How We Met

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Lola and Layla were my dynamic duo, when you seen me they were not to far behind me. They were identical twins and crazy ass fuck. They have been down with me since day one. A lot of people underestimated them but they were ruthless and cutthroat. You wouldn't even see them coming they were so smooth. I kept women on my roster but I had some men that were heavy hitters too.

Whenever I needed something done they didn't question it they delivered every time

Lola: Hey T Keshia just pulled up

Fatima/T: Okay have her meet me in my office you and Layla come too

Lola: Hey T want's to see you in her office Layla she wants us too

Keshia looking confused

Keshia: Do you know what for

Lola: Nope but I'm sure we will find out soon

Before Keshia came into the office she stopped and went to the restroom first.

One thing T didn't like was someone who didn't follow directions

Fatima/T: Go see what's taking this bitch so long

Before Lola opened the bathroom door she heard Keshia on the phone. She put her ear up to the door so she could hear clearly.

Keshia: Hey T is calling me in the office now if you don't hear back from me in 20 minutes take the money and run and don't look back.

I will be okay I knew what I was getting into when I started taking money.

Lola hurried up and went back to the office.

Lola: Any intuition you were feeling believe the shit. Keshia can't be trusted I just heard her on the phone talking about if something happens take the money and run.

Fatima/T: Tell Stitch to come here

Lola went and did as she was told.

Stitch: Yes ma'am

Fatima/T: Go to Keshia house and get my money and my product. And if anyone is there kill them all.

Stitch: Consider it done.

Stitch was a crazy muthafucka he got the name because someone busted the side of his face open and he stitched it up himself. He was proud of his work.

Keshia: You wanted to see me

Fatima/T: Yes I'm about to get straight to it because I don't like beating around the bush. You've been coming up short for some time now. And I thought to myself Keshia wouldn't be stupid enough to steal from me.

T nodded Lola and Layla stood behind Keshia. Keshia knew that she wasn't leaving this room alive

Keshia stuttering

Keshia: I can explain I got robbed a couple times

Fatima/T: So not only are you a thief you're also a liar, you gone sit there and lie to my face like I'm stupid. You forgot I been in this game longer than you. You can't get shit past me.

Keshia: I needed the money I owed a couple people. I fucked up but if you let me pay you back I promise I will pay you back everything I took

Fatima/T: Oh I know you will because I have Stitch going to your place to collect and drop some bodies.

Keshia tried to be a G but one tear dropped. Yeah she wasn't thinking about the repercussions as she was doing it. Now she put her whole family in jeopardy.

Fatima/T: No tears in this game remember you fucked up the moment you stole anything from me when I was the one that helped you get away from your pimp. Now I can't trust you and once I can't trust you I have no use for you.

T pulled out her 18k Ruger pistol that she got from her father he engraved "Use this on your enemies send them off in style"

She pointed the gun at Keshia and shot her in the head. Lola and Layla didn't even flench.

Clean this shit up and bury her with the rest of my enemies.

T wiped off her gun and placed it back in her box.

T may have gotten rid of one untrustworthy person but little did she know Keshia wasn't the only one that was making moves against her.

Stitch cleaned house and brought back T's money and product.

Fatima/T: How many bodies did you have to drop

Stitch: 5

Fatima/T: Were there any kids

Stitch: No

Fatima/T: Good

Stitch: Everything is there

Fatima/T: Thank you Stitch

Stitch: Anytime for you.

Fatima/T: Can you tell the crew I am about to head out and make sure they close up shop

Now that Keshia is gone I had to put some else on her post to make sure no one tried to take over our territory.

Stitch: T is heading out she said make sure everyone close up shop

Lola: Okay did she say where she was going

Stitch: No she just said she headed out

Layla: You know she on demon time any time she catches a body she's either going to blow off steam or add to that count

Lola: My bet is add to that count, I'll track her once I close up here I'll go keep an eye on her just in case some more shit pop off tonight


Business was good I just needed to make a quick stop. My people had an issue with some Keshia chic. Word on the street that she was trying to start her own thing but she was stepping in the wrong territory. I don't know who the hell this Keshia chic was but I was damn sure about to check her. My boys already sent me the spot where she be posted up at.

I had my right hand man Tip roll with me. Tip been with me since the very beginning. I didn't have to worry about him switching up he was as loyal as they come. Hell he was with me when I didn't have nothing so it was only right that he was at the top with me.

Tip: So you ain't never meet the leader

Zac: No I just know it's a person named T and they a bad muthafucker too. They on my level type shit

Tip: So it's another muthafucker out there that's crazy like yo ass, I need to meet them

Zac: That's what I'm saying

Tip: Shit lets go to their spot lay low and see what's up

Zac: I'm down

Zac and Tip pulled up to Keshia's post and watched to see who would pull up.


T pulled up to Keshia's post and it was like a ghost town. She didn't see men guarding or nothing.

Where the fuck is everybody at?

T thought this was going to be a simple stop then she would go home but something didn't seem right.

T pulled her gun from her waist and was on high alert. She walked in the spot and it was pitch black. She found the light and just to her surprised they cleared out everything

Shit how the fuck did they pull this under my nose. Fatima called Stitch

Hey Stitch Keshia post is empty and I mean empty have you heard anything.

Stitch: No, but I'm about to meet you up there

Fatima/T: Naw I'm good

Before T could say something else she something cold pressed up against the back of her head

Zane: End the fucking call now

T hung up the phone without saying anything to Stitch. Fatima had told her main people that if she was ever in trouble and they were on the phone together she would just hang up. They knew to send the calvary to come looking for her

Zac and Tip peeped someone following shortly after T went into the building so they followed behind them to see what was going on. Zac already had his hand on the trigger just he had to pull it.

Zane: So I finally caught you slipping T , took a while but I finally got your ass.

T already knew who it was , Keshia little brother Zane

Fatima/T: I don't know what you got going on but you ain't leaving out this building alive

Zane: Well that will make both of us because you ain't getting out of here alive either not after you killed my sister. Keshia did whatever you asked her to but you still played her to the left for those crazy double mint twins.

Fatima/T: Seems like your upset so if you gone pull the trigger then do it nigga

Zane cocked back the trigger

T stood their like a solider she wasn't scared to die she knew what she signed up for when she got into the same.

Zane: This is for Keshia

Before Zane could pull the trigger Zac put 2 bullets in the back of Zanes head.

T heard the gun go off but she was still alive. T turned around and seen someone she never seen before

Tip: Zac we have to get the fuck out of here her people are coming in deep

Zac and T made eye contact then Zac ran out of the side door.

T's people were in the room within 5 seconds with their guns drawn ready to shoot

Layla: T you good

Fatima/T: Yeah I'm good

Layla: I know you the boss but please don't pull that shit again

Fatima/T: I know I fucked up I wasn't thinking

Stitch: We seen 2 guys speed off down the alley did you know them

Fatima/T: No but who ever they were they saved my life

Stitch: You want me to find out who they were?

Fatima/T: Nope I got it

Everybody listen up Keshia is no longer with us she cleared her whole post out and her crew is not checking in. So this means nobody gets any sleep until they are found. I don't care what you have to do but I want all of them dead before sunrise

Lola & Layla : Say less

T headed home she knew they would get the job done.

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