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and with that, love on tour is officially over :,)


kidding, kidding!

i promise.

this story was a rollercoaster, not just to write but also publish weekly, then turning twice a week.

planning this book out, i really wanted to have the best friends turned lover trope, with a few moments of enemies as those are my favorite stories to read.

however, i don't know if that's how this story came across as i feel the story got lost halfway through writing. in the future i'll probably edit moments due to my dissatisfaction with it. if you got the trope at all- thank you. if you didn't, thank you anyway.

writing this book after completing aghast edition was definitely harder, as i wanted to challenge myself more as an author of mcyt. i wanted to take more of the readers advice, making characters more sensible in comparison to my previous oc's. i also wanted this story to be more detailed oriented, longer word count-wise, and more than just your standard boy falls in love with girl story.

once i finished planning the chapters, i felt like i wanted this story to be more: chapter and word-wise.

word wise, i gave myself a goal of hitting at least over 1,000 words per chapter, as my other story would barely hit 800. story-wise, i feel there is more to audrey and wilbur's story. there's so much more i want to say yet i feel like this story can end here. i like my stories to end on a good note, yet end so that you, the reader, can interpret situations however you desire.

((if u wanna see blurbs or excluded chapters go check out my book the cut-out!!))

chapter wise, there's five more compared to aghast edition. it's my longest work to date and i think that this book is significantly better in terms of details than aghast edition, but who knows!

it's easy, comparing my two stories as that's all i have published: but really, they are different. i wanted aghast edition to be a fun love story, much like tommy and his age. for wilbur, i wanted to see him in a different light: what he would do if he got angry, how he would handle different situations and such. i hope i accomplished that.

halfway through writing this story, i felt as if this story turned from being a stand-alone book to one that felt like tommy x lorelei spinoff. i rewrote many parts to include elodie, as it makes sense for the flashbacks. i apologize if that looks weird and if some dialogue looks off.

i dont really like the flashback chapters all that much, i wanted to do more with those but i just didn't ... i apologize :,)

overall love on tour was a learning experience and i'm glad over 17 thousand of you have read my silly little chaptwrs. whether you joined at the beginning of the updates or when i have long finished updating, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

you, the reader, are why i do what i do. every comment, every emotion shared is what makes me realize it's worth scrapping and rewriting chapters. i thank u sincerely for stiking around to the end.

i also asked if you have any questions about love on tour, whether it was simple or complex. here i am going to answer :))))

dont worry about the proper sentence, i barely can spell. the girl who portrays audrey is singer/songwriter beabadoobee! she made popular songs like the perfect pair, glue song, coffee, and more! her instagram is radvxz

i'll answer these all separately mwahah ๐Ÿค

the first question: i guess my motivation/what made me motivated was music as cliche as that is. lots of chapters (even the og title of this book!!!) was based off of lyrics from songs i listened to. another thing that kinda helped me stay motivated was making a bulletpoint list of stuff i wanted to include. like character interactions, places they went to, stuff like that!!

the second question: the start of the book was originally following ash kabosh's vlog when he was on tour, so the we went up north and stuck in ireland vlog. however i didnt rlly want to just put an oc into the vlogs (if that even makes sense?? idk!!!!) and instead wanted to see what it would be like if wilbur was juggling not only being on tour but also discovering his feelings towards an oc. hence the title being love on tour.

the third question: to be real, i have no idea. when making this book i deadass had (OC) for every space audrey's name was in, and didn't name her until i scrolled on pinterest for name ideas LMAOO!!! as for making an oc, i just tried to picture different people and how they would react to things. like heing under pressure, handeling situations, what upsets/makes them happy. you're essentially creating a person, if that helps at all sorry im terrible at answering questions ๐Ÿ˜–


when planning this story i was listeneing to niki's song oceans and engines as i was driving home, and it sparked the idea for this story. the actual planning was just a bulletpoint list of ideas and then i just wrote segments based off of those points.

fun fact! this book was originally going to be called oceans and engines and chapter 20 was written a different way in order for audrey to pick wilbur up instead of tommy, LOL!!!

with all of that sappy shit being said:

stream wake up and it's over when it drops. :]

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