• Chapter 13 • Spy

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Hey guys, here's the new update. I was supposed to publish this yesterday but my net was having a problem.

Anastasia's POV (Edited)

It is seemingly a sunny day today. We're already in the 7th month of the year and so far the heat is bearable. Today, I woke up extra early. Maybe, I was very giddy because today is the first day of the execution of my plan.

I took a long relaxing shower since I woke up way too early. I chose my outfit and then took out all the necessary items. I came out of my closet and walked towards the dressing table. I opened the towel on my hairs and started blow drying them.

Once they were dry enough, I let them open and let the remaining water to evaporate naturally. I walked downstairs to my usual quiet mansion. The maids aren't here yet. They usually came around 8 and it's only 7:30 right now. I entered the kitchen.

I may not spend my most in kitchen but this is my favourite place in the whole mansion. The bright navy blue cabinets with contrasting white slabs made it look classy. The square slab located in the middle with some fruits basket on it and some cutlery.

I took the bread from the stand and cut it in slice. I made myself a classic breakfasts sandwich along with orange juice to drink. I usually use to drink coffee but today I chose to go on the healthy side. I sat on the stool itself and finished my breakfast in utter silence.

Sometimes I felt so lonely. Kayden and my relationship is not like a normal sibling one. He used to ignored me as much as he can and me as usual trying to get his attention. He wasn't like that before. Atleast, not before my parents death.

Their death had taken a toll on him, I guess. After their death, I started to notice his behavior. He kept his talks as minimal as possible with me. He used to end the conversation super fast and would leave the room once I entered. Since I was young, I didn't understand his behavior and kept doing my best to cheer him up.

But my tries were futile. At some point, he would gently asked me to leave him alone. But it all changed and he started to get angry and worse, he would yell at me if I tried to talk to him. So, since then I stopped trying to gain his attention.

But it still doesn't fill the empty hole in my chest. It doesn't put a stop to my unanswered questions. It only added more to my already confused self. I don't know what went wrong and why did he become like that? It's like one day he decided he couldn't bear me.

I wish I could know where I went wrong that he decided to shut me off of him.

The jangling to the door brought me out of my depressed thoughts. I pulled on a small smile because I don't want anyone to notice my state. The maid's head popped inside and it's safe to say, she was shocked to see me.

She asked totally bewildered

"Miss Richmond, you're up early."

I chuckled before nodding my head. Her eyes darted to my plate and immediately a look of guilt formed on her face. She looked down as she spoke

"I'm sorry I should have come sooner. You had to made breakfast."

I waved her off before assuring her

"It's no problem. I infact enjoyed making my own food. Don't worry."

She smiled and I stood up. I grabbed my orange juice in my hand and walked to the stairs. I need to get ready for office. I ascended the stairs and entered my room. I placed my phone on charging and put the glass on side table.

I grabbed my office wear before entering in the changing room to change.


I sprayed my hand on the soft fabric of my dark pink strapless dress. My red hairs were open and bouncy. My lips were tainted in brown under tone shade. I wore my gold color watch and paired it with white heels. I sighed before grabbing my phone and picking up my bag.

I exited the room and came down. The maid smiled in my direction before she spoke

"I have prepared dinner. If you need anything so you can tell me."

I shook my head before assuring her

"No, it's ok. You can go after finishing your work."

She nodded her head and I walked outside. I settled down in my car and sped off to the company. The drive was smooth and I only stopped the car at the red signal. The phone on my stand rang and it was Sarah.

As I picked it up, her voice reached me

"Are you ready to hit the day?"

I enthusiasticly nodded my head although she couldn't see me.

"You'll spill all the beans to me once we meet tonight, ok?"

I chuckled before resting her assure

"Of course, don't worry. I'm gonna hang up now."

I disconnected the call and continued my drive. Once I reached the company, I parked my car. I roamed my eyes in the parking lot but couldn't find the familiar black BMW anywhere.

So, he hasn't come yet.

I gracefully walked to the front door. Once I reached the floor, I found Donna. She was on her desk working as usual. As I approached her, her phone rang. I stopped at a distance to listen.

Although, I couldn't hear the person on other hand but I could hear Donna loud and clear. She nodded her head before saying

"Yes sir, don't worry. I'll arrange the meeting room as soon as possible."

She hang up and pulled out some files. But someone called her and she left her desk. With no one in sight, I walked to her desk and grabbed the file from the table.

The file was marked as the 'Mitchell's'. My eyes lit up. That means Aaron is going to talk about his project with Mitchell's. As I heard footsteps approaching, I placed the file back and went straight to my desk.

Donna came and grabbed the file before scurrying off again. I sighed. I almost got caught. But a smirk formed on my lips as today, I would be executing my plan. My initial plan was to just ask for tit bits about the project. But maybe luck is on my side today.

I took out my phone from the purse and walked to the quite hallway. I dialed Shaun's number and he picked up almost immediately.

"Are you attending today's meeting?"

When his reply came in positive, I spoke up

"You need to record the meeting. I need to hear it. Don't let anyone doubt you, ok."

His response was immediate and I disconnected the call.

But still I need to act. Aaron shouldn't know that I have a mole here. I saw Donna walking to the meeting area and I followed her.

"Are you going inside?"

She turned around at my voice. She nodded her head and I also started to walk. But her voice as usual stopped me. As I turned back, she said

"You can't attend the meeting."

I feigned confusion and asked her why.

"Sir himself asked you not to attend it."

I scoffed although I knew he would do something like that. So, I faked anger

"Your sir had gone nuts. I don't need his permission to attend the meeting. I'll join it."

But her eyes widened as I heard his voice behind me

"Are you sure about that?"

His smooth voice reached my ears.


"Look, you signed a deal. If you can't come to terms with it, then you can show yourself out."

Aaron walked to the meeting area without glancing in my direction. I fumed rage. What does he think he is? He had no right to talk to me like that. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

Now is not the time to fuss over him, Ana. You've got a task to perform.

I walked to the little pantry area as no one will be here now. I grabbed my phone and dialed Shaun's number again. He picked up immediately and soon after I heard Aaron's voice

"Do your best that he can't deny us at any cost. We have to be on our toes and we have to secure the project at any cost."

His authorative voice lit up strange emotions in me. I cleared my throat and focused back on his voice

"Our foremost task is to prepare such an eye catching presentation that Mitchell can't take his eyes off it. We need to keep every point in mind. You all need to consider each and every concept. Mitchell's thrived on modern technology. We need to prepare our presentation keeping the modern technology in our minds."

The employees assured him. I kept listening as he talked about the presentation. He hadn't told which project he is talking about. I need to know the project in order to start my own plan.

"You all need to work really work in the upcoming week. Mr. Mitchell is ready to announce next week the company he'll be giving his theme park project to."

There he said it. I knew that Mr. Mitchell had a theme park which is world famous. He was currently looking to renovate it and wanted a good company to take the task. The project is worth billion and whoever will going to take it is gonna earn so much money. And not only money, the company also gonna be talk of the town in the whole business world.

Now, I understand why Aaron doesn't want me to take part in the meeting. He wants the deal to himself. He doesn't trust me and it doesn't shock me a bit. Because he's right not to trust me. I'm not someone he should trust.

I ended the call and stood up to leave before anyone could see me. I walked to my desk and settled down on my chair. I stated to wonder. The way Aaron was talking about the project seemed like he need that project by hook or crook. His voice was held with hope and confidence.

A small feeling of guilt enveloped my heart. Am I doing right? We never played dirty in our whole rivalry. We stick by the rules. Am I wrong? Am I cheating? These thoughts started to cloud in my mind. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts.

He was the one who stole my client. He played dirty first. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not cheating... Or am I?


I skipped the Convo of Aaron and Ana at the hallway as I already covered it in the previous chapter.

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