Twenty six.

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Indeed Diamond has arrived he told me that I should wear black clothes because our journey for the day is also dark. I wasn't shocked by hearing him say those because everything about him is dark.I did as I was told,after I finished we left.Along the way no one was talking, only the music was making noise.He drove quite a distance and he turned off the highway and stopped onto the grave,quiet road. It looked like an abandoned road of some sort.In my mind I already told myself that I'm being sold, I mean why would we drive all the way here if that wasn't the case. But then who would buy an ex-prostitute who's HIV positive.

He kept driving until one house appeared from the distance and he drove towards it,and it was clear that that's where we were going.Moments later we arrived at the house,just as we arrived we were met by a fearsome giant man and led us inside the house. When you're inside you'd swear it's not the same house you saw outside.
Diamond :" She's here for the training, nothing else"
Man :" Yes boss"
Diamond :" I'm not playing with you Vusi, this one is off limits. You won't do anything I never told you to do with her"
With that said he left me and drove back, that's what I think because he drove towards where we came from.


Coming to town today,I never thought this could happen.After a whole year I wished forĀ  this day to come,today my wish came true.In front of my eyes there's a woman that I love and wish that one day would be my wife.

I managed to beg her to have lunch with me, it wasn't easy but she eventually agreed, it felt like a dream. For me not to complicate this and embarass myself I decided to carry our conversations normally. She ended up telling me about her uncle,from the way she was talking about her it's clear that he means a lot to her. She never said anything about her parents though and I thought it's better if I don't ask her.
After our lunch I accompanied her to the car, carrying her doggy bag.
Me :" If I decide to run away with your food, what would you do?"
Her :" I'd go back and buy another one", she answered without hesitation,well I was expecting that answer.
Me :" you won't even try to chase me?"
Her :" nope"
She was walking infront and I was walking behind her, have you guys seen someone who's beautiful even when you watch them from the back? That is Langalethu, she's beautiful from all the angles.
We weren't that far from her car, so we arrived and I bid her goodbye.
Me :" thank you somuch for having lunch with me"
Her :" don't think you're special, I was gonna go there when I've finished with my shopping"
Me :" you should've just said "you're welcome" but no! You like breaking my heart"
Her : (chuckling) " bye Sabelo" she then drove off.

I stood there watching her car as it was moving away until it disappeared from my sight. I also walked to mine, with the smile on my face. I had a great day, I fell inlove even more. She even gave me her numbers.


When I approached the flat a black car was parked not far away from the gate, when I arrived it drove off. I didn't pay much attention on it.

I arrived at my flat and unpacked my grocery,then I took a shower. Because I was still full I put my food on top of the counter and went to take a shower, after I finished I wore my pyjamas. What a long day I head. *Sighs*
I laid on the bed thinking about my lunch with Sabelo, to be honest I enjoyed it. My problem I don't know if I'm falling inlove or what but I wish I'd have another lunch with him. Listening to him talking non-stop, even though he talks too much but he gives me a chance to say my opinion.
I wouldn't even be surprised if all the gifts that are being delivered at work were from him,he's capable of doing that.
My cellphone ringing brought me back from my day dreaming,it was an unsaved number. I was so sure it's him because no one can call me with unknown number, that's how small my circle is.
"Hello", I answered.
"Nkosazana emhlophe", I knew it was him.
My heart betrayed me, I found myself blushing.
"Did you arrive home safe?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you for checking up on me"
"It's my job to check up on you" he replied.
The call was getting awkward,so I had to cut it before I embarass myself.
"Please excuse me, my uncle is calling"
I didn't even wait for him to reply, I just dropped the call.
*Dear heart, why would do this to me? We were doing just fine but now you want to fall for another guy? Please don't do that to me*

To be continued.

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