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Paramedic: I'm sorry
A lot of the girls are crying. We are all still in the middle of the pitch. The fans have all been escorted out of the stadium. It's just the teams now. Maddie is laid in the middle of us. I'm holding her hand tightly in tears.
Leah: no no no.
Paramedics: I'm so sorry, but there's nothing else we can do
I kiss her. I don't care, I kiss her face all over.
Leah: I love you baby, you can't leave me.
They get ready to transport her off the pitch a few minutes later. I'm still knelt on the floor, Steph and Jen are hugging me tightly whilst I cry more than I've cried before.
*beep* *beep*
Everyone stops. The paramedics look over at her.
One of them checks for a pulse.
Paramedic: we have a pulse!
Leah: baby? Baby? Maddie!
Her head moves and her eyes open.
Leah: baby? Can you hear me?
I wipe tears away off my face.
Maddie: wh-what happened?
Everyone is in shock. The paramedics get ready to take her straight to the hospital.
Leah: nothing baby, nothing, you're okay.
Maddie: did we win?
Leah: we did.
I kiss her head and hold her hand.
Maddie: wh-why is everyone crying?
Leah: no reason baby, it's okay, let's go okay?
She just nods.
The paramedics put her on a stretcher and immediately take her to the truck waiting for her. I am holding her hand, and I'm not letting go.
Maddie: where are we going?
Leah: to the hospital babe, don't worry you're okay.
Maddie: o-okay

Rachel: Leah!
I turn around, Rachel and Kenza are running towards us.
Leah: yeah?
Rachel: let us know what happens okay?
Leah: of course girls. She's going to be okay, I know it.
Kenza: we know it too.
They both hug me and I get in the ambulance with Maddie. She's not her usual self, the paramedics are watching her closely. I don't have any of our stuff but I know one of the girls will bring it to us. Not that that is important right now.

Michaels POV:
The game has just finished. I'm at home watching the game with the whole family. Her grandparents, siblings, everyone. Everyone is so happy with the score, since it was Maddie that got them the win.
Michael: she played so well!
Louise: she did indeed, beer?
Michael: please honey.
Lou goes into the kitchen to get drinks for everyone.
I am watching the tv, when the cameras pan away from the pitch. All I see is Leah sprinting to the other side.
Michael: James.
James: dad.
Michael: why is Leah running that quickly?
James: Maddie. MUM!
She runs in.
Louise: what?!
Michael: it's Maddie.
Louise: what's Maddie?
Michael: the cameras aren't on the pitch and leah was sprinting from one side of the pitch to the other.
Louise: wh-what happened?
Michael: I-I don't know
I get a phone call from one of the arsenal staff.
Michael: Michael speaking.
Darren: good afternoon sir, leah can't get a hold of you right now, so I've been told to call you.
Michael: about Maddie? What's going on?
Darren: she's currently being transported to hospital after suffering a possible cardiac arrest.
Michael: a hea-heart attack?
Darren: she received CPR for 10 minutes before coming back around.
Michael: which hospital?!
Darren: the royal london
Michael: we are on our way!
The call ends.
Louise: get in the car all of you.

Michael: I'll drive.
Gemma and James get ready and head straight to the car.
Louise: Mike.
Michael: yeah baby.
Louise: she's going to be okay.
Michael: yea yea I know
Louise: Leah won't leave her side. She's going to be fine.
Michael: I know.
I kiss her quickly before heading to the car.

The drive is long. It should take us 5 hours but it only takes me 3 and a half. We all rush into the hospital and head to the front desk.
Michael: Maddie, Maddie Owen?
Receptionist: are you family?
Michael: I'm her dad, this her mum and siblings. Just tell us what's going on!
Louise: Mike.
Michael: sorry I'm just worried.
Receptionist: she's currently getting scans and tests, her wife is in the waiting room.
Louise: thank you.
Michael: wife?
Louise: she'll have said that to get information.

We head to the waiting room. Leah is sat on a chair with her head in her hands.
Michael: Leah.
Leah: he-hey.
Louise: oh honey.
Louise hugs her tightly.
Leah: she's getting tests.
Michael: we know darling. Come here.
I hug her, the kids hug her too. They might not be married, but I treat Leah like a daughter.
Leah: erm I told the receptionist that she's my wife just so I can get the information, I didn't know how long you guys would be so it kinda just came out.
Michael: it's okay sweetheart, it's okay.
Louise: what happened?
Leah: she just collapsed and her heart stopped. They were going to call it but she started breathing again.
Michael: Christ.
Leah: ye-yeah.
Gemma: I'll go call grandma, tell her we are here.
Louise: thanks darling.
James: does anyone want a coffee?
Michael: please buddy.
Louise: I'll come with you.
They leave the room.
Leah: I don't have any of our stuff.
Michael: it's okay, I'll get someone to go grab it okay?
Leah: yeah.

An hour or so later we are all waiting around. She's still getting tests. The doctor walks in.
Doctor: right okay, so Maddie suffered a cardiac arrest.
Michael: okay.
Doctor: there doesn't seem to be a cause right now. We are still looking over the scans, but for now, you can see her.
Michael: thank you.
We all walk to her room.
Maddie: I'm sorry.
Michael: you have nothing to be sorry for, nothing at all, okay?
Maddie just nods.
Louise: how are you feeling?
Maddie: tired. My chest feels like it's been ripped out of my body.
Michael: I'm not surprised sweetheart.
I kiss her head.
Maddie: where's Leah?
Gemma: she was right behind us.
James: I'll go find her.
Maddie: thanks J.
He squeezes Maddies hand and walks out.

James POV:
I'm looking for Leah, she must have gone outside. I head outside and see her sat against the building.
James: she's asking for you.
Leah: I'm- im sor-sorry I just needed a min-minute.
I sit next to her.
James: she's going to be okay.
Leah: just seeing her lifeless on the grass J. I just I dunno.

James: I know, that can't be easy.
Leah: I can't lose her J. I just can't.
James: and you won't. I promise you.
Leah: she's my whole life.
James: I know she is, and you are hers.

We sit there for a few minutes before heading inside.

Leah's POV:
I'm stood in the window of Maddies room. She hasnt seen me yet. I just watch her smiling with her family. Michael clocks me and gets up.
Michael: everything okay?
Leah: yeah.
I breathe loudly.
Michael: come on.
I walk in the room.
Maddie: hi
Leah: hey.
I sit next to her bed and she holds her hand out for me to grab. I hold her hand tightly and kiss the back of it.
Maddie: can you guys give us a minute please?
Michael: of course.
Louise: we will go get some food okay?
Maddie: yeah.
Her family leave.
Leah: how are you feeling?
Maddie: I'm okay.
Leah: are you sure?
Maddie: I'm sure baby, I'm okay, I promise.
I tear up.
Maddie: heyy, stop that.
Leah: I just can't lose you Mads.
Maddie: you aren't losing me, I'm right here.
Leah: I love you so so much.
Maddie: I love you more beautiful.
I kiss her softly.
Maddie: where's my phone?
Leah: erm I didn't have chance to grab any of our things.
Maddie: okay
Leah: Michael said he'd get someone to bring you some things.
Maddie: okay.
Leah: my mum is on her way.
Maddie: how do you know?
Leah: I don't know, I just know.
Maddie: because she prefers me to you?
Leah: exactly that.
She smiles. I love her smile.
A few minutes later my mum walks through the door.
Leah: told you.
Maddie chuckles a little bit.
Amanda: bubba.
Leah: hi mum.
Mum hugs Maddie straight away.
Amanda: how are you feeling?
Maddie: I'm okay Amanda
Amanda: are you sure?
Maddie: yeah.
Amanda: good. I brought all your things.
Leah: thanks mum.
Amanda: they made me leave the stadium quickly so I had to go back. Luckily, the girls were all still there so I said I'd bring all your things.
Maddie: thank you.

We all chat for a bit before I turn my phone back on. It blows up instantly. Tonnes of media articles and messages, missed calls, you name a notification and I've got it.

Leah: I hate the media.
Maddie: already?
Leah: yeah.
Maddie: we will deal with it later, I just wanna get out of here and home to my boy.
Amanda: he's with Beth and Viv right now.
Leah: he is?
Amanda: yeah, they offered to take him until you are home.
Leah: I love them.
Amanda: me too.

We all chat for a bit longer before Michael and Louise come back in.

Michael: Amanda, hey.
Mum stands up and hugs them both.
We all chat for a bit before the doctor comes in.
Doctor: is now a bad time?
Maddie: no no tell me.
Doctor: we haven't found anything that could have caused a heart attack. It must have just been a build up of your medical history. As well as the fight you had leading up to the game.
Michael: fight?!
Maddie: it wasn't a fight. Alisha punched me.
Louise: she what?!
Maddie: not now.
Doctor: you can go home in a few hours.
Maddie: thank you.
Leah: yes thank you.
The doctor leaves.
Michael: why didn't you say anything about Alisha?!
Louise: Mike!
Maddie: because it wasn't important! I was cleared to play!
Leah: baby, calm down.
Michael: you should have told me! She's not allowed to talk to you!
Maddie: what do you mean?
Michael: we have a restraining order against her.
Maddie: you should have told me that!
Michael storms out.
Maddie: mum did you know?
Louise: no I didn't.
Maddie: how was I supposed to know she wasn't allowed to talk to me?!
Louise: I'll talk to him honey.
Louise kisses the top of Maddies head and leaves.
Leah: baby just try and calm down.
Maddie: calm down? He's flying off the handle because I didn't know something I should have known about!
Leah: I know, I know but this isn't good for you.
Maddie: I'm going.
Maddie gets out of bed, takes her IV out and walks away.
Leah: baby!
Maddie: I can't just sit there, they said I could leave in a couple hours, so I'm leaving now.
She walks out of the room.
Amanda: bubba, just leave her a minute.
Leah: no. Something could happen to her.
I get up and follow her out.
Leah: baby! Wait please, just wait
Maddie: I can't Leah! I need to get out of here be-before I pu-punch som-something
Leah: baby just breath.
I hold her hands.
Leah: baby?
Maddie: ye-yeah
Leah: it's all going to be okay.
Maddie: yeah, I know, I just don't get it
Leah: I know, come on, let's go back to your room.
She just nods, I hold her hand tightly as we walk back to her room. Her mum is sat with mine.
Louise: he's gone for a walk honey.
Maddie: why didn't he just tell me?
Louise: you'll have to ask him that
Maddie: why does he never tell me anything?
Louise: he didn't tell me either
Maddie gets back in bed and covers her face with her hands.

A couple hours later she's allowed to go home. My mum drives us back to mine, Michael didn't come back from his walk. Maddie is in bits and Louise doesn't know what to do.
Maddie walks through the door first and crashes on the bed upstairs. I'm sat downstairs with my mum and we are talking. Rachel and Kenza have called and I've told them what's going on. They are relieved that she's okay.
Amanda: is she okay?
Leah: I don't know, she doesn't go a day without speaking to her dad, and now she's struggling without him.
Amanda: he will talk to her bubba, you just have to give him time.
Leah: time for what? He didn't tell her about the restraining order, if anything, Maddie should be mad at him, but he's not even tried to reach out.
Amanda: I know, but it's all going to be okay.
Leah: I hope so, I don't want her to spiral again, what if she does?
Amanda: she won't bubba, we will make sure she doesn't this time.
My mum and I talk for a bit before she goes home. I head upstairs and Maddie is asleep. I climb into bed with her and hold her close to me.

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