𝐗. using white lighters

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this chapter briefly mentions a character's experience with homophobia.

please read with caution and enjoy <3

WANTING TO THANK THE BOY IN THE BUTTON up, audrey did a one-eighty, her blonde hair spinning with her. her hand held tightly onto the white lighter, her thumb rubbing over the sharpie written numbers. audrey wanted to give a thank-you to the taller. it wasn't a thank-you for his number, audrey believed that wasn't worth a thank-you.

audrey had always struggled with putting herself out there, so to say. the girl always kept to herself, her parents cutting contact with her once she moved out at eighteen. her parents were always disapproving of her, never really caring enough about their child when she came out as pansexual, something her parent's beliefs dissaproved of.

audrey doesn't get into that stuff much.

elodie was like the sister she never had, audrey following her footsteps and taking baby-steps to become social. granted, when elodie wasn't around, audrey put her earbuds in and shut the world out as she listened to music.

despite losing elodie for two hours as she became the social butterfly, audrey wanted to thank wilbur for making audrey want to come out of her shell, rather than staying by herself. it was nice, audrey believed, to not sit by herself and smoke for awhile until the social butterfly had to rest.

wilbur, as he introduced, was gone into the crowd, his beanie disappearing into the sea of people. audrey tried her best to look for the taller man, standing on her tiptoes as she bit her lip in concentration.

"audrey! i've been looking for you everywhere!" elodie called out to the blonde as she pushed her dark purple hair out of her face. her eye makeup was still in tact after chatting and sipping alcohol for hours. she looked at audrey, a sense of relief washing over her after looking for her friend for twenty minutes.

"yeah-" audrey brushed off, still on her tiptoes as she tried to look for the man again. "me too, been looking for you everywhere."

elodie's eyebrows furrowed as she watched her best friend look for something in the crowd. audrey had never brushed off a comment that quickly or been that calm after she was alone for more than two hours. "you ready to go?"

audrey, finally giving up on trying to find the boy stood back on her feet, her body drooping slightly. realizing she was sulking over not finding a boy, she perked back up and turned one-eighty to face elodie.

"yeah." audrey grinned, her thumb rubbing over the lighter again. "i am."

( pretty boy from party - wilbur
lighter number girl :) - audrey )

lighter number girl :)
hey, is this the boy who wrote
on my lighter?

lighter number girl :)
if its not please ignore this
message !!

pretty boy from party
yes, this is him

pretty boy from party
did you forget my name again?

lighter number girl :)
no .... not at all w ......

pretty boy from party
its okay lighter girl :)

pretty boy from party
it's will, but a lot of my friends
call me wilbur

lighter number girl :)
knew that

pretty boy from party
so, audrey, did you find elodie and
get home safe?

audrey blushed slighrly at this, the tips of her ears turning a pale red. elodie, who sat next to her on the bus only smiled at her best friend, seeing the contact name and deciding to stay silent.

lighter number girl :)
yeah, i found her. did you get home
alright? no problems with the jubilee

pretty boy from party
HAHA nope, no annoying announcements
that bothered me tonight.

pretty boy from party
but i do have a question, auds, if
i can call you that. why are you texting
me at almost two in the morning?

lighter number girl :)
no good answer for that, will

lighter nummber girl :)
just wanted to see if the number you
gave me was a prank or if it was really
you i guess

pretty boy from party
id never do that, auds

pretty boy from party
(assuming i can call you that)

lighter number girl :)
(you can, william)

pretty boy from party
william gold, thank you very much

lighter number girl :)
you can, gold.

pretty boy from party
oh come on!!! at least auds makes
some sense!!!!!

lighter number girl :)
you wrote your number on my lighter,
gold, it's like something out of a damn

pretty boy from party
have you ever heard of the neighborhood?

lighter number girl :)
i have,, why?

pretty boy from party
listen to this https://open.spotify.com/track/

audrey turned to elodie as the bus stopped, both girls getting off. "do you have your headphones and can i borrow them for a moment?" audrey asked as elodie silently handed her the headphones from her pocket. placing one earbud in, the girl smiled softly as the tune started.

lighter number girl :)
will, everyone knows that song

pretty boy from party
shut up

lighter number girl :)
okay goodnight!!

pretty boy from party
no, dont leave. i like taking to you
audrey :]

on the walk home audrey texted the boy, a small smile on her face as her pale red ears filled her cheeks with the same color.

elodie pouted as audrey didn't reply back to her. "what's got you all-" elodie questioned as she leaned over to look at audrey's phone. "pretty boy from party, hm?"

"shut up." audrey sighed out as her face tinted a darker red.

lighter number girl :)
same here, gold.

pretty boy from party
okay last things and i'll let you go
since it took you years to reply

lighter number girl :)
okay and NOT MY FAULT

lighter number girl :)
walking home and texting is not easy

pretty boy from party
have you ever considered doing music
and do you want to get coffee tomorrow?

lighter number girl :)

pretty boy from party
to which question?

lighter number girl :)

pretty boy from party
cool. cool

pretty boy from party
talk to you tomorrow with the details.

pretty boy from party
goodnight audrey :)

lighter number girl :)
goodnight wilbur :]]

NATA'S NOTES β”ŠΝ™βœ§Λ–*°࿐

wilbur sent rip to my youth by the neighborhood if that helps :]

did not get a screenshot shot of 800 but thank u so much for 900 reads :] i adore u all

if you havent seen yet, i posted a drabble/blurb book for my published stories so far, and im soon going to publish a blurb for this book :]]] its called "the cut out!"

okay thabk u i love u all BYE

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