The discussion

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Mo: hey Charlie can we talk?
Charlie:Yeah Sure
Mo: so today me and Scott broke up it really hurts
Charlie: i'm really sorry He broke up With You Mo
Mo: yeah me too
Charlie: and I know exactly what everyone wants in life
Mo: oh yeah why do I want in life

Charlie: you want someone Who cares about you, you want a love that consumes you you want passion You want a little adventure and I guess some danger
Mo: how would you know
Charlie: Damon told me what a lot of people Want In life and I know that's something you want
Mo: One of the things I want is someone who will never leave you behind someone who will always be there for you when you need them the most
Charlie: that's something I want too
Mo: well Charlie I'll see you later thanks for talking to me
Charlie: No problem and remember I'll always be there for you especially when you need me the most
Mo: thank you

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