°Chapter : 11°

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Another day passed by and this time doyoung felt much better. He still had a fever but it had decreased. 

Jihoon was sitting beside him. It was around 8 PM and doyoung finally woke up for more than an hour for the first time since he fainted. 

Jihoon: you woke up late because of that?

Doyoung: Because of...?

Jihoon: you not feeling well, idiot. Don't try enduring it next time. Talk to us. You should have told us. Although we should have noticed ourselves. 

He hung his head low, as if guilty. 

Doyoung held jihoon's hand, making him look up. He gave jihoon a reassuring and sorry smile.

Doyoung: i'm sorry for making you feel that way...

His soft voice almost melted jihoon's heart. It was dark so doyoung couldn't see jihoon blushing. They stayed quiet for some time, the ticking of the clock being the only other sound in the room. 

Doyoung: I still haven't confessed...hyunsuk hyung is right. I need to find the perfect timing. Our whole fight is resolved and now we're closer than ever with no other conflicts...

Jihoon: okay, get some rest, baby. 

He got up to leave when he felt doyoung's hand hold his wrist. He turned around to see doyoung looking at him. It was dark but doyoung's eyes were just that sparkly and bright that jihoon could see them.

Doyoung: d-don't go...

Jihoon's heart almost jumped out of his chest. He couldn't control it anymore. He couldn't hold back his feelings for doyoung any longer. But he was resisting really hard. 

Jihoon: w-what is it...

Jihoon came and sat back down at the chair beside doyoung's bed, and held doyoung's hand. 

Doyoung: hyung, I have found the perfect timing.

Jihoon looked confused.

Jihoon: for...?

Doyoung: this. Hyung, I love you. More than just a brother, or a friend. 

Jihoon just stared into doyoung's eyes. Doyoung stared back, until he realized it had been too long and then he averted his eyes and stared at the wall on the other side of him.

Doyoung: s-sorry...

Jihoon: why are you apologizing?

Doyoung turned back to look at jihoon. Jihoon warmed sweetly at him. 

Jihoon: I love you too, doyoung. In the same way. 

Jihoon got up and kissed doyoung's soft lips. It felt like marshmallows. He smiled as he let go. He saw doyoung's expression and managed to figure out he was blushing. 

He kissed doyoung's forehead and pecked his tiny nose. Doyoung flinched as he closed his eyes out of the sudden contact. Jihoon smiled at how adorable he was. 

Jihoon: good night, baby. 

Jihoon walked out of the room as he closed the door behind him. 

As jihoon walked back to his room, he couldn't help but smile at his and doyoung's encounter just now. Meanwhile doyoung was in the same state. 

Doyoung: i finally said it...thank you, hyunsuk hyung, junkyu hyung and mashi hyung, for helping me get to this point.

He smiled widely as he covered his face with the blanket and rolled around out of excitement. 

As the morning came by, doyoung was practically back to normal. Normal enough to get out of bed and walk without feeling weak. 

He went to the shared living room where junkyu, hyunsuk and mashiho stared at him smugly. As doyoung stared at them, confused, jihoon followed. Doyoung turned and smiled at him shyly.

Hyunsuk: have something you wanna tell us, dohoon?

Jihoon: i-i'm sorry?!

Doyoung: how do you know...

Mashiho: well...we might or might not have peaked into doyoung's room and eavesdropped on your whole...confession exchange.

He smiled at doyoung and jihoon innocently. Junkyu smacked his arm.

Junkyu: why would you tell them?!

Doyoung and jihoon looked at each other and shook their heads as if they were done with them. 

Jihoon: well there you have it.

Hyunsuk, mashiho and junkyu: congratulations!

Junkyu fake-wiped his tear.

Junkyu: I'm so proud...

Doyoung: aww thank you~

Junkyu: huh? I meant i'm proud of myself for coming up with so many ways to push the two of you towards each other. 

Doyoung slapped his arm jokingly. They all laughed together.

Jihoon: no but sincerely. Thank you. 

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