact that he had to stop production for a little bit since things were getting hot. Someone was snooping around and Cruz was going to get down to the bottom of it. Cruz already had a feeling of who it might be because the shit didn't start happening until the new guard started.

Cruz: So  you know you got a rat reporting shit back to the Feds right

Warden: What makes you think that

Cruz: I know you ain't fucking stupid how did they know about the prostitution ring lucky we stopped the drugs from being sold or that would have been exposed too. Like I said someone is a rat and you need to find out who it is and soon. Or else you gone have another body on your hands. 

Warden: I will ask around and see what I can find

Cruz: I already know it's that fucking guard 

Warden: I already looked into him and nothing came up 

Cruz: That's okay I will look into him myself. We need to get this shit fixed fast it's costing me money and I don't like losing money.

Warden: Just give me a couple days can you hold off until then 

Cruz: You got until tomorrow night 

Warden stuttering 

Warden: Okay I'll get on it 

When Cruz walked out the Wardens office he seen the new guard running away from the office. Cruz was about to go the other direction but decided to go have a word with the new guard.

Cruz: Hey I didn't get your name 

Guard: Because I didn't offer it 

Cruz: Do you have a problem with me because it seems as if you got some built of frustration towards me 

Guard: I don't even know you I just heard of you 

Cruz: Okay I heard you transferred from another prison you were in there snitching 

Guard: I don't know what you're talking about

Cruz: Yeah okay ever since you got here shit been going side ways. You know snitches get stitches 

Guard: Is that supposed to be a threat

Cruz: Take it however you want, you make need to look over your shoulders cause these people in here don't like rats 

Guard: Thanks for the update but I don't need your help 

Cruz: Don't say I didn't warn you 

Cruz smiled and walked away he could tell the guard was still looking him up and down


Things are looking up for us Camilla the girls are finally in and in due time T will be taken down.

Camilla: I told you my girls would get in 

Carmen: I am surprised they did, T crew must be slipping.

Camilla: Men can't turn down my girls. Now that we are in do you have a plan because we ain't gone be able to just go to New York and kill her

Carmen: I am thinking on that. I was actually hoping Dalia would have taken her ass out by now 

Camilla: If you want something done you have to do it yourself plus Dalia might be laying low after she killed T's father.

Carmen: I say we ambush her catch her when she is out and about with no crew. We can get eyes on her and snatch her.

Camilla: I like that we gotta have our shit together because we in this too deep now. 

Carmen: That's why you're my best friend you ride for me

Camilla: Let's get through this one thing at a time


Zac and Stitch were waiting in the lobby the doctor finally came and spoke to them. Stitch stood up fast anxiously waiting to see how Layla and the baby were doing.

Doctor: Sorry for the long wait are you both the family members for Layla Banks

Stitch: Naw we're just the only black people waiting in the lobby 

Zac: Stitch

Yes we are her family 

Doctor: It was touch and go we did our best to save both the baby and the mother 

The mother lost a lot of blood in the process her heart stopped but we were able to bring her back but I hate to inform you she is in  coma. At this time her body has went through a lot of trauma. We don't know how long she will be in a coma we will just have to keep an eye on her. 

Zac: What about the baby 

Doctor: The baby came out too early weighing 3 pounds. Unfortunately he is not able to breath on his own so he is on a breathing machine and will stay in the NICU so we can oversee his process

Zac: Okay great so both the baby and mom could make a full recovery 

Doctor: I can't make any promises we can only watch them but I do have a question  she had two guns hots wounds do we know what happened to her 

Zac: We don't we just rushed her here

Doctor: Okay I will have to call the police and file a report 

Zac: Okay I understand 

Stitch: Can I see them 

Doctor: Yes you can 

The doctor walked stitch back to the room to see Layla first then the baby.

Zac had to call Fatima because they didn't need the police snooping they needed to get the baby  and Layla out of the hospital fast 

Zac called Fatima but it went straight to voicemail 

Zac walked outside and there Fatima was 

Zac: You are just on time 

Fatima: I am always on time 

Zac: We have a problem they are calling the police since she has 2 gun shot wounds. Layla is in a coma and the baby is in the NICU

Fatima: Shit I can make some calls 

Zac: What you thinking 

Fatima: I can have one of my doctor friends take over the care for them. I just need to make sure they can have it ready asap

Zac: You have everyone in your pocket

Fatima: You got to in this line of work, let me call my nurse she'll be here to take Layla and the baby. If we can get you and Tip to make sure the doctor has everything that he may need to care for Layla and the baby.

Zac: Okay we can do that what about Stitch

Fatima: I'll let him stay here and ride with them I already know he's not about to take his eyes off Layla and the baby

Zac left to get things in motion 

Fatima called her nurse friend 

Candace: Hey T 

Fatima: Hey I need you here asap 

We will be getting a baby and mother out of the hospital and taking them to a secure location 

Candace: Okay I'll be there shortly 

Fatima: Thank you I will send you the information 

Fatima watched as Stitch stood over Layla watching her lifeless body hooked up to a lot of machines. Fatima knew Stitch wasn't going to sleep until he knew Layla and his son were in good hands and the person responsible was 6ft under.

Fatima walked up to Stitch and placed her hand on his back

Fatima: They will pull through 

We are about to get both of them outta here before the police arrive, so try to remain calm

Candace was there in no time first step was to get Layla out then the baby. The ambulance was at the back waiting for them 

Candace unhooked Layla from all the machine when the doctor walked in the room 

Doctor: What are you doing 

Candace: I was told that a new room was available for her this patient and I was told we were moving her now 

Doctor: Okay let me help you with that 

Candace: No I got it plus don't you have a surgery to get to 

Doctor : Your right just make sure you get her hooked back up fast the police should be here any minute 

Candace: Okay will do 

Candace waited until the doctor left out the room and hurried up and wheeled Layla out of the room 

Candace was able to make it to the back door without any problems they were able to get Layla loaded 

Candace went back to get the baby but the NICU room was full of nurses 

Candace went and found the baby, she goes to pick up the baby when a nosey nurse came butting in her business

Nurse: Excuse me where are you taking the baby 

Candace: For testing is that an issue

Nurse: Well looking at the chart it doesn't show testing until another 2 hours 

Candace: Look I am just doing what I was told to do by Dr. Lacey. Would you like for me to go pull him out of surgery just to let him know you won't let me take this baby for testing.

Nurse: No need for that 

Candace: Thank you 

As Candace was pushing the cart she whispered under her breath 

Nosey bitch 

Candace hurried up and made her way to the back entrance. As she was about to open the door she heard someone calling for her 

She acted like she couldn't hear and kept walking she hurried up and got the baby in the ambulance and drove off.

Just as they were pulling out the police were walking into the hospital 

The police approached the front desk 

Police: We are here for a Layla Banks

Nurse: Sure her room number 301 

The police walked to the room and it was empty 

They stopped the nurse

Hello there was supposed to a patient here 

Nurse: Let me check I do show that this is the room, let me check and see if she was moved 

So she was not supposed to be moved she just had a baby let me check. They walked to the NICU and the baby was no where to be found 

Another Nurse: Some lady came in and got the baby not to long ago for testing 

Police: Lock down the hospital now we have a missing baby and patient 

Stitch riding in the back of the ambulance 

Stitch: Are they good since we took them off the machines and shit 

Medic: They will be fine we will have them hooked back up in no time 

Stitch was able to breath a little after seeing Layla and his son. His son was son tiny he could fit little man in the palm of his hands. He looked so fragile in the incubator.

The nurse was now giving  the police a description of the nurse she seen taking the baby.  More police had came to the hospital and the press was outside wanting answers.

Fatima followed behind the ambulance and see to the private location where the doctor was waiting for them.

Fatima: They can not die they both need to stay alive

Doctor: I will do my best 

Fatima: Your life counts on it

The doctor knew he had to make sure they both stayed alive for his sake

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