Thor you are drunken.

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Thor pov.
I watched Kate talking to someone. With out removing his eyes from Loki. Eventually Loki looked at him and smiled. I went to the drink section. I looked at them and took a shot. Then another.Then another. Then another. Oops 5o shot was mounted on the bar table . I look up at Loki. He sat there alone I went to him and sat next to him. He glanced and quickly turned his head. He looked so good in his suit. Better than me. I always thought he looks great in blue. I noticed that I was staring at him. He turned his head. I advance towards him . He got me before I could fall.

Thor : you look so beautiful Lokiiiiiiii

Loki : are you drunk Thor .

Thor : no, brother *hiccups*you look beautiful.

Loki got near me and sniffed at me.

Loki : you smell bad brother. I guess stay with me after party I will ask for help.

He said making my head fall on his shoulder.

Loki pov.

After we entered the tower. The party was almost ready. Tony told us to get ready. Bucky too me to his floor. He helped me to were my suit that was newly bought. I noticed his hair was always falling front of his face.

Loki : can I braid your hair, Bucky.

Bucky thought for sometimes.he nodded. He sat on the floor between my knees, when I sat on the bed. I started to braid his hair. And humming the song my mother used to sing while braiding my hair .

Bucky : you know? I never had let Steve to touch my hair. But I let you . Why?

Loki : cause I'm y friend.

He hummed in agreement. He put on his white t-shirt and black torn shinny Jean with a black the way his hair looked good. We hoped to the common room. Kate was talking to Tony. I wonder how he had arrived so early. He hadn't yet noticed me. Can I be frank. I have no feeling for Kate, but I have to divert myself from Thor. He then mingled with some other and disappeared. I sat next to Tony, Bucky followed me. He was then taken by Steve to talk .

Bucky was nervous. I smiled at him. I drew my attention towards my brother, Stark,who was drinking heavily. He offered me drink, but I preferred wine. Kate approached me. He whispered to follow him. Tony was taken by Stephen. So I agreed and followed Kate. Kate was in his white shirt , golden leather jacket and skinny blue jeans. He took me to the center of the place

Kate : ladies and gentlemen. I would like to show my love for our new brother of Tony Stark, Loki friggason Stark. The most beautiful person I have ever seen.

He actually awwed me. I looked back at Tony wondering should I accept his gift or avoid
Tony nodded. I accepted the gift. It was ring and a chain made out of platinum.
He placed a kiss at my knuckles before letting go of me. I turned to look at Bucky, he was alone . I sat next to him. Bucky grinned at me.

Loki : soo, where is Steve .

Bucky showed me the direction, Steve was with Sam. Steve turned and looked at Bucky with sheepish smile. Bucky turned away.

Bucky : looks like some one is not happy with your new fan

I knew he was referring to Kate. Thor was at the other end of the room taking a jar full of alcohol in. Along with vodka. Wrong combination.

He winked at me. He might not love me, but I still love him. I cannot watch him falling on the ground helplessly. He advanced towards me. Steve drifted James away. Even Steve looked drunk for my eyes.

Thor : you look so beautiful Lokiiiiiiii

Loki : are you drunk Thor .

Thor : no, brother *hiccups*you look beautiful.

I got near him and sniffed at him

Loki : you smell bad brother. I guess stay with me after party I will ask for help. To carry you to your floor.
I asked his floor . He mumbled something. I didn't hear properly.

He layed his head on my shoulder.
. The crowd was slowly descending. I looked over at Bucky . Steve hand was on his hip closing the gap between them. My position was much better than Bucky. Kate waved at me before exiting the floor. Tony was nowhere to be found. I was just us existing in the floor. I heard a thud and looked over at Bucky who was crush to the floor by Steve who was lying top of him .

Bucky : Lo, h-help

Loki : I got it.

I tried to move Thor's head from my shoulder and ended up by his head layed on my thighs. I HATE THIS. NOOOOOOO!

Loki : I can't move Thor's Head. It weights like Mjölnir.

Bucky : d-damit . Jarvis contains Tony.

Jarvis : sorry sir, he's with doctor Strange. In his room. He said not to disturb him until its very very important.

I sighed .

Loki : what about Natasha and Bruce?

Jarvis : they are in there in there beds drunken and asleep.

Loki : what about Clint,Peritro , Sam and Rhodny.

Jarvis : Clint,Peritro are out. Rhodny and Sam is out to bring black Panther.

Loki : when will they be home ?

Jarvis : day after tomorrow sir.

We both gulped. We have to sleep in this position itself. Oh norms

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