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March 31st
Atlanta, Georgia 📍

I really wanted to sleep in today but trey had to come wake me up early.

"Fix your face you look ugly" Trey chuckled. I looked at him with a straight face

"Ion see nun funny why would you wake me up this early"I said

"You so over dramatic it's only 10"He said

"But  I wanted too sleep in" I pouted

"Mora we got shit that needs to get done, you 19 pouting like you 3"He said. I shrugged my shoulders

"Where Mari" I asked

"With Liyah" he said.I nodded and turned up his music and getting on my phone

Good morning beautiful
Good morning

Whatchu got planned
Trey got me running
errands with him😒
Shii nun
Text or call me if you end up
being free I want you to come over

so we can Netflix and chill😏

Okay but we really
Netflix and chilling no
No funny business🫥

I hear you

"Whatchu laughing at"Trey looked over at me

"Mind yours" I said

"I get my diploma Monday I'm excited" I told him

" im proud of you, all the shit you been through and you never gave up you the strongest person I know" he told me

" have you thought about the college offers" he asked

" no because I know im not gonna be able to start college in the fall, my plan was to take a gap year to make sure me and Mari in a good point in our life's , I need to make sure everything is right here before I leave"I told him

" Paris don't piss me off how many times have I told you that you can go to college this year I will watch Mari while you gone and you know that this shit not brand new to you , you making it seem like I'm a  stranger or sum shit" he said catching a attitude

" Trey yo life just don't go on hold because I want to go to college Mari is my responsibility not yours, i really appreciate you being by our side all these years but college will always be there" I said


"Don't yell at me" I wiped my tears.He looked at me and turned his music all the way up. Every time this topic get brought up we argue ,
it's like he won't look at this from my point of view.

I realize we stopped and he cut down his music , when I looked out the window we was at the nail shop

"Tell me when you done" was all he said

"I never aske-"

"Paris go in tha damn nail shop"He looked at me. I nodded and got out the car walking in the nail shop

"Hi honey what I do for you today" the lady said

"Manicure and pedicure please" I said

"Ok honey sit in 12" she said. I sat in the chair putting my AirPods to listen to music

Moras toes and nails

"I'm done" I called Trey

"Ight im finna cashaspp you"he said then hung up. I paid and walk outside and got in the car

"We going home " i asked

"Nah put yo seatbelt on" he said

It's 7pm and we just made it home but trey told me to hurry and shower and too wear the outfit on my bed. After the nail shop we end up getting my hair done and makeup, lashes

Moras hair, makeup, outfit

"Mora come on fa we be late"Trey yelled

"Don't rush me"I said irritated as fuck because I hate being rushed so I grabbed my lipgloss purse and perfume

"Ok I'm ready" I said

"Where we going"I asked

"Somewhere"he replied

"Duhh but where"I said

"I don't know"he opened the car do for me

Trey put this blindfold on me when we got in the car. The drive was like 30 minutes and I'm ready to take this blindfold off

"I'm finna come around and get you" Trey said

"Trey don't let walk into nun or don't let me fall I got on heels"I said

"I'm not come on" he said

"you gotta guide me" I said

"Oh shit my bad"He laughed. I instantly smelled food so I know we at a restaurant

"Ok imma take yo blindfold off but don't kill me"he said

"Whatchu mean don't kill you , Trey what you do"I said. When he took my blindfold off in front of me was king , Eli , kash , xae , Liyah , Niya

"Hey bestie" Eli spoke up. When I told Trey I was thinking about talking to them I didn't mean this soon. I turned around to say something to trey but his ass was  gone

"Mora just hear are side please" Liyah said. I can't ignore them forever so I nodded and sat by Eli

"First off we all bought you a gift" Niya said

"Umm for what" I said

"Just to say sorry"she said

"Showering me with gifts isn't gonna make me forgive all easy" I said

"We know"she said

"Hi I'm Kiyah and I'll be you guys waiter tonight"

"We can start off with drinks" she said. Everybody told her what they wanted after she walked away there was a awkward silence

"It was my idea to get us together to talk to you that day "Liyah spoke up

"Why"I asked

"Because you wouldn't talk to nobody individually so I thought you'll feel better talking to all of us at once, we was worried about you, "she said. I looked her cause everything she saying is really bullshit

"First off all you know how I am with my personal business it takes me time to open up that's not something I couldn't say admittedly then you brought them in it I haven't even known them for a year so what makes you think I'm comfortable with telling them personal business"i said

"No offense" I looked at them. They nodded

"I'm really am sorry I should've waited and I should've never put you in a position where you felt like you was forced to speak up" Liyah said. I nodded

"We apologize too we all should've gave you time we just care about you" Niya said. I nodded

The waiter came back with drinks and everybody ordered expect for me

"Best" Eli whispered


"Why you didn't order" He asked

"Imma eat off your plate I'm not that hungry"I said

"As long as you eat"He said

"Did trey tell you what i said" He asked


"I told him to tell you I was sorry when you was done"I looked at him confused

"Done with what"I said

"Getting all your stuff done today"He said

"How you know I did all that today"I asked

"Because I paid for everything"he said and I choke on my drink

"You didn't have to Eli" I said

" i know but I wanted to" he said

"Thank you"I smiled at him

"Fashoo"he said

The dinner was good, everybody was telling me what I missed they also keep apologizing. We all laughed and had a good time but my guard was still up. King haven't said a word to me since I came and I'm not tripping on it I wasn't planning on forgiving or talking to him anyway.

"Alright so who's taking me home" I asked

"Us 5 came together cause we was already together"Niya said

"Ok that's fine I'll call trey" I asked

"Trey took Mari to see a movie"Eli said

"Well I'll call a Uber"I said

"You not catching a Uber at night"Eli said

"I'm sholl not riding him"I pointed at king

" you know what I'll call Chris" I said but instantly regretting it

"IHOP DUDE" Liyah n Niya said at the same time

I called Chris 3 times and he didn't answer , I sighed and walked to king car he opened the door for me , I rolled my eyes

He was driving and I noticed he missed the exit that takes us to trey house

"You missed the exit" I said

"I know ma we finna go somewhere" he smirked



They FINALLY talked

Do y'all think they apologies was genuine?

See y'all in the next chapter mfkas☺️

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