Chapter 16

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Even though Yelena and Sylvie had made up, Yelena still can't stop thinking about seeing Natasha. They joined up with the others, Sylvie can see that Bucky was still star-struck from seeing more than one Spider-Man. This time, Dr. Strange opened up a portal to Ned's house. Peter (T.H) asked Dr. Strange if he could bring his friends to help track down the other Spider-Man enemies. Dr. Strange groaned at the thought of having more teens running around the Sanctum.

The minute Ned and MJ walked through the portal, Ned was star-struck for being in the Sanctum. They both turned around to see both Peter (A.G) and Peter (T.M) staring at them. Peter (T.H) explained that those two Spider-Men are from other universes and that their villains are somewhere in our universe. "So let me get this straight, the other Spider-Men are from different multiverses and their villains are working with a madman who wants to concur our universe. Plus the fact that an evil Black Widow is hunting all of you." MJ answered.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Peter (T.H) said.

"Alright then, what's the plan?" MJ asked.

Dr. Strange led all of them down to the basement part of the Sanctum. There he had six cages that were meant to hold all the villains that Kang had sent. Dr. Strange will be able to send them back to their universe. Each of them would split into three teams to catch the villains. The first team is Peter (A.G), Bucky, Clint, Shang-Chi, and Scott. The second team is Peter (T.M), Thor, Sam, Wong, Wanda, and Mobius. And the third team is Peter (T.H), Loki, Sylvie, Yelena, Tony, and Katy.

MJ, Ned, and Bruce would stay behind with Dr. Strange to protect the Sanctum in case one of them tries to sneak in. Dr. Strange made each of the Spider-Men a device that can transport them into the cages. Clint snatched the device from Peter (T.H) and used it on Loki to put him in one of the cages. "That was for New York. And for brainwashing me." Clint stated.

"Ha, ha, hilarious. Now let me out!" Loki demanded.

Dr. Strange let Loki out of the cage, Clint handed back the device to Peter (T.H). Ned grabbed his laptop from his bag to search up anything on unidentifiable creatures that suddenly appear. He found two, one was a giant man-size lizard roaming to sewers. The other one was at a power plant outside of New Jersey, a guy made of energy. Peter (A.G) knew who those guys were, The Lizard and Electro.

"Just try not to hurt them. They were people before they gained these powers." Peter (A.G) explained.

"So who were those two before the ugly got them?" Tony asked.

"In my universe, both of them worked for Oscope which is kind of like Stark Industries. The Lizard was Dr. Curt Conner, he was trying to create a serum that would grow back old limbs. But he tested it on himself and the serum turned him into the Lizard. Max was a normal guy until he fell into a vat of electric eels and was shocked to death. I've cured Conners before I can do it again." Peter (A.G) stated.

Peter (T.M) agreed to take his team to Jersey to stop Electro while Peter (A.G) takes his group to the sewers to stop Lizard. "Just go and Scooby-Doo this crap." Dr. Strange stated.

"You know I might not be a wizard, but I know a few magic words myself, starting with the word 'please'." MJ sassed at Dr. Strange.

"Fine. Please Scooby-Doo this crap." Dr. Strange sassed back.

He then opened up two portals, one that lead to the sewers and the other one that leads to New Jersey. Spider-Man (A.G) and his team walked through the portal to the sewers. Antman lost his footing and fell face-first into the dirty sewer water. He coughed and sputtered out the water that had made its way in his mouth. Clint told Antman to shush before the Lizard could hear them. Little did they know, the Lizard was watching from the shadows.

As they walked through the sewers looking for Lizard, Bucky kept getting a vibe that someone was watching them. Shang-Chi could see Bucky acting like they are all in a horror movie. Suddenly, Spider-Man (A.G) felt his Spidey Sense blaring in his mind. He signaled the others that something was nearby and tracked them. But all they could see were small rats that scurry underneath their feet. Hawkeye could tell that something was behind them, watching.

He pulled out one of his arrows and readied his bow for what was down there. He kept turning, trying to get a clear shot at the creature. It wasn't til Antman saw a slimy green tail dangling right above Hawkeye. He tried to signal Hawkeye that Lizard was above them but he was too late. Lizard pounced on Hawkeye and smashed his bow before Hawkeye could fire an arrow. Shang-Chi managed to get his rings to push Lizard off Hawkeye.

Spider-Man (A.G) shot webbing right at Lizard's face, trying to blind him. "Doc, hey, it's been too long. You look different, new scales, or is it the shiny new teeth." Spider-Man (A.G) joked.

"Fighting now, less teasing the giant man-eating lizard," Bucky ordered.

Bucky tried to punch Lizard but he was caught by the tail and flung right into the wall. Antman shrank down and then just when he got close enough, he grew to normal size as he knocked out Lizard. Spider-Man (A.G) made sure to web up the claws and tail in case Lizard had faked taking a punch. He then zapped Lizard with the device Strange gave him and it transported him to his cage. "Well, that was fun. What's next, fighting a rhino in the streets of New York?" Hawkeye asked, sarcastically.

"Funny you should say that." Spider-Man (A.G) said.

Dr. Strange pulled them out of the sewers and right in his basement where Peter (T.H) and his team were waiting. Lizard roared and growled as he tried to break the cage open. "Ok, I've seen crazy Variants from the TVA including other Lokis. But a giant lizard? That's a new one." Sylvie commented.

Lizard then started to speak in a creepy voice when he saw both Peters in the same room. Most of the others were a little creeped out that Lizard could even speak. Ned called for Peter but both Peter (T.H) and Peter (A.G) looked at each other trying to figure out which one he was calling. Tony clarified that Ned was talking about Underoos and dragged Peter (T.H) to Ned. Ned and MJ showed Peter (T.H) that there was another visitor by the bridge, a man with robotic arms. Dr. Strange opened a portal to the bridge and Spider-Man (T.H) and his team walked through.

"A guy with robotic arms? Sounds easy enough." Katy jinxed.

She was about to eat her own words, the guy controlling the arms came crawling from under the bridge. He smirked when he saw Spider-Man (T.H) in his IronSpider suit. He knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man but he didn't know that this wasn't his Spider-Man. The guy asked Spider-Man (T.H) where his machine was. Spider-Man (T.H) looked confused, what machine? "Listen, Calamari, we don't know anything about a machine," Tony stated.

The man didn't take it that well and threw a car right at Iron Man. He caught it but it caused him to crash onto the bridge. "Deserved that," Tony muttered.

Spider-Man (T.H) attacked the guy but he got swat away like a bug by one of the arms. He then summoned his extra arms from the IronSpider suit. The villain looked impressed with the upgrade but he charged straight for them. Yelena dragged Katy towards the cars and told her to stay put. Yelena used her bracelets to fire at the villain but there was no effect. Loki disappeared then appeared behind the villain and threw one of his daggers at him.

The villain used one of the arms to catch the dagger "Cute. Let me show you a real weapon." The villain said with a wicked grin.

Another arm grabbed Loki by the throat and started to choke him out. Katy saw what was happening and grabbed out her bow and arrows. She fired one at the arm and it dropped Loki. Yelena looked at Katy with a shocked look "What?! This isn't my first fight!" Katy shouted.

Spider-Man (T.H) took the chance to web the villain but he used his arm to block the webbing. He then grabbed Spider-Man (T.H) and pushed him to the back of the pilers. But he didn't care, he stole a piece of the nanotech suit and it bonded with two of his arms. "You've out done yourself Peter. But now you die." The villain said as he used another arm to reveal a sharp dagger poking out from the palm.

Iron Man tried to stop him but the villain used his other arm to grab Iron Man and threw his right at the others. The nanotech helmet disappeared and the villain finally saw that this wasn't his Spider-Man. He took off his glasses and he brought Spider-Man (T.H) closer to him. The villain started to hear his arms saying that something was happening to them. Peter (T.H) saw that the nanotech on the arm was hooked up to his suit. He paired it to his suit and started to control the arms.

Peter (T.H) was laughing at this as he made the arms caring both him and the villain to the top of the bridge then let him go. He put the arms on lockdown so not even the villain could move to hurt him. "Hey, hey, hey, until you stop trying to kill me, I'm in control buddy. Of this whole tentacle situation you got going on here." Peter (T.H) stated.

Iron Man looked both impressed and worried at the same time. Just as Spider-Man (T.H) was about to zap the villain into the cage, an explosion went off.  They all turned around to see a man in green armor on a hovercraft cackling. "Osborn?" The villain questioned.

Spider-Man just zapped him and soon Dr. Strange had pulled them back to the basement. The villain with the tentacles was screaming to be let out of the cage. Peter (A.G) looked a little freaked out when the guy thought he was his Spider-Man. "Where the hell am I? What's going on?" The villain asked.

"It's complicated, I'm sorry what was your name again?" Peter (T.H) asked

"Dr. Otto Octavius." The man answered.

Both Peter's, MJ and Ned were laughing at the name. "No, seriously, what's your real name?" Peter (A.G) asked.

Ock just groaned when they just laughed at his name.

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