Fall In Line

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Zac had been running around getting things in order he missed Fatima call. When he looked at the text he couldn't even say anything

Fuck already, I should have killed his ass earlier he didn't even last 24 hours.

Tip: What's wrong

Zac: T killed Quan

Tip: That's what his ass get what did he do

Zac: I don't know I'm going to call and see what the fuck happened

Tip: I think you two are going to complement each other well

Zac: Why you say that

Tip: Because I can tell already she don't take no shit and she don't spare anybody. You on the other hand be giving niggas chance after chance. I'm sure she has something that she is lacking that's where you come in

Zac: I see what you mean

Tip: I mean I get it and I respect it but never give someone an option to disrespect you especially since you are the boss. Once they see that anyone can disrespect you that's why they think they can get away with shit

Zac: I hear you

Zac called Fatima

Zac: Hey we dropping bodies already

Fatima: Yup 3 to be exact. Looks like your man had a problem with women being in charge. He called hisself stealing from you. But now that we are a team he was stealing from both of us

Zac: I should have killed him earlier

Fatima: I handled it for you

Zac: Thanks are we still on for dinner

Fatima: I thought I said raincheck

Zac: I don't remember that but it can be a business dinner

Fatima: Okay just let me know what time and where

Zac: Okay let me finish up at the warehouse with Tip then I will text you

Fatima: Okay sounds like a plan

Fatima and Stitch had all the product loaded and ready to move to the new warehouse.

Fatima: I will meet you at the warehouse have Layla trailing behind you unnoticed just in case anything pops off

Make sure you keep an eye on his men too they have half of the shipment too

Stitch: Okay cool

Fatima: Call me if you run into any problems

Fatima headed home so she could get herself together for this dinner meeting with Zac. Of course she kept it simple and cute. Fatima felt like she always had to be on point she couldn't let her guard down. Seem liked Zac was more free with it.

Stitch headed out first then Zac's men trailed behind him. They didn't know Layla was following behind them.

Everything was going good until Layla seen a cop car pull behind the two trucks

Layla: Fuck

Layla tried to call Stitch but he didn't answer

She stayed back so she wouldn't be seen. She watched as the cop pulled over Zac's men Stitch kept going

Layla: Damnit Stitch answer your fucking phone

Layla watched as the police got out the car

Stitch was calling her back

Stitch: You see that shit they got pulled over

Layla: Yeah I'm waiting to see what happens

Stitch: Okay I am about to circle back around

Layla: Wait I seen this guy earlier at the warehouse. He ain't no fucking cop he's one of Zac's men

Stitch: Damn another one

Before Layla could get closer the man shot the driver

Fuck he just shot the driver

Stitch: Kill his ass don't let him get away with the fucking product or we both about to be dead too

Layla pulled out her gun she acted like she was driving by when she got close she let off a couple rounds

Stitch pulled up beside the truck

Help me load the shit in this truck

They tried to load the stuff as fast as they could but the shit was heavy

They heard sirens in the background

Layla: We ain't gone have time to get it all

Stitch: Just keep going

Layla kept going but in the back of her mind she didn't want to get caught

Layla: They are getting close Stitch we need to bounce

Stitch: Fuck okay they got as much as they could and left the rest

This is not good

Layla: We tried

Stitch called Fatima but she didn't answer so he left a voicemail

T one of Zac's crew just tried to rob the fucking truck. Both of his men dead we tried to get as much of the product as we can but we had to leave some we are headed to the warehouse call me back

They pulled up to the warehouse and unloaded the product

Layla: That was a close call

Stitch: This is the fifth body on his team that we dropped. I wondered if T made the right decision.

Layla: You know there is always a few on every team that steps out of line. We just need to weed out the bad ones. He must be good at something he's still at the top.

Stitch: Yeah but I don't like all this shady shit it's bad for business

Layla: Did T answer

Stitch: No I left her a voicemail

Layla: I guess we just wait

Stitch: I'm about to lock up and head home you coming

Layla: Yeah I don't want to go back to our place

Stitch: Yeah I don't mind

Layla: Thank you

Fatima made it to dinner, Zac was smiling extra hard as if he couldn't make it more obvious that he was feeling Fatima.

From the look o Fatima's face you wouldn't be able to tell if she was feeling you or not. She's been told before that she has a resting bitch face.

Zac pulled out the chair for Fatima

Zac: Thank you for taking this business dinner I know you are a busy woman. First I wanted to apologize again for yesterday.

Fatima: Don't worry it's 6ft under now. Long as we don't have any more problems your crew don't seem to like change

Zac: Who does

Fatima: I cleaned housed way before we connected so that we wouldn't run into this very problem

Zac: They don't see what I see but that's not for them to see either. They either gone fall in line or get dealt with

Fatima: Now you speaking my language

Zac: I think you may just like killing people

Fatima: Only when they deserve it

Zac: Remind me not to cross you

Fatima: That would be your best bet because you won't see me coming the way I be catching you slipping

Zac: We've already had this discussion before I wanted you to find me

Fatima: And why is that

Zac: Because all you hear on the streets is T this and T that, then when I seen you in the warehouse the first time and found out that you're a woman. I thought that shit was sexy as hell

What chic you know doing half the shit you doing

Fatima: Madame in Atlanta

Zac: I heard she another crazy one she fine as hell too

Fatima: That's family

Zac: Deadass you serious


Zac: I can see I see it runs in ya'll bloodline

Fatima: Indeed

Zac: So since we both have a supplier do you want to keep both.

Fatima: Yeah the more product we have the more money. Right now this shit is in high demand I reup almost every week

Zac: Okay no one needs to know we are working together. Because when they find out they may try to change shit and raise the prices

Fatima: I agree. We need a location that only me you our right hand know about. we can store all the product in there. We also need to come up with a legitimate business so that way we can clean our money.

Don't want to end up on anyones radar

Zac: You right I've stayed off the radar for this long I want to keep it that way. We can do a grocery store. The way that the economy is right now that makes the most since. Grocery prices are through the roof so they wouldn't even think twice about something illegal going on

Fatima: I see you thinking

Zac: You see I ain't all just looks

Fatima: You alright

Zac: Damn just kill my ego

Fatima: Just playing your are handsome, I'm sure you got bitches throwing themselves at you

Zac: Wrong I value my temple can't everybody have a piece of me

Fatima: Okay I hear you

Zac: What about yourself

Fatima: This lifestyle can be tough and trying to date will only complicate things

Zac: Just depends on who it is

Fatima: True but many don't stay for long for the simple fact of what I do for a living

Zac: Well they're lost, I don't see shit wrong with it. Hell me and you gone be the next Bonnie and Clyde

Fatima: Sounds cute I don't mix business with pleasure

Zac: Who says it's mixing I am doing business with T and I want pleasure with Fatima. That's two different people I can tell T be so hard to get but I can see Fatima blushing on the inside

Fatima: So you know me now

Zac: Only what you allowing me to know I want to know more. Just think about it you'll see that we are one in the same

Fatima knew Zac was speaking the truth but she wasn't about to let him know that.

Fatima checked her phone and seen she had a missed call and voicemail from Stitch

Listening to the voicemail Fatima's mood changed

She pulled her gun out and pointed it at Zac

Zac was to busy eating his lamp chops he didn't notice the gun pointed at him. He looked up

Zac: Did something happen in that split second you gone shoot me in public

Fatima: If I have to, I'll go to jail just know I'll be out in the morning

Zac: Hold on talk to me what's going on

Fatima: How come this is the second person from your crew that's trying to steal and fuck shit up already. Are you doing some shady shit

Zac: Shady shit is not even in my character, I don't know what your talking about

Fatima: Your truck got pulled over by the cops that was headed to the warehouse. But it wasn't a cop it was one of your boys. He took out the driver so my people took him out.

Zac: Fuck I didn't have shit to do with that and I'm telling you now I will handle it. Can you please put the gun down got these white folks looking at us crazy

Fatima: I don't give a fuck

Fatima put the gun back in her purse

Zac: Thank you.

Zac called Tip and told him to have the crew at the meet up spot asap

Damn can't just have one peaceful day

Fatima: Ain't no peace in this line of work, lets go so we can get your shit in order

Zac: Don't be trying to boss me around because my people fucked up

Fatima gave Zac a stern look

He stood his ground but got up and followed behind Fatima

Zac thought to himself hell she can be my boss I will follow all her orders.. Look at that ass

Zac had the wrong thing on his mind

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