π—πˆπˆπˆ. the b-side

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this chapter briefly mentions a character overthinking.

please read with caution and enjoy <3

WILBUR COULD BARELY FOCUS ON ANYTHING in the uber ride to the venue.Β  his eyes were stinging, unleashed tears refusing to fall as he watched the world go blurry in the back seat of the toyota corolla. the male was running through all the possibilities on why audrey lied to wilbur, his fingers picking at his nailbeds.

the concept that his best friend of four years had decided to lie about spending time with one of his band members and his best mate did not sit right with him. audrey had never not told the truth to wilbur, with the exception of forgetting his birthday and showing up to his house with a birthday cupcake. wilbur didn't count those instances but trusted that this wasn't a birthday surprise, as his birthday was months away.

wilbur didn't get it.

he was confused about why his best friend had started to do this now. the two shared every bad moment, every highlight, and ever in-between with each other after wilbur first shut her out. it was tough on both of them, the two not coming in contact for three weeks before audrey cried about how their friendship wasn't going to work if he refused to let her in.

audrey was the first one wilbur told about how bad his mentality really was. he sobbed on her shoulder, his face buried in the crook of her neck as he created a damp spot on audrey's t-shirt - yet audrey did not care. a shirt could go into the washer or dry, but wilbur's situation could not be fixed as easily as throwing in a load of laundry.

from that day forward, the two swore to always tell each other everything, with the exception of birthday surprises, though audrey made it clear she hated surprises. they created their own handshake, interlocking their pinkies and connecting their thumbs as a promise to never let anything like that happen again.

so as wilbur exited the uber, glumly thanking the driver as he made his way into the venue, his mind was clouded with one question as he blinked away his tears: what's causing her to do this?

wilbur felt ... off.

"wilbur! glad you're here. we got the new in-ears as well as your guitar set up so you can test them out. let us know if you need us to raise the volume or anything like that, alright mate?" lovejoy's tour manager called out.

wilbur only nodded, his body on autopilot as he placed the new in-ears on his ears and stood still as a worker connected the wires to a pack, which wilbur barely held. with a pat on the shoulder, the man walked towards the stage, mark's drum kit starting to be set up and the different guitars laid on stands. wilbur wrapped the guitar strap around his shoulder, his fingers molding to hold the guitar as he stood infront of the microphone.

he breathed out, his mind slowly becoming empty as he looked at the concrete flooring, soon realizing the small queue outside the building was going to be let in, filling the floor below him.

"play whatever you're feeling." a voice called out, presumably the tour manager.

wilbur, still feeling confused about audrey and her reasoning behind going to play guitar with joe instead of waiting for him, sluggishly began plucking the strings for knee deep at atp by los canpensinos.

audrey was ecstatic when she found out that wilbur and his band was going to cover a los campensinos' song. she hugged wilbur tightly when he announced it, only letting go when wilbur stuttered that he could barely breathe. audrey was always at those studio sessions, her right leg bouncing in her respective seat, which was a small couch in the corner. audrey always hummed along to the lyrics, drumming on the couch's armrest as they practiced.

audrey and wilbur's first concert together was los campensinos, having dragged along tommy as he also enjoyed their music. the two smiled as each song played, singing the lyrics to one another. audrey told wilbur knee deep might just happen to be her favorite.

audrey. audrey. audrey.

"so, maybe the lining of a winter's coat mightn't be the best place to hide a summer secret." wilbur sung out, his heart feeling heavy. wilbur thought about the song and it's lyrical meaning as he hummed along.

wilbur started to believe things that were incredibly off the ball. one idea was that audrey was dating joe. he knew it was irrational and less likely than he thinks, but wilbur was confused and his gullibility levels were high. why else would audrey hide a secret from wilbur, and use elodie as a coverup? did elodie know something about this?

"and when our eyes meet." wilbur belted out, his vocal cords starting to strain. "all i can read."

wilbur was starting to feel upset, a small feeling of anger surging through his veins. wilbur felt as if audrey was willing to throw away his friendship for her potential boyfriend then wilbur would throw away his care towards her.

it was foolish, wilbur fully noted this, yet wilbur felt like he should just push her away. if his best friend and audrey were to be together, of course wilbur would be happy. he wants what is best for them, but wilbur couldn't help but let jealousy fill his veins as well. he didn't want to do anything irrational, or yell at audrey for being in love: pushing away audrey was his only option.

"is you're the b-side." wilbur sung out yet again, and proceeded to pick up energy, his fingers going on autopilot as he played the melody of the song.

what bothered wilbur the most was why did he care so much. wilbur cared about audrey, yes, but never to the point of pure emotions combining and making him feel so many at once.

"one cup of coffee for the soot guy." audrey's voice chimed as she made her way to the stage. the lovejoy members were chatting amongst themselves as they made their way through the venue.

wilbur didn't even realize just how long it had been since he finished his playing, nor how long wilbur was wallowing in his emotions.

"thanks." wilbur muttered, his hands taking the cup of hot liquid from audrey. wilbur didn't fail to notice the confusion flash across her eyes when wilbur didn't comment anything else. audrey's lips fell into a small line as she turned towards joe, walking away from wilbur.

sorry audrey, wilbur thought as he sipped the drink, and i apologize in advance.

NATA'S NOTES β”ŠΝ™βœ§Λ–*°࿐

this chapter is kinda shit it feels like a filler but it isnt man but i wish i could write it better??? but gives the perspective of wilbur and his thought process!!

also thank u for 2k+ i am so blown away with the love yall show for this story. the comments that some of you look forward to my writing is so crazy to me like me??? yall like my writing???? that much???????? but fr i love u all <3

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