Chapter 11

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Mark groaned and then turned to put an arm around Natalia but his arm landed with a thud.

"Talia!" he called as he covered his head with the blanket. Natalia jumped on top of him and giggled. She took the blanket off him and smiled at him. "Morning," he whispered.

"Morning. Now get up! Everyone is waiting for you to start eating breakfast!" Mark quickly kissed her and then stood up.

"Give me five minutes."

"Okay! How many cups of sugar in your coffee?"

"Just two. But right now, I really need to go to the toilet;" he said as he rushed off.

Natalia began to do the bed when Marcus appeared at the doorway. When she was finished, he spoke up.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Like he would have done it. Marcus, do you promise not to tell anyone what we talked about?"

"I won't. Come here," he whispered as he opened his arms up. "I heard what you said to Mark yesterday and I just wanna thank you. Thank you so much for being here with him. Anyways, that's your place to tell him. Come on, everyone is waiting to eat." Marcus let go of her and stared at the dress hanging on the wardrobe door.

"It's beautiful. Jenna said she would wear it on her wedding day and I think it will look beautiful. She will look just like her mother."

"I know. I'll meet you downstairs. We are gonna start eating."

Natalia lay on the bed and stared at the plain black ceiling. Mark slowly lay beside her and then surprised her with a kiss.

"I didn't see you. Did you have a shower?"

"Yeah. You didn't have to do the bed, I would have done it...eventually..." Mark stood up and pulled Natalia up with him.

They both sat around the table and ate their breakfast with everyone. Mark listened to everyone laugh and smiled. After finishing his plate, he held Natalia's hand under the table and she put her head on his shoulder.

"Is that the hoodie that you didn't give me the other week? Man, you are so lucky. Marky never gives that hoodie to anyone."

"It is. And plus, you destroy everything I give you. I gave you my brand new trainers that I didn't even wear myself and you come back with it all dirty and a hole at the bottom. You only wore it for a day, Ven!"

Venson grumbled and then stuffed his face with some brown bread. Nathan smiled and then held Leanne's hand.

"Me and Li are dating," he said proudly. "We wanted to tell you before we came her but I wasn't ready. But here we are."

"Oh my God! I knew it! Oh my days! My brother is dating my best friend!" Minnie screamed. Leanne ignored her and then hugged Nathan.

"Thank you. I didn't really think I could hide it anymore."

"It's okay," he whispered.

"So how long have you been dating?" Mark asked.

"Five months next week." Nathan's mum spat out her water all over Paige.


"Sorry...? I really am sorry, Mum. I just wasn't ready to tell you guys. I mean, I didn't know how you guys were gonna react, you know?"

"I understand. But I just wish you could have trusted me enough. I mean, I totally understand why you hid it from Minnie."

"Hey! I...Yeah you guys are right. I would have hid it from me too."

After everyone got up, Natalia started to the dishes. All his cousins went home straight after breakfast since they had school work to do. Mark cleaned up the table and then poked Natalia's hip.

"Mark! Gosh!"

"Hmm, I love you too," he whispered before kissing her exposed neck. "Shall I do them now?"

"Since you offered," she said as she gave him the sponge. "I'll dry these."

"Everyone always says no...You were meant to say no..."

"I'm not everyone."

"I know. I still have your coconut water in the fridge. You didn't have it on Tuesday."

"Thanks. Mark, my mum called and she wants me home in an hour. Can you drop me off?"

Mark stayed silent until Natalia dried the last plate. He saw her look up at him with her frown.

"Do you have to go?"

"I do. I wish I didn't have to go too, but I've got chores I need to do. I've just got stuff to do."

"Fine, I'll drop you off. Just get all your stuff ready in ten minutes. Your clothes are still on the heater or doors." Mark softly kissed her before leaving. In five minutes, Natalia had all her stuff in her bag and was at the front door, waiting for Mark. Once she said goodbye to everyone, Mark and her sat in the car silently.

"Are you gonna start driving?"

"No, it's gonna drive itself," he snapped. Mark started his car and pulled out if the driveway. "Happy now?" Natalia sighed and leaned against the window. The car ride was silent. Mark stopped in front of her house and Natalia got out the car, without saying anything to Mark. She the dark green car in the driveway and quickened her pace. As soon as she opened the door she screamed, "Dad!"

"Oh my Natsy! I was waiting for you!"

"Dad!" Natalia jumped onto her dad and sighed. "Dad, I've missed you! How come you're here?"

"Because they think it okay to date other people without coming to us and actually talking to us about their divorce," Sanjit said

"What?!" she screamed as she let go of her dad. "You guys haven't even let us come to terms with you guys divorcing! You guys don't even talk to us about it and then you're dating other people?! Come on! You guys are just doing what you want without talking to us!" Natalia looked out the window and saw Mark walking up the pathway. "Sanjit, put on your shoes, we are going." Sanjit quickly got his things and Natalia opened the door and attacked Mark with a hug.

"Whoa!" He circled an arm around her waist while the other rubbed her back. "What's wrong, Talia? Hey, tell me," he whispered softly against her ear. "I'm sorry about snapping at you before, I was just a bit upset."

"It's not that. I just wanna go somewhere else for now. Can you just take me and Sanjit please?" Mark slowly let her go and kissed her forehead.

"I wish I could. Talk to your parents. I'm guessing it's them and I kinda heard you from outside. But talk to them. Clear things up. I know you said you didn't get a chance to talk about the divorce well this is your chance."

"Forget you, Mark! Sanjit!" Mark pulled her arm when she tried to walk away but she kept on moving around. He saw Sanjit standing at the doorway.

"You stay there, Sanjit. Natalia, listen to me! Talia!" She froze and looked up at him. He cupped her face and wiped the few tears that fell. "Do this for me," he whispered. "I love you, Talia. Just do this for me. Talk to them now. Get everything out the way. You never know what's gonna happen. Talk to them."

"I don't want them to get a divorce. I don't wanna live with just one of them. I don't wanna go house from house. I just want one house and a family that is together."

"These things happen, Talia. I'll help you okay? Just talk to them first. Tell them how you feel. Maybe they can do something. I only came back to say sorry and give you your phone." Mark kissed her forehead again and let his lips linger there. "I love you." He took a step back and gave her the phone. He pushed her to the doorway and made sure she was in the house. "Nice to meet you Mr Jenson," he said as he stuck his hand out.

"Are you Marcus Linton's son?"

"Yes I am." Ralph smiled and then shook his hand. "Morning, Mrs Jenson, Sanjit. It was nice meeting you but my aunty got me a whole list chores."

"Urm, Mr Linton?"

"It's Mark, Mr Jenson."

"Right. So who are you to Natalia?"

"Her boyfriend, Sir. Since yesterday." Natalia smiled. "Well, good day." Mark walked away and the Jenson family walked into the living room to talk.


Just wanted to say I am so sorry for not posting and informing you guys. I should have at least done that. So sorry. I just had loads of work to catch up on.

Posted two for you guys today. Love you all :)

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