5- The Spirit Of Competition

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(TW!! Drinking, there is no specified drinking laws in republic city so we're just gonna go with it.)

Your POV

I woke up the next morning still in my dress from the night before, cradled in Bolin's arms. I attempted to wriggle free from the warm embrace trying not to wake him up and I managed to do so. I headed to my room and changed into some more comfortable clothes because believe it or not, sleeping in a corset all night is not very comfortable. I headed back into the living room and Bolin was still fast asleep, his hair was messy and Pabu had somehow found his way into my apartment and fell asleep beside Bolin. I started by gently shaking him in attempt to wake him up but when that didn't work I kicked the side of the couch, startling him and causing him to fall off.

"Not cool!"

"I know!" 

"Hey do you have any-?"

"In my closet there's a whole bag of clothes you've left here."

"Thank-you so much!" 

Bolin's POV

I head into Y/n's bedroom and dig through her closet, eventually finding a plastic bag with some of my clothes in it. As I turn to leave her room I notice a leather book on her nightstand. A piece of paper was sticking out of it so I decided to take a quick look at it. I quietly slipped the paper out of the book and take a look. It was a pencil drawing, of me! I knew Y/n was an artist. she drew all our posters for probending. I didn't know she drew me though. It was a good drawing, like really good. I tucked the drawing into my pocket and changed into my regular clothes and head back out.

Your POV

"I should probably head back before Mako gets worried, I'll see you later yeah?"

"See ya!"

Next day 

I decided to pay a visit to my favourite avatar and wish her luck before the match. I helped her and the airbender kids with some chores around the island, one of which being feeding the flying lemurs.

"So how's it going with you and that tall dreamy firebender boy?" Jinora asked.

"Well uh-" Korra started but I cut her off.

"Oh it's going great with them, I'm talking high-school romance."

"But he's dating Asami."

"That's my point! You're the main character, Mako's the popular dude that every girl has a crush on except the supportive best-friend aka: yours truly and Asami is the popular girl obstacle! It makes perfect sense!" 

"That's so true! The popular girl will inevitably break up with the popular guy, leaving him open for the main character!" Jinora further proved my point.

"Hah! If you wanna talk about high-school romance, ask about her and Bolin!" The two airbender girls looked at me with starry eyes. "I saw you two at the gala, it was like Romeo and Juliet all over again!"

"That story was about a three day relationship which ended with both of them killing themselves and also I don't think we're gonna work out." 

"Awww why not? You two are literally perfect for eachother!"

"He's in love with someone else." I scaled up the side of the tree to pull up the fruit basket for the lemurs.

"Who? Please tell me supportive best-friend!"

I didn't want to tell Korra that he liked her.

"I actually don't know. Anyways you should be more focused on you and Mako!"

"I'm not interested in dating at the moment, but let's just say for a second that I did like him, what would I do?"

Jinora spoke excitedly.

"I just finished a historical saga where the heroine fell in love with the enemy general's son, who was supposed to marry the princess, you should do what she did!" 

"Tell me!"

"She rode a dragon into battle and burned down the entire country, then she jumped into a volcano! It was so romantic!"

"I uh-"

"NO NO NO NO!" Ikki intervened. "The best way to win a boy's heart is to brew a love potion with rainbows and sunsets that makes true lovers spread wings a fly to a magical castle in the sky! Where they get married and eat clouds with spoons and use stars as ice-cubes in their moonlight punch, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!"

"Would that cause diabetes?"

"The volcano is starting to make more sense to me now."

We heard someone chuckle behind us, we turned around and saw Pema.

"Oh! Pema, how long have you been standing there?"

"long enough, and trust me I know what you're going through, years ago I was in the exact same situation, with Tenzin."

"Wait Daddy was in love with someone else before you?" Ikki yelled confused.

"That's right."

"So what did you do?"

"Well for the longest time I did nothing, I was so shy and scared of rejection, but watching my soulmate spend his life with the wrong woman became to painful, so I hung my chin out there and I confessed my love to Tenzin, and the rest is history." 

We all listened to her story in awe and I started contemplating if I should actually confess to Bolin.

No, if I do it right before the finals, It'll through him off his game.

That night

I sat in the box watching the quarter-final match, The Red-sands Rabiroos verses the Future Industries Fire Ferrets. The Fire ferrets cinch round 1 in less than a minute. Now I'm glad I didn't confess, he's doing great. The second round starts and once again, won in less than a minute.

"These guys are on fire tonight!"

The third round begins and one by one the opposing team gets knocked into the dead zone in a short amount of time. Bolin was still in the ring thanking the audience and waving to them before heading back into the box. 

"Wow we were really connecting in that ring." Mako said to Korra.

"You know I feel like the two of us have been really connecting outside of the ring as well."

Oooooo it's happening, supportive best friend on stand-by


"So I was thinking we should spend some time together."

"We've been spending lots of time together."

"I mean like outside of the gym, and not while searching for kidnapped family members or fighting chi-blockers."

"I don't know, Asami and I are-"

"Look I really like you and I think we were meant for eachother!" Korra hid her face in embarrassment.  

"Korra I'm sorry but I just don't feel the same way about you."

The two looked at me as I swung my legs back and forth in my seat. Bolin and Asami walked in at the same time.

"Congratulations guys! You were so amazing out there! " Asami kissed Mako on the cheek and he and Korra shared a sad look. 

"So Korra," Bolin started, I felt something tugging at my heartstrings and I was holding back tears knowing what he was about to do. ", I was thinking maybe you and I could get some dinner together sort of a date situation"

That was the only word that rang in my head.


Bolin just asked Korra on a date.

"That's really sweet but I don't think so, I'm not feeling very date worthy."

"Oh come on, you're the smartest, funniest most awesome-est girl I know."

Did he forget I was sitting right there.

"D'you really feel that way?"

"I felt that way since the moment I saw you! Trust me we're gonna have so much fun together." 

"Ok then, I could use the fun." 

At that point I just got up and left.  

Say goodbye to your supportive best-friend Korra.

I headed home and struggled to fall asleep, I couldn't take my mind off what happened. I didn't even bother to go to their match the next night. I called in sick for work and just stayed in bed all day.  I slept through until the next morning where I was woken up the a knock on my door.

"Just a sec." I said in a tired voice. I opened the door to reveal Bolin who had his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, hey." I said in the same tired tone.

"Hey, umm so why weren't you at the match last night? We won!"

"Mhm cool." I said sitting on my couch.

"Somethings wrong, are you okay? Did you get enough sleep?"

"I'm fine Bolin."

"Are you sure because-"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped at him.

"What's going on!? I know there's something wrong so why won't you tell me!?"

"Because you don't need to know alright!?"

"If it's because I asked out Korra, then that shouldn't matter right?! We promised each-other we'd be supportive of whoever we date and now you're here acting like its a big deal!"

"Are you a fucking idiot?"


"Can you seriously not take a bloody hint?"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about the gala Bo! When we were dancing and then that almost happened, and then when we got back here and we fell asleep on the couch! I thought that was enough of a hint for you." 

"What are you-!? Oh..."

"Yeah, Oh."

We sat there in awkward silence before he finally spoke up.

"Y/n, I-"

"Save it. You've already made it clear how you feel." 

He was going to say something else but stopped himself at the last minute. He got up from the couch and began to walk out the door.

"Bye." Was all he said before leaving. When I was sure he was gone I broke down. I got up to my fridge and dug out a beer bottle. I flicked it open and guzzled half of it in one swig. When I finished that one, I got another, and another. I didn't want to think about anything, I just wanted him out of my head.

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