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09:00 am, Seoul, South Korea

The day hasn't been bad so far. It was really just the same routine that happened in school. Chaeryeong had been assigned to detention duty. Wow, she had to deal with rowdy people her own age. She walked up to the door before opening it unenthusiastically. Once her eyes fell upon the sight in front of her, she felt like she could rip every single strand of hair.

"Why are you here this time? Are you not tired of misbehaving?"

The person, who was obviously Yuna, looked up at Chaeryeong. Her long legs resting upon the desk as she spoke up,

"Why should I be tired? It's fun seeing the teachers pissed."

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes before sitting on a desk and bringing out a notebook on her desk. That notebook was filled with every song Chaeryeong wrote, every feeling she felt and more. She's never let anyone touch it. Even Chaeyeon hasn't seen what was in that notebook. No one understood why it was so special to her.

30 minutes later..

The silence was way too loud for Yuna. She was a very fidgety person so she couldn't sit still. After a few seconds, she had enough.

"Chaeryeong, what are you doing?"

Chaeryeong looked up at Yuna before answering, her tone slightly guarded.

"Why is it your business?"

"I just want to know, gosh.. No need to be so rude."

Chaeryeong scoffed and rolled her eyes, she was already losing her patience with Yuna.

"If you want to know so much then here.."

Yuna received the notebook, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and anticipation. Once she opened the book, Yuna couldn't help but be impressed by the song inside. She could tell that the lyrics were clearly meaningful to Chaeryeong.

"Huh, not bad for a council president."

"Yea yea whatever, now give it back-"

But before Chaeryeong could reach for the notebook, Yuna pulled it away. She was obviously going to use her height against Chaeryeong. She was only a few inches taller but it was a tiny bit noticeable.

Annoyed, Chaereyong put her hand on Yuna's shoulder and tried to reach for it again but Yuna just kept moving the poor book left and right. Shit, can she not just hand it over? The two girls kept fighting over the notebook. Yuna slowly backed up, trying to make it harder for the older girl but she accidentally tripped on a table, causing both of them to collide on the floor. It took them a few minutes to process what happened before they made eye contact. They stared at each other for a few seconds before they tried to get off each other.

While they were shuffling, Karina, one of Yuna's friend walked in.

"Yuna-yahhh? Shouldn't your detention be over by now-"

Yuna and Chaeryeong looked up at Karina. Chaeryeong's face turned red while Yuna's face was slightly embarrassed.

"What are you doing here?! Get out!" Chaeryeong exclaimed

Karina stared at the scene before walking out slowly, a small 'oh my gosh..' slipped out of her mouth before she left the room.

Chaeryeong glanced back at Yuna, the annoyance bubbling in her eyes.

"You should've just given me the notebook you idiot! Now Karina is going to think that something is going on between us!"

Yuna furrowed her eyebrows in frustration, why was the table there in the first place?

"Well, if that table wasn't there, I wouldn't have tripped would I?!"

"You're ridiculous.."

The two girls cleared themselves up. Chaeryeong snatched her notebook out of the younger's hand before walking off. The door slammed shut as Yuna stood there for a few seconds before chuckling. It was quite amusing to see Chaeryeong's face so red. Maybe she should steal her notebook more often..

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